We need more transparency and communication


New Member
Feb 19, 2018
op, I literally thought for a couple of minutes on how to describe you and your post, but all variants that I came up with probably will get me banned, so I'll say that you are special. Like, first things first: thats not your fucking money that people spend on their subscriptions, I guess if they were responcible enough to earn them, they also responcible enough to spend them (tough concept for someone who hasnt worked a day in his life, I know). Second of all: fucking check how much projects actually get enough support to justify the devs to going full time on them - plot twist you need to work hard to get to that point because 3) you are competing with piracy which lets people get anything for free. Assuming you do work, its like you will be competing for your work with a person who agrees to do your job for free. Imagine fucking that.
So yeah, how about you shut your fucking mouth and actually become patreon creator and try to earn these supposingly easy money yourself.
Just dont forget to tell us how that went for ya.
Eh, to each their own. I don't feel like getting into a name calling competition which solves nothing. I do just feel the need to specify some things that must have not been clear before.
1. No shit sherlock it's not my money, I stated various times that at the end of the day it is still up to the people pledging to make their own choice. Also as morph said, although in different words, making arbitrary claims like that really doesn't help solidify your point as you know nothing about me.
2. When and where did I ever say a thing about devs going full time on projects?? That was literally never part of the topic at hand.
3. I'm so confused with this one. For one, even on forums like this, 90% of the time you only get the most recent public release version of said game or something of the such anyways. It's not often you get their 'patreon release' version. I'm not saying that in a means to complain btw just a statement. Secondly even in your given theoretical work situation, lets call worker A the one who works hard and is competing with worker B. Worker A is going to have more to show for himself and his work compared to worker B most likely, not in every situation but bear with me, so wouldn't it stand to reason then that more people would be wanting to deal with worker A knowing what his work ethic was like? I digress though.

One thing I agree with, is this guy should be the change he is looking for. Start supporting developers and practices that he likes, that is the best way to make his voice heard.
I was rather harsh only because I see people like op as part of another problem - they want to be loud and people listening to them all while being a bunch of freeloaders - idk if op is freeloader himself, and I registered here not only to participate in these highly cultured discussions, but at least I understand that being given somethimg for free you either take it or stfu,there is no rationality in complaining louder than patrons do, and that is exactly what op is doing.
Also I really need to comment on this one just because it kinda irks me personally. I really don't understand how you are seeing me and my viewpoint so drastically wrong. For one, I do just that, I support a few devs that I like and have pulled pledges from ones I don't. Secondly, I was never trying to be loud or get a bunch of attention or any of that, I simply had a suggestion that I thought could benefit both parties. Lastly its actually kinda funny with how I agree with you yet your still wrong given that I haven't complained or called out any specific dev/game in particular. I entirely agree with you though that beggars can't be choosers and if you get something for free you have no right to complain. Except in this scenario it has less correlation to us degens pirating games, love yall, and more to do with the ones paying for them.

Anyways, cheers peace out.
