What Porn/ Hentai Stereotypes, Cliche, and Tropes that are your biggest Turn Offs?


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
i hate when extremely bitchy female characters go all soft on MC in short period of time just because it's porn game,examples would be Alice from BB and especially that older sister from man of the house. She basically hates MC with burning passion at the beginning,can't even speak normally without being venomous and insulting,yet one small reason or plot device is enough to start obeying MC instantly,completely throwing away their personality and behaviour up to that point...


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 21, 2018
Eh, yes and no, a large quantity of first and second dates don't end in sex, but in my experience that's often an indicator that the girl isn't particularly interested. Usually if a relationship is actually going to start it's 3 dates maximum before you sleep together, after all you're both young and horny so if she's actually attracted it will be happening by then, and usually sooner.

It is weird though that whether the game be romantically focused or more focused on hookups sex on the first/second date seems to be an extreme rarity. My girlfriend and I had sex on the first date, and she wasn't some wild nympho like a lot of the girls in these games by any stretch. When the chemistry's there it's hard for it to NOT happen. After all, if you're both single, attracted to each other and interested in each other it does become a question of why not? I have talked to my sister a lot about it though and her perspective and she did say when she was younger she'd sometimes play hard to get with guys that seemed a little too antsy to get into her pants to see if they actually cared about who she was as a person.
Like yeah I get some people don't, but every single girl I've dated I've had sex with on the first or second date (except my current GF (Catholic :'()), so it's just a personal gripe with some "Porn Games". I just think some drag it out a bit tooooo long, unless there is a reason you shouldn't be banging (incest, not seeing them, significant age etc) then it could happen a bit quicker. Why the heck are so many MC's virgins too then suddenly are banging scores of different women within a few days? XD


Apr 25, 2018
Like yeah I get some people don't, but every single girl I've dated I've had sex with on the first or second date (except my current GF (Catholic :'()), so it's just a personal gripe with some "Porn Games". I just think some drag it out a bit tooooo long, unless there is a reason you shouldn't be banging (incest, not seeing them, significant age etc) then it could happen a bit quicker. Why the heck are so many MC's virgins too then suddenly are banging scores of different women within a few days? XD
Well the MC banging scores of women is just power fantasy type stuff. Sort of like how in video game RPGs the MC can rip through 100s of enemies. I've only seriously dated 2 women in my life (been on dates with others back when I did tinder but none of them went further then the bedroom, and most not that far) so I'm not expert by any stretch but based on everything I know from friends/family and my own personal experiences it's definitely odd how delayed sex is, and you'd think porn games would want to accelerate the sex when it actually does make sense. I mean, I love games that have a plot and a real romantic plot line, but there is a weird idea a lot of devs have that romance somehow means you have to abstain from sex for weeks or something, when in my experience it's the opposite... when you're head over heels for each other that's when you end up fucking for hours every chance you get. That sort of peters out over the following months when the real relationship kicks in and the euphoria is over, but yea, the first few months of a relationship when you're in love are intense and I feel games currently do a bad job showing it. After all nothing feels better than falling in love - and I mean that almost literally as it's like a fucking drug, so it's weird how most porn games make it feel like I'm coercing some girl into liking me by plying her with gifts and compliments while building up skill points or playing minigames or some shit.

I will say one game that does it better than a lot of games I've played was Ramen no Oujisama, very anime style art which is a turn off for some but while it's simplistic it actually does a better job of representing young love then most of the games I've played. Sex early on in the relationships but also simultaneously having character development and dialogue that while relatively simplistic isn't paper thin like so many other games.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Well the MC banging scores of women is just power fantasy type stuff. Sort of like how in video game RPGs the MC can rip through 100s of enemies. I've only seriously dated 2 women in my life (been on dates with others back when I did tinder but none of them went further then the bedroom, and most not that far) so I'm not expert by any stretch but based on everything I know from friends/family and my own personal experiences it's definitely odd how delayed sex is, and you'd think porn games would want to accelerate the sex when it actually does make sense. I mean, I love games that have a plot and a real romantic plot line, but there is a weird idea a lot of devs have that romance somehow means you have to abstain from sex for weeks or something, when in my experience it's the opposite... when you're head over heels for each other that's when you end up fucking for hours every chance you get. That sort of peters out over the following months when the real relationship kicks in and the euphoria is over, but yea, the first few months of a relationship when you're in love are intense and I feel games currently do a bad job showing it. After all nothing feels better than falling in love - and I mean that almost literally as it's like a fucking drug, so it's weird how most porn games make it feel like I'm coercing some girl into liking me by plying her with gifts and compliments while building up skill points or playing minigames or some shit.

