
New Member
Oct 21, 2018
Mertcan ilk önce çeviriyi indirip "oyun" klasörüne atacaksın. Eğer Türkçe olmazsa "zzz.rpy" dosyasını aç. Dil bölümüne "turkish" yazıp oyun klasörüne at.
Çalışmama şansı yok. Bir çok kişi kullanıyor çeviriyi. Bende yeniden test ettim bir problem görünmüyor.

Mertcan, you will first download the translation and put it in the "game" folder. If it is not Turkish, open the "zzz.rpy" file. Type "turkish" in the language section and put it in the game folder.
There's no chance it won't work. Many people use the translation. I tested it again, there is no problem.


New Member
Oct 21, 2018
doesn't work bro i try but not work
İndirdiğin "TL" dosyasını "game" klasörüne atmana rağmen oyun Türkçe olarak başlamadıysa ekteki "zzz" dosyasını game klasörüne atman yeterli olacaktır. Oyunu ve yamayı az önce indirip denedim bir problem görünmüyor.

If the game did not start in Turkish even though you put the "TL" file you downloaded into the "game" folder, it will be sufficient to add the attached "zzz" file to the game folder. I just downloaded and tried the game and the patch, no problem appears.


İlk üç adımı uyguladıktan sonra oyun Türkçe başlamadıysa ekteki "zzz" dosyasını indirip "game" klasörüne atman yeterli olacaktır.

If the game did not start in Turkish after following the first three steps, it will be sufficient to download the attached "zzz" file and put it in the "game" folder.

4.png 5.png 6.png
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
I like how the story's going so far but i have an advice for the developer, don't rush in adding new characters so fast since it's too early and it will be harder to focus on all the characters.


Mar 25, 2018
Seems like a reasonable amount of scenes are being added interwoven with the main plot, and the characters with no/few scenes are added in a pretty organic way where to me they feel more like NPCs you haven't reached the plot for yet, rather than 5% of a romance path followed by an abrupt dead end. I hope they continue with this pattern; when each character has their own fully orthogonal romance path disconnected from the plot it feels more like a sandbox/slideshow and less like a game/story to me. Just simple stuff like talking to Junior and Serena for help helped make Maple's content feel way more integrated, for example.
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Reactions: magicnuts


Nov 14, 2017
I'm about to give that game a try. In the tags, there's "Romance", so the game offers interesting romantic interactions? And not just "let's fug : DDD"? I could definitely enjoy something with a bit of cuddles and/or good vibes.
  • Haha
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
I'm about to give that game a try. In the tags, there's "Romance", so the game offers interesting romantic interactions? And not just "let's fug : DDD"? I could definitely enjoy something with a bit of cuddles and/or good vibes.
Then you won't be dissapointed


Nov 14, 2017
So I gave it a try, as I said I would. And man I had a blast so far. Spent like, I don't know, 2 or 3 hours playing it non-stop.
There's many things I love. The wholesome content, the kind-hearted protagonist being clunky but not a complete moron, the art style (the reason why the game my attention in the first place) is colorful and charming, the female characters are all cute in their own way, and the music is so pleasant I literally let the game run in the background just to listen to it... :)

It's nice to have a game with positive feelings, that is not about corrupting the shit of everybody. I prefer smiles over tears, you know


So, thank you for making that game a thing. :giggle: I'll follow its evolution with interest


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
How often is the game updated? Like once a month, every two/three/etc. months?
And are updates big enough to provide a good time?
An update every 3 months give or take seems like a realistic guess. It could be less, though, but not below the 2 months mark. This art needs time.

And you're the only one who can answer that second question. Each person has their own expectations and make their own judgement. I'm happy with the available content as it is now but some others feel it's short. So just play it and decide for yourself.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
i played and ... please finish the next update quickly. I love this game. :love: :love: :coffee:
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