Entirely different scenario because that character is, essentially, you. By extension that is consensual because you allow it to happen.
Like I also mentioned earlier, it happens in Harem Hotel where the MC gives the girls permission to perform sex acts to wake him up. It's still consensual.
We're talking about you as a character having sex with another character that asleep, that is rape and will always be rape.
Having sex that is not consensual IS rape. That incest game where the MC has sex with his mother or sister while they are sleeping is raping his family.
That is incorrect, the game at no point gives me an option to "pretend to be asleep" and the story clearly says that the MC is not aware of what the woman is doing to the extent that he hides a camera in the room to find out what is happening. So in the game the character does not have to option to give permission and therefore she woman is having sleep sex with the MC.
The only way i could "not" allow it would be to close the game. So it is not a different scenario, according to the game story, the game mechanics and the options available she is having sleep sex with the MC without his knowledge or permission but it is not rape.
"We're talking about you as a character having sex with another character that asleep, that is rape and will always be rape."
That was not the title of the thread, it was "what is the deal with sleep sex", not "players raping sleeping characters", if one ingame character is asleep and another ingame character has sex with them you are saying it is always rape and it isn't always rape.
"That incest game where the MC has sex with his mother or sister while they are sleeping is raping his family." not sure which game you are talking about and not sure how it applies to my reply.
At the end of the day we are not talking about real life, we are talking about games, porn games to be precise, and you are leaving out alot of context. Like the context of the story where the player can read the thoughts of the woman in question and the story tells the player the woman is thinking " wow look at that dick, it's been so long i wish i was riding that now." while she spies on him in the shower. The story is telling the player by definition that they have permission even if the character themselves does not say it to the MC's face.
It's a way to give us a sex scene before players get to the BIG scene where you finally win the woman over.
Spying on a woman changing is peeping and is illegal, grabbing a woman's breasts or butt when you first meet her is sexual harassment, taking upskirt photos, all of these are just meant to give sexy scenes before the big ones. The rules in games are different to real life because it is fantasy and so those things are defined the same way unless the story tells you they are.
Sleep sex in games is not always rape and it's best not to bring real life into fantasy.