I will say one game that does it better than a lot of games I've played was Ramen no Oujisama, very anime style art which is a turn off for some but while it's simplistic it actually does a better job of representing young love then most of the games I've played. Sex early on in the relationships but also simultaneously having character development and dialogue that while relatively simplistic isn't paper thin like so many other games.
This is a problem I figured out early on and it has to do with a combination of poor writing and abuse of a trope known as the Stairway to Heaven.

The Stairway to Heaven:

Look it's been 6 months, can you at least touch it a little?

No one ever has sex on the first date. Especially not horny teenagers or consenting adults. Sex isn't spontaneous it's actually a very specific set of steps that must be fulfilled, in a specific order. Not only that, but you can only move forward one step per date at a maximum. Anything else would be uncivilized. Often considered a form of "Blue Balling" by

The Universal Steps are:
1. Kissing
2. Light Petting
3. Heavy Petting
4. Handjob/Pussy Rub
5. Fingering
6. Tit job
7. Blow Job/Cunnilingus
8. Vaginal
9. Anal

Some girls have longer stairways than others, if so the following steps can be added around numbers 6 and 7: Thigh Fucking, Butt cheek fucking, Footjob, Sensual Massage.
Now, in reality the stairway, you'll find does exist in some fashion. However it's more about how comfortable you find yourself with the partner than about a rigorous regimented set of steps we take. It usually starts with casual touching, holding hands, hugging, a hand placed on the persons knee, nothing sexual, but definitely familiar. And this step can be hightened by adding dancing to the date. If you're out and you're dancing you're touching one another and becoming comfortable with being touched by one another. But once that stage has been passed you move on to kissing. And that's really the barrier that says, hey, yeah, I'm interested in taking this further. Kissing has some scientific reasons we do it, apparently our bodies are able to judge by one another's saliva whether or not we have genes that would be good to combine to create stronger kids or something, and so, when a kiss is magical, things move forward again. Depending on how comfortable you are, where your personal inhibitions lie, and maybe a bit of alcohol consumption, you could end up committing a sex act together that night. Maybe not. But the point is, it's possible.

In games however, they stick you on a regimented path to attempt to build up sexual tension to be released when the chaaracters finally have sex. This is where the bad writing comes in. You see, these games are typically not designed with any greater goal in mind. Your MC has no arc outside of the sexual gratification with the character who he's climbing this stairway with. Thus, the reward in this game isn't some grander purpose or goal, it's the sex at the end. Usually the games that don't have this problem have something else going on. Depraved Awakening, for instance, has some pretty quick and earned escalations to it's sexual content, but it also has an MC who's real goals lie in the Noir Detective Plot. Coceter Chronicles has sex around ever corner, and usually not much build-up at all, however it's overarching story is not about sex, but about literally saving the world. The games that get away with not doing this have learned there's one other way. Instead of making the goal into sex, you make the goal into something related to their relationship, usually because there's something taboo about it, incest, student teacher, etc. And you have to find a way to hide the relationship from the right people, or otherwise convince them that it's ok.

