What makes/breaks a game for you?


Active Member
May 2, 2018
You could also have a guy fucking a woman scene.
Wouldn't need magic, would get to enjoy seeing a naked woman getting fucked and you'd be spared of the utter boredom that is 2 women awkwardly rubbing against each other for "sex". Can't see any disadvantages to a futa scene.
You could also have a dude fucking another dude. Lots of possibilities.


Nov 25, 2017
No animation
no mom n son
no open world "another words I want to go for mom and mom only and pass up the rest of the characters.
If they have where you can revisit mom after finishing the game and cane replay scenes thats a big plus.
no stupid puzzles
Grind that takes 3 to hours suck big time.
This is just my own opinion and there are others I liked when I play them but the above is what I like best.
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Feb 7, 2018
No animation
no mom n son
no open world "another words I want to go for mom and mom only and pass up the rest of the characters.
If they have where you can revisit mom after finishing the game and cane replay scenes thats a big plus.
no stupid puzzles
Grind that takes 3 to hours suck big time.
This is just my own opinion and there are others I liked when I play them but the above is what I like best.
I quote you and think the same.
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Sep 6, 2018
What break a game for me : grind, repetition of events, boring characters, average visual.

What make a game for me : redhead.


Jun 1, 2017
1. Great art, be it Daz or well drawn 2D. If using Daz, make use of the features and skip the default settings of the models (No more Daughter from Dating my Daughter or Older Sister from Man of the House)
2. Make body type/shape realistic. If doing a Milf, she doesn't need boobs the size of her head, or the MC doesn't need to be part horse.
3. If thinking long term game, build a small group of interactable characters and finish a few story arcs with them before adding more character to interact with. Most games seem to toss woman after woman at you to add to your harem, but waste chances to build the story with them as it is done.
4. Fetishes like bondage, submissives, flogging and whip play, electro shocks, machines. No scat, diapers or pee play.
5. Solid English and/or translations. Nothing irritates me more than playing a game that looks amazing but the developer is obviously not an English speaker and is using terrible translation software, if any, to tell a story.
6. Using the proper game engine for the game. Making a RPG? Use RPGMaker or Ren'py. Making a VN, use Ren'py or Unity, etc... Nothing more irksome than running around on a RPGMaker game, from point A to B to C for 5 seconds of interactions only to have to run all the way back to A after. Choose Wisely....

1. Kid looking characters. MC is a Senior in High School, his younger sister *ANNOYING ALARM SOUND* PERVERT ALERT!!! Pass. I've seen and read some very good games on F95Zone, but won't play them due to child looking characters in the game content. I'll leave it at that before I get into another Rule 7 rant..
2. Grinding is a chore, and nobody likes chores. I expect it in most games, but too much of it will cause a deletion on my computer
3. Minigames. While some games have minigames I enjoy and have an actual purpose in the game, lately it seems a lot of developers been tossing in minigames for shits and giggles, and its moronic. Need to boost your stats up, click the task to do it, fade to black, and viola, stat raised. Want me to mash the space bar as fast as I can for 5 seconds to do something? done, no problems. Don't make me do jigsaw puzzles, or mazes an shit.
4. Lighting. Figure this out early if doing 3D graphics. If don't know, ask questions of folks here who do. Don't be a Tremmi…
5. No win situations. Games are meant to be entertaining, they should not make me want to stab the developer with a spork. Don't give me a way to screw over a douchebag character just to have him turn the tables on me somehow and make me look like the asshole. Screw you Dark Silver!
6. Speaking of Dark Silver...Finish what you started. If your going to go all out an make a game, finish it. Have your whole game written out, character descriptions, backgrounds, plots and twists, etc. Have all of this done before you even think of beginning to make the game. Your time planning ahead should help you progress faster in makin the game and only thing that will slow you down is renders if going 3D.


Oct 10, 2018
Lack of interaction. I hate to have to keep clicking and then a great piece of art comes on screen, gives a narration and background sound and it's done.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
Grinding and scenes repetition is a big turn off for me. Even tho I've played games with that (using a walkthrough of course) as in the end I liked the game itself.

RPGM with too much walking, where it also doesn't have a quest screen to give you an idea where you are at when loading a saved game.

Extreme violence or gore. I can accept some rape if done well.

