Let's see, girls I'm most interested in:
- Dear Celestina. Sure, it's weird that she's just a hallucination caused by a pair of magic glasses that are probably possessed by a succubus, and the actual Celestina is a horrible old hag, but I'm a simple person with simple tastes. Booba. My favorite character in anything in terms of sex appeal is always going to be the one with the biggest booba, unless a lot of other factors are working against her and in favor of some other girl. So long as Dear Celestina is the character with the biggest booba, I'm going to anticipate her update letting us get to play with them. (Plus, magicnuts has posted here mentioning that in her storyline, they plan to "decouple" her from the real Celestina, so Dear Celestina becomes a person who actually exists and not just you fucking the old hag while under an illusion spell, so the main problem with her is something that's going to go away. Exactly how I'm not sure, maybe the demon in the glasses getting free and transforming into her?) But they intend to add a lot more girls to this game before it's over so, who knows, she might be dethroned as the Booba Queen and if she loses that then her appeal goes way down.
- Gretta. Gretta combines two of my favorite tropes: An older woman who's kind and motherly toward you (she even likes to cook!), and stealing a hot wife away from her asshole of a husband. (Though, the netori here is less appealing than it could be, because Waldo seems all but uninterested in her. It feels like you're taking his unwanted leftovers rather than stealing something precious to him.) Her being the runner up for the Booba Queen doesn't hurt matters either. If she had boobas of Dear Celestina's size, she'd take the #1 spot easily.
- Serana. My favorite trope wrt domination is all about
power reversal, the dom character taking an attractive person who has power over them normally and turning them into their sex slave. A student subjugating their teacher, for example, or a commoner subjugating a noble. (Lana is royalty too, but an important ingredient to make this power reversal satisfying is the person with power lords it over the protagonist until the reversal happens. You don't even find out Lana is nobility until quite a ways into the story and even then, she never uses her noble title to bully you. Serana uses her nobility and magic powers to bully you right from the start.) Now, unfortunately, this game is quite vanilla, so I don't expect the story to go in quite the direction I want, with Serana becoming the MC's actual willing sex slave. But I expect what we *will* get is something that I'll still enjoy it a fair bit. Also, she's #3 for the biggest boobas which doesn't hurt either.
- Lady Hammerdick and Queen Nevernuff. No, not Simmone,
this Lady Hammerdick:
kevin "Yeah, there was a dude... Vil. Yeah, King Vil they called him. Evil looking!"
show pov bdoubt mside hbneu1
show kevin eneu
kevin "Plus, the Hammerdick guy."
pov "Who?"
show pov mneu eneu hbthink
kevin "Lord Hammerdick. Must be a pal of the King. He's the new guy in charge."
show pov ewide mhappy bup hfneu2 hbneu2
show kevin ehappy sblush
kevin "And he has the juiciest wife I've ever seen!"
(Far as I can tell, this is the only mention of Simmone's mom in the whole game thus far. She might not even be a proper waifu candidate, but Kevin mentioning how attractive she is means I'd be very surprised if she didn't become one later.)
We haven't met either of these women yet, but what we do know about them hits too many of my fetish buttons to ignore. For one thing, they're older women, which I'll always prefer over younger women, ceteris paribus. (Forgive me, I love the MILF.) For another, they're nobility, and they're wives to the major antagonists (well, Queen Nevernuff isn't married to King Vil quite yet IIRC, he's just making the moves on her and she's not rejecting them, but it's close enough to count), which promises a superior version of Gretta's netori appeal. Furthermore, I'm a horrible degenerate and something just really, really appeals to me in a harem collecting game about collecting both a waifu *and* her hotter mom. Ideally there'd be mother/daughter group sex scenes but unfortunately that's unlikely to happen in this game. (I like sisters too so I expect I'll like the twins but given a choice between a pair of sisters and a mother and daughter, I'll take the latter each time.)
Finally, and probably most importantly, we don't really know anything else about them besides these superficial details: That means my imagination can fill in all the blanks with the things that would appeal to me most. We'll always prefer what we imagine could be inside a closed mystery box, to what we know is present and in front of us. I'm sure that when we actually meet these characters, they won't be as good as my imagination. But in the meantime, I really want to meet them in a way that I don't really care about other characters we've heard about and haven't met yet, like Junior's sister Joy or Maple's "bunny friend" or the she-wolf who lives in the Lurkden.