That is a super name (Pun intended).if i'm playing as a girl which I usually do 99% of the time I mainly use Kara these days
Chad Thundercock is a patrician alternative as well!Chad. If last name is required, then Chad Godslayer
Alexis/ Alec Cross are cool names.If I am playing a girl or futa I name them Alexa Cross. If it's a guy I name them Alek Cross. Dunno why, just sounds cool and edgy to me.
I saw the name "Chad Godslayer" and thought of this as the female boss's reaction:Chad. If last name is required, then Chad Godslayer
Something about this post sounds surprisingly wholesome. I could only imagine the irl Pete's response to that but thankfully he doesn't have to know about your porn preferencesIf the MC is male it's always Pete. It's my best friend's name. He's Christian so he would probably be upset I use his name in porn games.
If we can name the girls of the game, the hottest/cutest one will be named Jenna after my irl crush. I should stop doing that because it makes me sad since I have zero chance with her in the real world.
You could be Johnson, Long Johnson.You guys are at least creative! I'm Johnson.
Wait, I need a last name in this game?! Errr, I'm Johnson Johnson!
Peak imagination.
xD that was the intentionThat is a super name (Pun intended).