Anime characters. Even tho I played some of these long ago, I prefer more western characters, either 2D or 3D.

Turn ons are a lot, as I played several types of games, and i take almost anything, as long as it's interesting to me.


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
Makes a game: no errors
Breaks a game: exception errors occur
IMO if some is spending x number of hours/days/weeks/months developing a game. Why not spend a few hours on the finished product checking it plays properly?


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Break: Fetishes I don't like. Anything that makes me roll my eyes. Bad UI. Grinds that I can't speed up or that I have to pay attention to. Characters that differ mostly only in hair color. Devs that don't like cheaters.
Make: Fetishes I like. Options during sex. Actual gameplay, but especially gameplay with a moderate difficulty slope. Variety.

I guess I don't see how that information is supposed to help anyone, though. Does anyone like to play games with fetishes they don't like?


Apr 10, 2018
Make: -The game is done and its in a language I can read.
-Fetishes I like.

Break: -Game is not done or abandoned.
-Fetishes I don't like.
-Unfun grinding, wastes to much time for to little payoff.
-Playing as a beta cuck male, I wanna hit people like this.
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Loli Jesus

Jun 17, 2018
Make: Loli :>
Break: No Loli :<

My real answer for what ruins a game the most for me is poorly done art, especially when it is all CG images and no animation. When there is no animation, I hold the game to the high illustrative quality standards I have when it comes to hentai manga. There is no excuse to be lazy/poorly practiced with the quality of CGIs in a hentai game since they are still images similar to a manga. Yet so many games have garbage art quality that looks all the shoddier when compared to the frequent high quality illustration in hentai manga (not to say all manga are high quality). I can understand not having consistent top-teir art as not everyone is as practiced as experienced hentai artists, but to go into making a hentai game with illustration quality so bad as to make an amateur blush is unjustifiable.

I am also not a fan of western artstyle games. Not all are bad, but more often than not the artist's style is bad in 2D games and many of the games (if not most) use meh-looking 3D character models when not in 2D.

A lack of variety in ecchi scenes is a huge negative as well. It gets boring quickly if all the scenes are just a male character mashing his unga-stick into a female character's slophole in sex position A and B on a dozen different occassions. This is often present in games that don't appeal to any of my fetishes, which is of course another negative.

Finally is, of course, the usual line up of blacklisted fetishes that can break a game for me. Gore, scat, NTR are a few that will almost always make me want to drop a game, with several other fetishes not instantly disqualifying a game but still heavily discouraging me from playing further.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Must haves for me:

1. Good renders. There's really no substitute for that. No matter how good the rest of the game is, if the renders suck it just doesn't hold much interest.
2. Good writing. As others have mentioned there's plenty of porn out there. If all I wanted was a series of sex videos there's no need for a game.
3. At least a reasonable amount of proofreading. If the dialog reads like something you'd get from Google Translate then there's really no point in even having it...
4. Some type of adversary that is an actual threat (and no I don't mean NTR)

Nice to have:

- Options to steer the game towards the types of scenes you like and avoid the ones you're not as into (like give me the option for a BJ scene instead of a foot fetish or whatever)

Bad design IMO:

- spaghetti method for picking scenes where the game has every type of kink in it and doesn't really focus on anything (so nobody will really get what they want and everyone will get stuff they don't want)
- shifting the game from what it focused on early to mid way through development to focus on entirely different kinks (like adding pregnant women or something half way through)
- unavoidable scenes that focus on very niche content like rape/NTR/Futa/etc. If I don't have to see any of that I don't care if it's in there but I won't tolerate even 1 scene that's unavoidable. If that's the focus of the game fine, but in that case it should be very clear that that's the case.


Game Developer
Apr 25, 2018
I love female protag games, mind control and bdsm (HTML with pics or VN, I cant stand RPGM) but its hard to find a combination. Almost all games are the game that I want but its a male protag. IDK but I just can't stand to play as a male dom most of the time. I mean there are games that I have played which where good. Also the fem protag in 99 procent of the games are either a cockhungry slut/sub or thy are being corruped/blackmailed/forced or they re gonna get raped etc.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
On the side of fetishes I have barely any problems. I am not a fan of that whole sissyfication/beta male stuff - thats probably the only one I cant play (example "Bully")

For me there is a missing fetish:

Intoxication - and no, just fill up a girl and abuse here is not the point. Most the time there is not even a visible effect in the dialog or in visuals.