When you do that you open the door to a much more healthy sexual production, one where the sex serves the narrative and not the other way around. When the narrative just serves to bring you to the sex at the end, you feel constantly cheated, as though the game is just blue balling you till it's conclusion. It's pacing is immediately shown to be off, and you an easily lose interest, as you're here for something you're not getting. DmD is the worst offender imo, even though D is both really young (I know it says she's 18, but she's not) and it's an incest title, the game does a good job of creating a way to cover that hurdle, by making sure that you were separated during her developmental years. That means that you could develop romantic feelings without the psychological barriers to incest. But on top of that, even after he's jumped the shark he keeps making each update an incremental step up the stairway. Yes, you'd have to take some time and do some corrupting and make D comfortable with it, but you'd definitely be having sex with her by the time the two weeks are up in the first chapter after spending every day and most nights together.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Either you play shitty games, or you have no idea what player choice really is. To be extra mean about this, I've never seen a Ubisoft game with player choice. EA happens to own Bioware, so they've got what is essentially the king of player choice driven narrative. More importantly you've got games like The Witcher 3 which so seamlessly integrates your choices into the game that almost every decision has some consequence. And here is the kicker, consequence. If your choices have no consequences then they don't matter. However if the things you do can hurt or save people in the future then doing one thing or the other matters. Translated to adult games there are a number of ways to implement this, with bad endings, when done properly as an endgame thing, rather than as a game over screen at the beginning of a game (looking at you DmD), or reward endings like Harems, all being possible.

Actually, there's a good chance we don't. For instance, while I very much like corruption and slutty behaviour in women, I draw the line at consent. If the female character's only motivation to be with me is fear, then I'm not interested in it at all. I also don't care for peeping content, and nocturnal molestations if they can be avoided. These are all choices that would have to be made in the game. For some people the choices are just as much about avoiding content they don't want to see as they are about finding content the do want.

Take, for instance, Babysitter. In this game you have romantic rivals. Making the wrong choices is going to push Christine away from you and into their arms. However if you're not afraid of a little competition there's a bit of wiggle room to be had here on some of it. There's a particular scene that takes place as a game of truth or dare in your jacuzzi after a night at the club with Christine and her friend Jessica. If you dance with Jessica then Christine dances with the bartender, Robert, who'd been introduced a few times earlier. At the end of the dancing you have the choice to either allow Robert over, or gate him then and there, keeping Christine to yourself, or, you could have danced with Christine and avoided this problem all together. If you let him over though, the game of Truth or Dare becomes much more interesting. You still have options to keep him and Christine from ending up together, and nothing truly sexual happens, but you get to experience something good. Or, if you absolutely can't handle the threat of NTR, you choose one of the two options that keeps him away.

In this way choice matters, it grants greater insight and playability.

This is a bit of a misnomer, and it's an important distinction. Alice is the only character I really cared about in this game. The aunt is fine, as is Tracy's friend from the Tanning Salon, but Alice is why I play it. The choice you have with her isn't love me or be my slave though. It's only give yourself to the person you truly love, or be my slave. And that is a huge distinction. What that does is free Alice from the guilt of any path that involves incest, allowing her to follow her heart in that respect without feeling guilty. For me, a guy who is a huge siscon and prefers consent, that means the world. That means that when she comes to me it's not because I forced her, it's because she loves me, and through that I am the winner in this situation. If she becomes my slave I can still have fun with it... but it's not the same. And that is important. That choice determines how I feel about the entire story.

As I hope I've laid out to you, it's not about replay, it's about having a route best suited to you. If you wanna be against grind or poor pacing, as in New Dawn and DmD respectively, that's fine, but choice? No. And as to your point about it being a monthly release system and content not coming as quickly as you'd like if they do multiple routes, fine, wait a couple releases before playing again. I do that all the time. Long Live the Princess is a great example of this, where it follows a life sim format with lots of different characters and therefore a bit of a slow progression with each route. I hadn't played it since January, but played the most recent update and loved it. Your lack of patience isn't the developer's problem. They are making a complete game. Trying to cater your larger in scope game to people who don't want to wait is just going to ruin the games they're making. And doing only one route at a time is just going to make the game worthless to those who want the content that comes from another route.

There is alot of text here so I am going to sumarize it to help myself with replying, and maybe it will also help you see whether or not I have misunderstood anything.

1 You think player choice is a particular thing, and not just the player having choices.
What you consider player choice translates into different endings, specifically story.

