
Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
This is a big part of the problem with Patreon. Imagine you are a dev for a second. Let's say it takes you 200 hours of work to produce a medium-sized update. (It's just an example, it doesn't need to be exact.) You are getting IDK say $10k/mo from patrons.

Initially you are busting your ass and you manage to do that 200 hours in 2 months, so you make $20k for that 200 hours of work. But over time you kinda get burned out, other things start to take priority, etc., so the next 200 hours winds up taking you 4 months. But then you notice a strange thing - your monthly take didn't drop by much. You wind up making let's say $9k/mo x 4 months = $36k (almost double) for THAT SAME 200 HOURS OF ACTUAL WORK. So you're making more money per hour of time spent working... by releasing updates SLOWER. Plus at some point you are going to run out of new ideas for shit and have to bring the project to a close, and then you have to start ALL OVER with a new project and pray that it's at least as popular and successful... dragging out your existing successful project and just milking it for all it's worth starts to look like a really attractive option.

So Patreon, by nature of it's inherent cuckery and people continuing to blindly support projects that are not reliable at all about releasing content, literally encourages devs to slow the F down and trickle out content. Of course they can't come right out and SAY this, so they make a lot of excuses based on things that are going on in their lives (the same things that happens in everyone else's lives, the difference being most normal people don't get to work significantly less or take months to years off every time life throws them a curve ball.)

*Edit - fixed a typo
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
The developer team trying to create a game that can not be finished before +10 years.
Where do you get that idea? Honestly this game is basic as fuck compared to most AVNs / H games that exist nowadays. There are at least 2 people working on it (not solo dev.) It uses basic 2d cartoony art. The plot is completely linear/kinetic, there are no meaningful choices and no branching story paths. I really don't know how they could make it any simpler lmao. Which makes it even more hilarious that they keep crying "OHHHH WE NEED MORE TIME TO POLISH" uhhhh there are a lot of way better games with much more complex structures and higher quality art, that crank out updates much faster.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Where do you get that idea? Honestly this game is basic as fuck compared to most AVNs / H games that exist nowadays. There are at least 2 people working on it (not solo dev.) It uses basic 2d cartoony art. The plot is completely linear/kinetic, there are no meaningful choices and no branching story paths. I really don't know how they could make it any simpler lmao. Which makes it even more hilarious that they keep crying "OHHHH WE NEED MORE TIME TO POLISH" uhhhh there are a lot of way better games with much more complex structures and higher quality art, that crank out updates much faster.
I know,right?
This game is very linear and simple,you dont even have currency,theres no minigames or anything.
They are polishing what exactly?
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