
Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
who voted to have updates take 9 months to develop?
Their patrons, first when they were asked if they'd prefer full quests on each update (like Myrtle's, knowing it would mean longer development cycles) or partial quests (like Holly's), and then when they didn't massively abandon the devs even though the projected 5 months between releases became 9. So even if you can't comprehend it and makes you sick, those who pay for us to enjoy a free game actually want this -and they are still a lot of people. Sorry mate.


Jul 17, 2021
Their patrons, first when they were asked if they'd prefer full quests on each update (like Myrtle's, knowing it would mean longer development cycles) or partial quests (like Holly's), and then when they didn't massively abandon the devs even though the projected 5 months between releases became 9. So even if you can't comprehend it and makes you sick, those who pay for us to enjoy a free game actually want this -and they are still a lot of people. Sorry mate.
Well, wow. Then it´s as i thought. The type supporting on patreon don´t mind or notice beeing milked, probably people with too much money anyways...... so if the dev realizes that, why shouldn´t he take double the time or triple the next time??? :-D

My working morale would go down too for sure if my boss would never care about my results and still keep paying me the same :)

Well if the patreons think they help the development of the game with that attitude, i´m afraid they´re not. They´re doing exactly the opposite.
Will be a miracle if WaL gets finished in the same quality as thus far. I have the feeling sooner or later the balance of milking to quality will go wrong somewhere, patreons pissed and WaL will be unfinished or rushed to an end.

Man, i hope i´m wrong....


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Well, wow. Then it´s as i thought. The type supporting on patreon don´t mind or notice beeing milked, probably people with too much money anyways...... so if the dev realizes that, why shouldn´t he take double the time or triple the next time??? :-D

My working morale would go down too for sure if my boss would never care about my results and still keep paying me the same :)

Well if the patreons think they help the development of the game with that attitude, i´m afraid they´re not. They´re doing exactly the opposite.
Will be a miracle if WaL gets finished in the same quality as thus far. I have the feeling sooner or later the balance of milking to quality will go wrong somewhere, patreons pissed and WaL will be unfinished or rushed to an end.

Man, i hope i´m wrong....
Didn't you say that it's OK with you if the game never got finished? It doesn't seem so, honestly. You DO want the game to be finished; however, instead of letting devs keep working on it the way they have been working so far (which has proven to be quite effective both in terms of quality, quantity, and support), you are adding up to the pile of whiners who only want their instant gratification without thinking about what it takes for these devs to create that content. Because you don't really fear that the game would never be completed, it seems to me that you fear you can lose your interest in it if takes a bit too much for your expectations. Despite your 'rational' comments, what matters to you is not the game and its devs, but you.

Devs are not happy either with their development speed, if only because they have to put up with comments insinuating or plainly accusing them of being some lazy milking scammers, when they know they aren't. Which is not nice and can be more hurtful and demoralizing than 'having a boss who doesn't care about my results'. Even that assumption is false: their real bosses care so much about their results that they want the devs to spend as much time as they need to get the results they are expecting from them, because these devs have proven they can deliver. Not wanting to pressure them doesn't equal to not caring, then it's up to devs to get the real message and actually provide worthy content. Which, so far, they have accomplished in every single update.

No one else but them knows for sure how hard are they working on this. However, people here just seem to assume they are ill-intentioned when they don't release an update as fast as we want. I always say that having money and power doesn't change people, it just reveals their true colors; now I'm guessing that the same is true when people think about those who have more money and more power than them: instead of judging them for their actual actions, people project their own moral compass on them, imaging what they would do in that situation. And some people are not looking good; including those who think that pressuring your subordinates is 'being a good boss'. Sure, there have been (and still are) some devs who abuse the system, but 'defending' these devs is not about being naive, it's about being fair with them and their own record, not someone else's. There's nothing worst than judging people for what others did and assuming they'll do the same instead of looking just at what they are actually doing.


Jul 17, 2021
Didn't you say that it's OK with you if the game never got finished? It doesn't seem so, honestly. You DO want the game to be finished; however, instead of letting devs keep working on it the way they have been working so far (which has proven to be quite effective both in terms of quality, quantity, and support), you are adding up to the pile of whiners who only want their instant gratification without thinking about what it takes for these devs to create that content. Because you don't really fear that the game would never be completed, it seems to me that you fear you can lose your interest in it if takes a bit too much for your expectations. Despite your 'rational' comments, what matters to you is not the game and its devs, but you.