2 You think gating content is a good thing. If there is potentially unappealing content in a game, you would rather the game keeps it from you in advance.

4 Your dod waifu is trash.

5 You think that my issues are inherently with grinding and poor pacing, and not with what you consider player choice. Catering to my wishes could even hurt the industry, in limiting the creative process of the developers.

As is aparent from my writing, I am not a native english speaker. So if player choice has a specific meaning other than the two words, player and choice, I am not aware of this.

Thinking player choice can only be translated into rpgs and straight up you selecting between 3 paths in a dialogue to decide the narrative outcome of a quest or the end game credits is very limited thinking.
If a game gives you choices, it may as well be with what weapon or operator you are going to attack with in Rainbow Six Seige. The gameplay is vastly different depending on your choice of operator or weapon. What faction to play in heroes of might and magic, or how to spend your resources. Far Cry 2 had a limited amount of diamonds, this is limiting your playstyle too, thus creating choices.

If are still with me, and willing to consider player choice being choices in actual gameplay, you will find more sense in my Ubisoft / radiant quest comparison. The ubisoft sandbox model is indeed player choice, and it is so at the cost of greater narrative. You've been given a self-assembly kit to have fun with, to be used in no particular order. There is no structure, and you have the choice of how to play to have the kind of fun you want.

When I angrily professed it barely belonged in a game, I was obviously not talking about ALL choice, gaming is inherently interactive, thus differentiating from a movie. I was talking about the above mentioned choice. the one that comes at the cost of story.
This is my private opinion. But I hold the creativity of developers or storytellers in high regard. I am interested in hearing their story. I am not very much interested in hearing my own. Doing radiant quests in skyrim is not as great a story as commander Shepard defeating Saran and saving the citadel from the reapers. The fact that the mass effect story is so much more epic than the skyrim one, is very much because of the player's limited input, not influencing the creator's vision. Andromeda is basically the sandbox / radiant quest / ubisoft / version of mass effect.

Throughout everything I wrote in my original post, I was writing under the impression that selecting routes were always bad, because it limited the amount of content I could see in a single play through. You bring up an excellent point, that some people might actually want to cut content. Thus replaying would never be an issue, because they would never want to play through babysitters allowing Christine to get intercoursed by a penis that we are told in dialogue is not the one of the main character.

This does however, mix poorly with my above goal, to experience the game as envisioned by the creator. An options menu to simply censor or remove NTR would be more my taste (if I was actually interested in censoring) Every game doesn't need to include every single fetish, and it also shouldn't limit itself because some fetish is too far out for some.

For some people watching a black penis is a huge deal. Should DoD have a route to turn Marcus white?
Obviously not. Lewdlab had a vision when designing the character, he is meant to be the token black guy, and the main character's bro. While not necessarily the largest part of the story, a version where the character
is different, is still a different story. Now imagine if this fictive race sensitive version of DoD had sexual content only available to this version, but not nesesarily relating to anything of race. Lets say something as simple as a missionary sex position with Alice where the cumshot isn't rotated so the penis is on the top of the screen instead of the bottom (That camera angle really bothered me). Replaying the game just to achieve this would be a chore, but it is still something that more people would care about than the race issue.


Lastly, I understand what you are saying here perfectly. The developer is making something, and he shouldn't change it because of my issues. As you can gather from above, I obviously agree with you. But, I am not entirely convinced it is not the other way around. As I see it, it is just as likely that games have several routes, to cater to more people at once, and thus possibly hurting the process. Big brother is a great example of a game with a clear vision, being limited, regulated and drastically changed to fit a massive audience. Darksilver clearly lost his vision along the road, because he had to think of the audience and not his own story.


Apr 25, 2018
@DarthSeduction Ugh, don't get me started on DmD, I played a bit of that game and I literally felt like I was coercing a young child into sexual situations, left a horrific taste in my mouth due to just how oblivious and naive the daughter was. I do think incest is a pretty big barrier even with a separation though, especially when an age gap is involved and even more so when it's a parent. So in terms of that I would see why he has hesitations, but the slow manipulations into progressive acts sort of weirded me out, that and the baby cheeks.

