
New Member
May 19, 2019
This game feels like a very lifelike variant of porn 'course project', when a small team of students both suck at planing beforehand, breaking down the process into the small stages, compromise the data and ammount of information given in each part and in each go at the writing of it. As a student, it's rather entertaining and daunting to watch my own mistakes being repeated on such a scale. I love 'What a legend', the story is simplistic, adding its own charm to it, the open devs, that are talking to the audience and easy to understand, the graphics, showing affection for their own project. Yet, there are so many flaws with the process of creating it that I can't just forget and forgive.
To start with the obvious, the wait is getting out of controll. 2 Years is a long fucking wait for an update, even a major one, of one of the characters. Yes, shit happened, the surgery went alright, the baby was born and it could be seen earlier in the thread that a community, that is being called toxic and demanding has a heart (or at least some basic emotion spectre). I would like to say that I understand that being pregnant is not a groundbreaking way of accumulating productivity and will to work on a side passion project, but that's a biological barrier that makes me really appreciate and honor the working women/mothers even more. I understand that a recreational period after the major surgery prevents both phisically and mentally from event wanting to work on something. Yet, let's say all in all it took 1-1,5 year of life in total away from the devs' lives, besides that having children hinders the ability to work, that's life, sucks for the product, but I am happy for both the parents and the kid. That means one of two things. Either the update that we all expect to be if not collossal, but at least the biggest one yet, will be worth 6-12 months of work (which is not that major in terms of 2d art, storytelling and polishing), or it is all a game of play-pretend with trying to meet deadlines (which I personally don't believe, but the life tells me otherwise as many times as I believe otherwise). Both of this versions sucks for some reasons or another, so yeah, not even sure, how to conclude this argument.
The second thing, that concerns me is the pre-planning of the update. I remember, that patrons voted for the longer work time for the bigger update, part of the community respected this approach, I did the same. There are so many games on the platform that keep up with this practice, and even when they fuck up the timings it is fine in the grand scheme of things (ex.: Eternum, City of Broken Dreamers, Ripples, Summer Heat, Summer's Gone). Yet, most of them have a strict plan of content way ahead of time. This game feels like it doesn't. If speaking in terms of 'course paper' again, it sounds like students took the topic they liked without researching and planning ahead, fucked up the deadline, got away with it and crunching like a fucking Naughty Dog action animator 3 months before the release, adding another 3000 animations of reloading. If you want to release an update about 1 character, that is not introduced before and about whom community doesn't really care about, doing the full blown continuous arc about him is pointless. Do a shorter version, build connections and then poll the idea of a slow-burn of a character development. And if you'd like to do a bigger one, do that to expand several arcs, do something complicated story-wise, surprise the community with an interaction between love-interests other than 'oh, I know her, coooool... yeah, back to the 'gue collection''. And I'm not even talking about having a plan for an unexpected events happening, a fail-safe if you'd like, something. Being crystal clear with the public works, but in ordre not to fuck that up either show something you talk about (which is often a pretty impossible thing) or deliever.
Two last things that either bugged or humoured me. First, adding things on the go works when doing presentations, school papers, etc., not with a complex and well-structured project. If you think it doesn't wok - sure, go change it. If you have already postponed the game so much, it is calles a 'What a legend: 2077' - you do something wrong. Poorly made parts highlight the amazingly written/drawn ones, and this game shows it can do great if needed. Second - comments about milking and being a cuck. For spammers, people, come on, it's a second year already. All the cool trolls moved on to comething new and funnier. You can e creative, I am all for a good joke. But yeah, if you are still subscribed to a patreon, good for you, you have the money needed and you support the people you believe in. If you are not a patreon - good for you, use your money on something else that brings you joy. You do you. I am too fucking poor/unemployed/curmudgeon for this. So stop the talking shit to each other already. OR make it funnier. Panem et circenses.
This post is a long-fucking-read, I am sorry, never liked tweeter. I was and still am passionate about this game, it has an amazing ability of telling a nice, childish, epic and soothing story while being an excelent fap-material, which is rare. I hope the devs working hard and honest and are not taking any offence to my words and other commentaries, as I believe we want this game as much good as they do too. Thanks everyone and anyone for reading this, have a good time, I'm off to explore this world some more.
Edit: typo.


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
It uses basic 2d cartoony art.
To be perfectly honest, I haven't been following this game at all closely enough to pass judgment one way or another with regard to the devs' work ethic, but lol at Vincel van Gogh over here somehow failing to grasp why 9 out of 10 games on this site use dead-eyed Daz models rather than even the most rudimentary hand-drawn assets, alongside various opinions on the time commitment required of child-rearing made by dudes who aren't allowed within 500 feet of them. Like, holy moly, earn yourself the slightest bit of authority on the subject before making sweeping statements like that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
I felt milked and i have every right to feel so. Don't have the audacity to tell me how i feel, plus i assume i'm not the only one in that case. ...
You felt milked. Thats your right ofc.
And you left, thats your right ofc.
And now you are no Patron any more. OK, fine.

What disturbes me is that a lot of Non-Patrons rant about Patrons who do NOT leave coz they do NOT feel milked.
And are attacked coz of that. Others try to tell them they should feel milked (otherwise they are idiots).