Devs are not happy either with their development speed, if only because they have to put up with comments insinuating or plainly accusing them of being some lazy milking scammers, when they know they aren't. Which is not nice and can be more hurtful and demoralizing than 'having a boss who doesn't care about my results'. Even that assumption is false: their real bosses care so much about their results that they want the devs to spend as much time as they need to get the results they are expecting from them, because these devs have proven they can deliver. Not wanting to pressure them doesn't equal to not caring, then it's up to devs to get the real message and actually provide worthy content. Which, so far, they have accomplished in every single update.

No one else but them knows for sure how hard are they working on this. However, people here just seem to assume they are ill-intentioned when they don't release an update as fast as we want. I always say that having money and power doesn't change people, it just reveals their true colors; now I'm guessing that the same is true when people think about those who have more money and more power than them: instead of judging them for their actual actions, people project their own moral compass on them, imaging what they would do in that situation. And some people are not looking good; including those who think that pressuring your subordinates is 'being a good boss'. Sure, there have been (and still are) some devs who abuse the system, but 'defending' these devs is not about being naive, it's about being fair with them and their own record, not someone else's. There's nothing worst than judging people for what others did and assuming they'll do the same instead of looking just at what they are actually doing.
Hehehe, you´re running in already open doors mate.

I want the game to be finished like everyone else, but i said i´m ok with it if they don´t because it´s their game and their prerogative to do so. There is nothing contradictive in that. Majority of your post are simple platitudes. U a politician mate??? :-D

You seem a little bit too overly protective, like someone in love with a girl that decides to protect her and simping despite every red flag that comes up overtime.

Good for you, but don´t paint everybody else as whiners when they see a red flag and call a spade a spade.

It´s one thing to try to be fair, but you´re way overdoing it mate, by bullying everybody with any critisism. Even every constructive critisism (9 months instead of 3-5???) gets the usual two thousand words wall reply from you which is also FULL of assumptions that devs are not "stretching" :-D

Whatever.............. i guess we´ll have to agree to disagree on this.

Maybe you could consider taking your bullying and simping down a notch? (I´m kidding i know you wont) :)

On one thing you´re right though, after 9 months my interest for the game dropped for sure. Momentum is lost. As to be expected......... it´s not rocket science... :cool:
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Man, there's something wrong with me. Each update I've spent at least a couple of hours or more playing the new content, while some in here are done in 5 seconds.

I must be playing it wrong, trying to read everything and exploring around. I guess I should hold my finger on the skip button if I want to win. Afterwards I can join the party and complain that the game has no content.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2018
Maybe you could consider taking your bullying and simping down a notch? (I´m kidding i know you wont) :)
It's hard to find truth in today's world. For many people, the easiest way to see what they're doing is to listen to what they claim their "opponents" are doing. This common behavior makes the waters very muddy. The sad thing is that it works.

Here are two actual truths though.
1) MagicNuts are perfectionists who care more about quality than schedule.
2) Moskys is no bully.

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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Hehehe, you´re running in already open doors mate.

I want the game to be finished like everyone else, but i said i´m ok with it if they don´t because it´s their game and their prerogative to do so. There is nothing contradictive in that. Majority of your post are simple platitudes. U a politician mate??? :-D

You seem a little bit too overly protective, like someone in love with a girl that decides to protect her and simping despite every red flag that comes up overtime.

Good for you, but don´t paint everybody else as whiners when they see a red flag and call a spade a spade.

It´s one thing to try to be fair, but you´re way overdoing it mate, by bullying everybody with any critisism. Even every constructive critisism (9 months instead of 3-5???) gets the usual two thousand words wall reply from you which is also FULL of assumptions that devs are not "stretching" :-D

Whatever.............. i guess we´ll have to agree to disagree on this.