I just want good erotic romance games but they're so rare at this point! Most of those that are decent come from Japan, but those fall into far too many tropes and usually younger casts than are interesting to me. Oh well.

Hopefully more games start to come out that try to break a lot of the tropes/cliches.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
There is alot of text here so I am going to sumarize it to help myself with replying, and maybe it will also help you see whether or not I have misunderstood anything.

1 You think player choice is a particular thing, and not just the player having choices.
What you consider player choice translates into different endings, specifically story.

2 You think gating content is a good thing. If there is potentially unappealing content in a game, you would rather the game keeps it from you in advance.

4 Your dod waifu is trash.

5 You think that my issues are inherently with grinding and poor pacing, and not with what you consider player choice. Catering to my wishes could even hurt the industry, in limiting the creative process of the developers.

As is aparent from my writing, I am not a native english speaker. So if player choice has a specific meaning other than the two words, player and choice, I am not aware of this.

Thinking player choice can only be translated into rpgs and straight up you selecting between 3 paths in a dialogue to decide the narrative outcome of a quest or the end game credits is very limited thinking.
If a game gives you choices, it may as well be with what weapon or operator you are going to attack with in Rainbow Six Seige. The gameplay is vastly different depending on your choice of operator or weapon. What faction to play in heroes of might and magic, or how to spend your resources. Far Cry 2 had a limited amount of diamonds, this is limiting your playstyle too, thus creating choices.

If are still with me, and willing to consider player choice being choices in actual gameplay, you will find more sense in my Ubisoft / radiant quest comparison. The ubisoft sandbox model is indeed player choice, and it is so at the cost of greater narrative. You've been given a self-assembly kit to have fun with, to be used in no particular order. There is no structure, and you have the choice of how to play to have the kind of fun you want.

When I angrily professed it barely belonged in a game, I was obviously not talking about ALL choice, gaming is inherently interactive, thus differentiating from a movie. I was talking about the above mentioned choice. the one that comes at the cost of story.
This is my private opinion. But I hold the creativity of developers or storytellers in high regard. I am interested in hearing their story. I am not very much interested in hearing my own. Doing radiant quests in skyrim is not as great a story as commander Shepard defeating Saran and saving the citadel from the reapers. The fact that the mass effect story is so much more epic than the skyrim one, is very much because of the player's limited input, not influencing the creator's vision. Andromeda is basically the sandbox / radiant quest / ubisoft / version of mass effect.

Throughout everything I wrote in my original post, I was writing under the impression that selecting routes were always bad, because it limited the amount of content I could see in a single play through. You bring up an excellent point, that some people might actually want to cut content. Thus replaying would never be an issue, because they would never want to play through babysitters allowing Christine to get intercoursed by a penis that we are told in dialogue is not the one of the main character.

This does however, mix poorly with my above goal, to experience the game as envisioned by the creator. An options menu to simply censor or remove NTR would be more my taste (if I was actually interested in censoring) Every game doesn't need to include every single fetish, and it also shouldn't limit itself because some fetish is too far out for some.

For some people watching a black penis is a huge deal. Should DoD have a route to turn Marcus white?
Obviously not. Lewdlab had a vision when designing the character, he is meant to be the token black guy, and the main character's bro. While not necessarily the largest part of the story, a version where the character
is different, is still a different story. Now imagine if this fictive race sensitive version of DoD had sexual content only available to this version, but not nesesarily relating to anything of race. Lets say something as simple as a missionary sex position with Alice where the cumshot isn't rotated so the penis is on the top of the screen instead of the bottom (That camera angle really bothered me). Replaying the game just to achieve this would be a chore, but it is still something that more people would care about than the race issue.