(Btw. I never would dare to tell ppl how they should feel!)
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Jun 11, 2017
You felt milked. Thats your right ofc.
And you left, thats your right ofc.
And now you are no Patron any more. OK, fine.

What disturbes me is that a lot of Non-Patrons rant about Patrons who do NOT leave coz they do NOT feel milked.
And are attacked coz of that. Others try to tell them they should feel milked (otherwise they are idiots).

(Btw. I never would dare to tell ppl how they should feel!)
You spend a good portion of your day on this thread defending these developers, is it perhaps a bit of copium since you've already contributed so much to their patreon? :unsure:


Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
You felt milked. Thats your right ofc.
And you left, thats your right ofc.
And now you are no Patron any more. OK, fine.

What disturbes me is that a lot of Non-Patrons rant about Patrons who do NOT leave coz they do NOT feel milked.
And are attacked coz of that. Others try to tell them they should feel milked (otherwise they are idiots).

(Btw. I never would dare to tell ppl how they should feel!)
Dude you are defending devs who have put out jack shit aside from a progress graph for going on two years. I... don't know what you even expect.

I think plenty of people are opposed to the idea of continuing to financially support devs that don't do work. It's called enabling.


Oct 1, 2023
You spend a good portion of your day on this thread defending these developers, is it perhaps a bit of copium since you've already contributed so much to their patreon? :unsure:
Dont bother with that person, it makes things up, doesn't even have a basic understanding of the concept of "milking". Rolo thinks it's based on the patreon's feelings, not the content creator actions.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
You spend a good portion of your day ...
True, I will stop that soon. It ceases to be funny...
on this thread defending these developers,...
Never did, afair.
is it perhaps a bit of copium
No, no need for that.
...since you've already contributed so much to their patreon? :unsure:
Lets think: 3 to 5€. I guess No.

..Rolo thinks it's based on the patreon's feelings, not the content creator actions.
Thanks, yes exactly. :)
If a Patron feels milked or not as absolutely based on the Patrons feelings ...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
Dude you are defending devs ...
I dont.
But I defend Patrons who do not feel milked; and others demand from them that they should feel milked.
I... don't know what you even expect.
Hehe, I even expect nothing, as long as I dont have to pay for this nothing.
I think plenty of people are opposed to the idea of continuing to financially support devs that don't do work. It's called enabling.
Dude, I think so too. These plenty of ppl just stop to continue to financially support devs - forwhatever reasons.

And I agree. Devs lost and will loose a lot of supporters when they dont deliver. Thats cause and effect.
And they truly deserve that, when they do not deliver.
This fact might be hidden coz they have a nice product and new Patrons start to support
coz they might not know the history (and might leave sooner or later after disappointment).

My opinion is that the devs could create much much more income with delivering updates in shorter intervals.
Less work, less money.
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Dec 8, 2020
Lets be honest,the art of this game carries HARD.
The gameplay,the "sandbox" elements are meh at best,but the art is really good.
Still think 2 years for a orc update is insane and deranged through:whistle:
The art is the main selling point of this game, i'm pretty sure, they couldn't have met such a "durable success" without it. The problem being, for us, that there is not any proper contenders in this category. I would even prefer a similar game, in terms of art quality, even with a worse writing, if the updates were more consistent and regular.

Unfortunatly for us, they have no competitors, hence they don't need to worry that much for now. :cautious:


Jun 28, 2020
What disturbes me is that a lot of Non-Patrons rant about Patrons who do NOT leave coz they do NOT feel milked.
And are attacked coz of that. Others try to tell them they should feel milked (otherwise they are idiots).
Patrons dumb decisions have consequences on everyone else.
The whole modern gaming industry is shaped by the fact that whales have more money than neurons.


Engaged Member
Aug 1, 2022
Patrons dumb decisions have consequences on everyone else.
The whole modern gaming industry is shaped by the fact that whales have more money than neurons.
Reminder that patreons voted for longer updates,starting this whole mess.
Reminder that patreons voted for the orc girl.
Defending the patreons of this game is actually degenerate behaviour.


Aug 15, 2021
I'm gonna forever be skeptical of new games on this site/patreon/ss until a dev for these actually sets up a company to make these types of games (Not a duo, not a group of people) a company with more than 10 people.
I'm so stupid, most people would do the same if they made a game and made a good amount of money for barley putting out updates and filling in their weekly report quota as an illusion of progress.
Hell I'm convinced most devs make these games with only money in mind and not as a passion project (What a legend feels like it was a passion project but the dev lost the passion they once held).

Honestly I'd rather just get back into the Japanese VN scene again
There's at least a better variety and more passion than the Western Porn games:confused:


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
Reminder that patreons voted for longer updates,starting this whole mess.
Reminder that patreons voted for the orc girl.
Defending the patreons of this game is actually degenerate behaviour.
Even if they are dumb, they - at least - made this game possible at all. I am thankful for that.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
... Defending the patreons of this game is actually degenerate behaviour.
It's not that I only defend patrons, I defend people in general,
I defend their right to free opinion, free decisions, free feelings...

Patrons are humans just like F95 members and developers.
I think we should respect them all and not attack any group because they have a different opinion.
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