The real turn off are all these grindy games that only stretch their playtime with pointless gamemechanics and movement. 99,9% of them would work exactly the same, just without any annoyance. And games that NEED a walktrough or some sort of ingame tips. That is a sign of bad gamedesign because it's a crutch to hide the problem. And I dont talk about the guides for perfect runs or a specific path.

And when the engrish is to extreme and I dont understand what is going on.

Oh and magic and mind control is imho just a cheap way to tell a story. Then all the good stuff of corrupting and seduction is missing. But then it is just not as fun, but can still be a good game :)


Dec 30, 2017
Makes: Only fetishes
- Futa
- Interracial
- Cute traps
- Hot mature women
- Incest (Biological or Step, especially interracial Step)
- Futa incest with twins or closely aged sisters where one is futa and the other is not is a plus plus.

- Scat
- Guro
- Shemale
- Lesbian
- Waterplay

My views on fetishes are pretty much if you don't like it, you don't like it, if you do, you do, and as long as no one's forcing it on you then why would you get upset at someone else's fetish?


Jun 18, 2017
A list of stuff that kills my interest in games:
  1. Rape, forced stuff, makes me flat out uncomfortable
  2. Underage-looking girls. I guess anyone looking younger than Elena from DMD is not for me
  3. Grainy renders with zero effort... just buy some HDRI lights and watch some tutorials. Or invest in a GPU with more cores
  4. Convoluted navigation that requires a walkthrough. Same goes for repeated scenes. I hate completely linear games without any choices but I'd take them over convoluted stuff any day
  5. The same old 2$ DAZ member club hairstyles that just look cheap in comparison to pricier ones
  6. Basic flip flops kill the foot fetishist in me, same for fucked up feet poses on high heels. It's just zero effort if dev's leave fucked up, contorted feet in their renders. Show some care and invest in some nice shoes
  7. Forced NTR or an NTR option that locks a lot of content, leaving a barebone experience if you choose not to do NTR
  8. Overused tropes (same old same old, let's go shopping, let's peek, let's go to the beach)
  9. Game over screens. The worst offender of them all. Especially if devs don't warn you about it or blatantly punish you for being forward in a game genre that is all about getting chicks
  10. Forcing me to fuck everyone without giving me a choice
I'll post my "make" list asap. :)

Eleum Loyce

May 17, 2018
As far as what breaks a game for me: My number one pet peeve is a bad translation or just poor grammar/spelling in general. If the game is originally in another language then I'm much more forgiving, but if the game is created by a native English speaker then it just speaks to the dev's carelessness if they don't proofread their dialogue/menus/whatever else. Along the same lines, machine translation strikes me as lazy and usually ruins the game. Obviously if the game has combat, stats, minigames, etc. rather than a visual novel solely with dialogue choices, the language doesn't matter as much... but I still think it's important for any game to at least be legible.

Other big turn offs are:
- Broken promises from developers in regards to content being released, bugs being fixed, etc, as well as games being abandoned. Slow development time. I really don't like this trend of "release version 0.1 first, then add substantial content later". Unless the game already has a lot of content or is extremely close to completion, I'd much rather have no idea the game exists rather than try it out in its early stages and be disappointed.
- RPGM games with too much grinding. Turn-based combat bores me even when its done well, but I really can not stand having to slog through hours of RPGM's watered down combat system. Similarly, VNs with too much dialogue and not enough sexual content.
- Unavoidable fetishes (especially NTR) in a game I would otherwise enjoy. This isn't as big of a deal to me because I'm not the type to complain about a game catering to fetishes I don't have. I'll just skip it and move on. However, allowing certain scenes to be avoided allows for appeal to a broader audience.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
Please excuse my ignorance but what is the difference between futa and shemale?
Futas generally are females in almost every regard except they have both male and female genitalia, putting them squarely in the realm of pure fantasy. While shemales are biologically male and frankly rarely pass as convincingly feminine in all but a very small percentage of cases (mostly the cute traps). Which is fine if you are into chicks with some obviously masculine features and no baby maker, but that obviously isn't for everyone, hence the distinction.
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