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Lastly, I understand what you are saying here perfectly. The developer is making something, and he shouldn't change it because of my issues. As you can gather from above, I obviously agree with you. But, I am not entirely convinced it is not the other way around. As I see it, it is just as likely that games have several routes, to cater to more people at once, and thus possibly hurting the process. Big brother is a great example of a game with a clear vision, being limited, regulated and drastically changed to fit a massive audience. Darksilver clearly lost his vision along the road, because he had to think of the audience and not his own story.
I'm glad, then, that I settled on Babysitter for my example. You're not entirely wrong with your assumption that a major reason that route's exist in these games is to cater to different strokes, however, I would argue that the reason we are telling both stories, is that we want to tell both stories. We have chosen the Visual Novel format because it allows us to best explore all the options we have in mind. And now to how this all relates to Babysitter. The writer for this game and I actually have a bit of a close professional relationship. We kinda use one another as a sound board to help us work out the kinks in our writing to better streamline what we want to happen. As a result I'm kinda intimately aware of his goals and how he feels about each of the different routes presented by the game.

The game presents 2 possible romantic rivals, and 2 possible romance options, resulting in about 4 different paths, with a few other branches that come back to the main. The two rival's are gated behind a decision of whether or not Christine starts working for the horn dog of a business partner you have. If she does, then he, Mr. Silver is the romantic rival. If she doesn't then Robert, the black bartender becomes the romantic Rival. Either way there are two romance routes with her, there's the friend route, which has you being a gentleman and friend, and there's the lust route, which has you bringing out her more playful side. Now, the events that follow are mostly the same, with a few deviations like the hot tub scene or the hotel scene depending on rivals. But in general the story hits the same beats. However, the things that you and Christine say to one another change a bit when she's friendly vs when she's lustful. This allows us as writers to play with these characters in different ways and with different situations.

Now, through our conversations, I know Burt, the writer, doesn't really care for NTR. He's not a crusader that wants it to burn, but it's not his kink. However, he's writing these romantic rival lines and to him, they are some of his better work. He really likes the thought he's putting into them to not just make Silver and Robert moustache twirling villains (see Eric) and make them actually interesting characters. And that's the behind the scenes stuff that you guys' aren't really gonna see. As developers, these branches are things we invest ourselves into, we try to make them truly enjoyable even if they aren't the main kink. The overarching story we want to tell is still going to be there, what's great about the branches is out ability to explore different ideas with these characters that challenge us.

P.S. Lisa only wins because she's the little sister in the game. I have a sister complex, specifically for the younger sisters, so it works for me. That said I don't think she is in my top 3 little sisters or anything.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
@DarthSeduction Ugh, don't get me started on DmD, I played a bit of that game and I literally felt like I was coercing a young child into sexual situations, left a horrific taste in my mouth due to just how oblivious and naive the daughter was. I do think incest is a pretty big barrier even with a separation though, especially when an age gap is involved and even more so when it's a parent. So in terms of that I would see why he has hesitations, but the slow manipulations into progressive acts sort of weirded me out, that and the baby cheeks.

I just want good erotic romance games but they're so rare at this point! Most of those that are decent come from Japan, but those fall into far too many tropes and usually younger casts than are interesting to me. Oh well.

Hopefully more games start to come out that try to break a lot of the tropes/cliches.
Have you played Parental Love? The relationship in that is far closer to how I would have advanced the plot with DmD, only as D is younger than the daughter in Parental Love, I would have had a few days before the romance kicked off in earnest.


Apr 25, 2018
Have you played Parental Love? The relationship in that is far closer to how I would have advanced the plot with DmD, only as D is younger than the daughter in Parental Love, I would have had a few days before the romance kicked off in earnest.
I played it but I'm not actually super huge on either incest or age gap relations, they're not turn offs in the same way that some other things are, but they're definitely not my preference.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Racist tropes in sex games are a big turnoff to me. I don't like racism IRL, why would I enjoy it in my games? Not all black guys need to have big dicks, speak and act like thugs or be stupid. Not all black girls need to be angry, crass and sexually aggressive. Asian girls aren't typically submissive IRL. Etc. Not all white girls secretly crave the BBC, either.
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Jun 26, 2017
One thing i hate in the m/s fetish spectrum is when the mom just throws herself onto the son. I like the mom to have resistance and for the tension to build up, it makes the climax so much more rewarding.