Maybe you could consider taking your bullying and simping down a notch? (I´m kidding i know you wont) :)

On one thing you´re right though, after 9 months my interest for the game dropped for sure. Momentum is lost. As to be expected......... it´s not rocket science... :cool:
All I'm saying is that what you consider a 'red flag' it's only a red flag for you because others took that bad path, but doesn't mean shit until you can prove these devs are taking that same path -that is, after seeing the results of devs' alleged work- and we are very close to seeing who's right. So please come back after the release and we can talk about if it's been a significant drop in playing time, quantity and quality of cutscenes, bugs encountered and so on. Until then, everything else are personal and baseless assumptions disguised as 'I know better than you, simp' with the only goal of either throwing shit gratuitously at devs and supporters or just being able to claim bragging rights if the game actually gets abandoned, which is fairly shitty if you think about it (what kind of person are you if you feel somewhat happy because you can say 'I knew it' when something nice goes to waste and you are left without it). And yeah, I'll keep answering those unfair comments until I'm proved wrong or lose my interest in this forum.


Jul 17, 2021
All I'm saying is that what you consider a 'red flag' it's only a red flag for you because others took that bad path, but doesn't mean shit until you can prove these devs are taking that same path -that is, after seeing the results of devs' alleged work- and we are very close to seeing who's right. So please come back after the release and we can talk about if it's been a significant drop in playing time, quantity and quality of cutscenes, bugs encountered and so on. Until then, everything else are personal and baseless assumptions disguised as 'I know better than you, simp' with the only goal of either throwing shit gratuitously at devs and supporters or just being able to claim bragging rights if the game actually gets abandoned, which is fairly shitty if you think about it (what kind of person are you if you feel somewhat happy because you can say 'I knew it' when something nice goes to waste and you are left without it). And yeah, I'll keep answering those unfair comments until I'm proved wrong or lose my interest in this forum.
You talking about answering unfair comments is ironic! WTF?!! :)

Dude your post is full of unfair statements - read your post again and check where i stated the things you seem to have made up in scenarios only in your own mind. WTF?!

Dude, you mad and its only temporary? Or is precise reading and grasping what was written without interpreting into it what wasn´t written or meant a permanent problem for you?

Sorry mate, don´t mean to piss you off, but read what you´ve written and what my posts were and then rethink about talking about others writing unfair post.

Dude, i normally try to communicate with whomever but there is no constructive discussion with a person who likes to distort things like this. Results only in BS.
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Sthr ▚ nix

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2018
Man, there's something wrong with me. Each update I've spent at least a couple of hours or more playing the new content, while some in here are done in 5 seconds.

I must be playing it wrong, trying to read everything and exploring around. I guess I should hold my finger on the skip button if I want to win. Afterwards I can join the party and complain that the game has no content.
Yeah, we should try speedrunning for the next one. We play this game wrong.


Jul 17, 2021
It's hard to find truth in today's world. For many people, the easiest way to see what they're doing is to listen to what they claim their "opponents" are doing. This common behavior makes the waters very muddy. The sad thing is that it works.

Here are two actual truths though.
1) MagicNuts are perfectionists who care more about quality than schedule.
2) Moskys is no bully.

to 1) i agree. Doesn´t change anything about the critisism though, there is some viable ones
to 2) Not? Yeah, maybe not. From what i saw he acts for sure like one though.

Anyways in general 2 things here are confused about the whole update problem, they are not linked - they are 2 separate things:

1.) as i mentioned, whenever the dev brings out his updates in 1 year in 2 or then in 3 years from now i´m ok with that ---> meaning i accept it´s his prerogative. If he wants to milk the patreons along the way i have to accept that too (of course dont know if they do, but looking at multiple hints together like for example the slow bugsquashing, then i´m sorry but it kinda points to it) it´s his prerogative too, good for him if he found people like this.

2.) The second thing is that when fans want to point out that there are hints, that it seems that the update times is delayed for obvious reasons - THEN IT IS THEIR EFFING PREROGATIVE TOO TO MENTION IT! WTF, that shouldn´t be even discussed when an update takes 9 months instead of 3-5 and bugsquashing in slow motion????

I bet when Moskys reads this in his Head scenarios are awakening how i deeply hate the developers, wish them the worst in life and hope the devs-neighbors dog eats his favourite cat and the dev develops a depression and erectile disfunction after that.

