Being "done" is harsh... Worst than being benched... But, on another topic, since the game is free, it makes more sense stick around -- if you really wanna do that -- since you're giving money to support the development and not to buy something. It's something many who are not patrons don't get. On the other hand, many patrons or, at least, some of them think, since they're one giving money to development, they're the only ones entitled to criticize the game or its development, which, I don't think is sound. They're entitled to do what their tier allows 'em to do, but everyone else is free to criticize the game or its development (and, of course, everyone else can criticize the critique -- but saying "you're not paying, so, shut up" is not a sound critique). Everyone who's not a patron is a prospective patron, and, if the dev wants to exapand his business and not only stick with what he already has, he should listen to what everyone is saying. That works not only for games but about almost everything in life.