Apr 25, 2018
Racist tropes in sex games are a big turnoff to me. I don't like racism IRL, why would I enjoy it in my games? Not all black guys need to have big dicks, speak and act like thugs or be stupid. Not all black girls need to be angry, crass and sexually aggressive. Asian girls aren't typically submissive IRL. Etc. Not all white girls secretly crave the BBC, either.
While I'm not fond of racism in games either I do find your criteria for why it's a turn off odd. I would hope that many of the things here you wouldn't enjoy IRL other than just racism considering there's literal rape, mind control, blackmail, molestation, cheating, manipulation, parent-child incest, monster sex, bestiality and many others that are questionable at best.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
While I'm not fond of racism in games either I do find your criteria for why it's a turn off odd. I would hope that many of the things here you wouldn't enjoy IRL other than just racism considering there's literal rape, mind control, blackmail, molestation, cheating, manipulation, parent-child incest, monster sex, bestiality and many others that are questionable at best.
Sure. But to me racism isn't even a sexual fantasy/fetish per se, yes? It just feels gratuitously wrong.


Apr 25, 2018
Sure. But to me racism isn't even a sexual fantasy/fetish per se, yes? It just feels gratuitously wrong.
Hmmm, I mean to me something like rape feels far more gratuitously wrong. Again, it's not a fetish I hold I just see it as far less fucked up than a lot of the other shit people get off to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Hmmm, I mean to me something like rape feels far more gratuitously wrong. Again, it's not a fetish I hold I just see it as far less fucked up than a lot of the other shit people get off too.
It could be that, to me, pointing out that rape is a turnoff seems like a given, while racism is something that just seems gratuitous and out of place, even for an outre sexual fantasy/fetish scenario. Does that make sense? I don't feel obliged to list every kink or fetish or trope that turns me off, particularly if they're ones that turn most or many people off.


Aug 17, 2017
I dislike a few things.

I dislike that people solely focus on the whole romance, sensual, gentle trip. Rarely do I find anything harder or rough because people have some misguided view of it being "rape". That being said I am really tired of the whole 'I have to get you off before I get off' thing. People don't understand that there are a lot of different types of people out there and some girls will and actually do get off simply by getting their partner off. The list of kinks based in hentai or games is narrow.. very narrow.

I dislike when a games hold off things or put in time limits to their games. "You have to do this in twenty days or you lose the game!". I absolutely hate being teased that you have to wait for things to unlock in order to enjoy them. If I am in control of the character it should be my choice when I want to resort to prostitution or if I want to sneak into the male side of the bath house and sleep with guy A, B or C! I shouldn't have to wait till later, often towards the end of the game in order to actually enjoy myself. I hate having to jump through hoops. I dislike how people relate Sissy's and Crossdressers to Femdom's only. I rarely find a game or hentai where the sissy can be with guys or the badass male is a pussy. The character played in "The Tyrant" is weak and stupid for an example.... Just to name a few.

Edit: I see a lot of people are having big discussions over this but I just wanted to throw mine out there. I don't plan on replying or arguing about it. If you agree with it good. There are gonna be people who are different from each other and into different things. I just wish Hentai, Porn and Games would expand their content to the rougher side of sex. Edit-Edit: "Rougher Side" is NOT BDSM! In my opinion BDSM is just never-ending foreplay.
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Nov 7, 2019
In hentai when the sex sounds(the dick in the pussy) is too loud, monster rape, the show what the dick looks like inside the ass or pussy. Those turn me off instantly, but I skip those parts.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
Im fairly confident some of this isnt what you asked for, but by now all of these are tropes within porn games. I think I started answsring the question, but midway through got side tracked by my rant. Not editing though.

First up, NTR. I hate it. Its likely me just projecting my insecurities, fantasies and mild sexism onto the game\hentai. Im also using NTR in a broad term. IRL I dont want a girl sucking my dick to tell me shes sucked a lot of dick, I dont want it in my porn either. Its so bad that even in incest/corruption games where something like sisters laptop shows she sent an underwear pic to a guy annoys me and Ive come to fight the urge to close the game. I didnt always be like this, I fear ive become so degraded that I believe the woman should be owned by me, and should only be used by me. I mean my firsf porn game ever was Free Cities where you own the girls just to have them get fucked for money. I loved it, developed some new kinks and discovered more porn games. Now i play it and get annoyed when my preferred slaves are fucking people without even being a prostitue. I want to own the girl, and she shall be my personal cum dump, not used by anyone, or anything elss.