There you go Mosky..... calm down boy calm down my friend with your removed critical thinking....nothing of the sorts was meant or written by me. Put your fork down, calm down your Fan-Simp heart. :) We know the dev can do nothing wrong, even if he himself would tell you he did, you´d find 1000 excuses why its ok as a good Simp-Fan does. Relax baby, everythings ok. :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I agree that the pacing has become ridiculous since the Myrtle update. The game *is* being released for free though. So we have no real room to complain.

Still though, I'm concerned about the future of the game. I imagine this is going to go the Gunsmoke/SR7 route of taking a decade to finish the game with the current pace.

Which I guess is desirable for Magicnuts, lül.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
to 1) i agree. Doesn´t change anything about the critisism though, there is some viable ones
Yes, it does change things about the criticism.
That information makes a lot of the criticism invalid.
If the criticism is invalid, it is simply proven so by facts & dismissed as the entitled whinging that it generally is.
"Dev's a crook/milker", etc, are not viable criticisms & are responded to appropriately.
Presenting an uninformed opinion that is contrary to facts & having it laughed at, or responded to with sarcasm, is not bullying.

If someone doesn't want their stupidity laughed at, they shouldn't put it out in public.
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."
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Jul 17, 2021
Yes, it does change everything about the criticism.
That information makes a lot of the criticism invalid.
If the criticism is invalid, it is simply proven so by facts & dismissed as the nonsense whinging that it generally is.
"Dev's a crook/milker", etc, are not viable criticisms & are responded to appropriately.
Presenting an uninformed opinion that is contrary to facts & having it laughed at, or responded to with sarcasm, is not bullying.
Yeah i saw you wanting proof for the milking and of course no one can give it for sure but the signs are there.

But come on man, do you have any proof they´re not though? Are you working at their place? Is your only proof what they´re writing in their logs? Do you know how easy it is to prepare these in advance? Especially after dev getting into a groove to do so?

Come on dude..... i love this game too......doesn´t mean we have to abandon any critical thinking. And blind simping isn´t going to help this game getting developed - it´ll be the opposite. You mean well, but well meant results often in badly done.

Now honestly.....genuine and friendly question: Where is the point for you where you have to admit "Hey, indeed something is not ok" or don´t you care at all? If the dev stretches the updates to 3 years thats still considered not milking for you too, everything fine? You would still pay your monthly patreon five years without an update too, if the dev gives weekly update of the 3 bugs he squashed? What´s your limit?


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Yeah i saw you wanting proof for the milking and of course no one can give it for sure but the signs are there.
In your opinion.
Not as a fact.
But come on man, do you have any proof they´re not though? Are you working at their place? Is your only proof what they´re writing in their logs? Do you know how easy it is to prepare these in advance? Especially after dev getting into a groove to do so?
You don't seem to understand how it works.
It's called The Burden of Proof.
It means that the person making the claim is the one who has to prove it.
So, someone claiming that the dev is a milker needs to prove it.
The onus is not on me to disprove it.
If someone cannot prove their claim, then it is unsubstantiated.

When other people present evidence to contradict that claim, they are not making a claim of their own.
They are simply contradicting the original claim, that the dev's a milker.
Come on dude..... i love this game too......doesn´t mean we have to abandon any critical thinking. And blind simping isn´t going to help this game getting developed - it´ll be the opposite. You mean well, but well meant results often in badly done.
What & you think caling the dev a liar & a thief is likely to make it happen?
That seems pretty demotivational, to me.
Now honestly.....genuine and friendly question: What is the point for you where you have to admit "Hey, indeed something is not ok" or don´t you care at all? If the dev stretches the updates to 3 years thats still considered not milking for you too, everything fine? You would still pay your monthly patreon five years without an update too, if the dev gives weekly update of the 3 bugs he squashed? What´s your limit?
I don't have a limit for something I am getting for free.
If it takes a month, or a year, it costs me nothing but patience.
If other people are willing to pay and support the dev, that is entirely their decision and their own business.
Not mine. Not yours.
You claiming they are being milked is an irrelevance.
They do not share your opinion and are happy to support the dev financially.
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