Another being personalities. I love that porn games have some substance to them. Not a flash game and wiggling of a mouse. However, many personalities get lost during development of either the girl through corruption, or the devs lack of focus/writing abilities. Its really annoying to like a charecter, then not care she exists. I can list my favorite games and id bet at least half of them are there due to one or two charecters. Its quite frustrating losing that illusion. Others have mentioned similar faults, so no need going further.

Also giant assets, both male and female variety. I understand if its a transformation concept, but why is 19 year old jimmy running around with a 20 inch shlong fucking a 98 pound girl of possibly questionable age? He would rip her in half! Shout out to the Arctic Expansion mod for Strive for Power that adds teariing to the game. Also, I just dont really understand why so many milf must have triple G tits. Again makes sense for transformation or fantasy races, but for ordinary hardworking mother with three kids? Kinda much, makes me spent too much time asking why and not enough time anjoying the game. "Can we get some fucking immersion?" - MXRplays.

Devs and excusses also throw me off. Ill throw Liliths Throne under the bus. They dont have a job, make a good amount of money, and have dozens of loyal fans at their beck and call to defend anything they do... Yet checking their blog its an endless stream of apologies, missed deadlines, muting people, or random disapearances. When I first played it, I thought 'holy shit this will be a great game!" It had lore, replayabikity, tons of customization options, decent gameplay, hell, if I made a content wishlist, it likely strikes more checks than the ridiculous amount of games ive played. Both porn and non porn variety. However the constant wondering if the dev will vanish and a group of anons take it over. Its become a waiting game rather than enjoyment. New update comes out = I guess ill wait for the next one....

lastly and longest, the divide between gameplay, and story. Im not a fan of choose your own adventure porn games. If im going to play one, It must be finished. Too many damn games im just randomly checking up on it to get like 30 minuets of reading, in many cases waiting months for it. I live in 2019. The sheer amount of content I injest weekly is ridiculous. TV series, books, manga, anime, social interactions in the real world, I cant keep up with a porn game thats pure story. Everytime a story based game puts out an update, im replaying the damn thing, which gets old. I downloaded a game a couple weeks ago, restarted it because I hadnt played in months and spent like an hour skipping texts, and recapping to just get bored and closed it. I havent touched it since, and I really enjoyed it the first time. I need some gameplay thrown in. I dont mean RPG maker, or random room clicking many games with gameplay has... Its not gameplay. Its just me randomly clicking waiting until I find an event, or following a charecters schedule to unlock the next event. May as well make it a choose your own adventure at that point. Im just gonna read a walkthrough anyway. save my mouse some wear. Ill admit, this isnt true for all games, some sandboxes are really good, and some of my favorite games here. But man... Some would be better by just dropping the idea and save development time. There arent many good games with good gameplay. EraTohoK comes to mind. Its so fun to play. The only caviot being more time programing, less charecter development. However there is the other side of the coin as well, devs that spent too much time building up gameplay and theres little, to no events. Games where the gameplay is great and offers replayability, but the lack of events, art or charecters kills second playthrough enjoyment. We need more games with balance. Give me something to do while I refresh on, im sure, your well thought out story. Im getting to a point where I PREFER a ton of grind, simply because its something to do. Thats not cool.
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Jun 4, 2018
1. NTR- I have a caveot on this if the woman is weak minded to the point she can be raped and get addicted to her rapist or be forced through some back handed pursuasion like black mail and stay with her abuser that is the worst version of this.
But if her lover is neglectful and possibly cheating on her or abusive. I don't like disloyal women who don't seem to resist.
2. Weak minded/disloyal women who can easily be mentally shattered or corrupted. I like them to be resistive and fight it if that is the type of porn.
3. Futa
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