
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
If Amy is 18 now, does that mean we will have some incest in the future? or is the model just for show? thanks for your work by the way.
Lord willing, there will be incest. It will be optional but I'm not going to go too far out of my way to explain what happens instead. It isn't an alternate series of events or a "roommate," the content is censored so Amy essentially disappears from the game.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Who ever knew the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy could complicate a relationship...

The one major drawback about koikatsu when animating is it has no condom asset. None, everything is raw. That being said I don't think Logan should be having babies with every girl, it brings in a whole new dynamic that is rabbit hole too deep even for me. So, they need to have raw sex and not get pregnant. I see four choices:

1. Everyone has raw sex without protection they just don't get pregnant.
-Pros: it's sexy and I can tease impregnation and since it is still on the table, possibly include it.
-Cons: Saying that constant unprotected sex with seven women results in no baby and that people in this world simply have unprotected sex all of the time both stretch credibility to the breaking point and anyone watching will be expecting a baby that might never come

2. The girls take birth control.
-Pros: It's rather simple to explain and I can leave babies on the table
-Cons: It turns all of the drama and build up of Chelsey's character arc into an idiot plot where the only reason Chelsey is struggling is because she was too dumb to go on birth control. I want to avoid this at all costs

3. Vasectomy.
-Pros: Makes logical sense for a 44 year old married man who doesn't want to have kids yet is sexually active to get one and doesn't ruin Chelsey's plot, plus I can give Logan a moment where he draws a line in the sand for Molly to tell her "I'll only have your kids"
-Cons: Most guys view it the same way one would cutting one's own nuts off. It's a permanent serialization and isn't looked upon favorably when talking about sexy things, plus people think post vasectomy the guys making anything and just cums puffs of air when in reality ONLY the sperm cells themselves are produced in the testicles and everything else(all of the fluid) comes from the prostate and seminal vesicles

4. Give user a choice between unprotected and vasectomy
-Pros: ...
-Cons: The cons are pretty much magnifies for 1 & 3, plus it might come off as lazy


Mar 2, 2018
Dude you got point 3 all wrong. True it is very frowned upon by males (which gets me angry but thats a different conversation), but girls? I would say 50/50. Some just cant get their head around it but the other half finds it super attractive. Ever since I had mine my wife cant get enough lol. Something about it showing a man has no problem with resposibility ...


Oct 31, 2018
Most guys view it the same way one would cutting one's own nuts off. It's a permanent serialization and isn't looked upon favorably when talking about sexy things, plus people think post vasectomy the guys making anything and just cums puffs of air when in reality ONLY the sperm cells themselves are produced in the testicles and everything else(all of the fluid) comes from the prostate and seminal vesicles
Really, I didn‘t know this is the common take on vasectomy? I think of it as a real blessing. Unload the gun instead of wearing a bullet proof vest
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Mar 2, 2018
Well as common as my personal sample size that is also mostly atleast kink positive ....

I really like it. If you know that you dont want any biological kids, it makes sex allot easier. And it gives the man a big security and independence when it comes to contraception.
Doesnt protect from STDs but hey atleast you can be certain your one night stand wont give you a call 9 month later;)
Oh and a surprisingly large amount of men have severely reduced sensation when using a condom - so helps with that too


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Really, I didn‘t know this is the common take on vasectomy? I think of it as a real blessing. Unload the gun instead of wearing a bullet proof vest
Dude you got point 3 all wrong. True it is very frowned upon by males (which gets me angry but thats a different conversation), but girls? I would say 50/50. Some just cant get their head around it but the other half finds it super attractive. Ever since I had mine my wife cant get enough lol. Something about it showing a man has no problem with responsibility ...
You know, I'm curious to know whether I actually have a female audience...

That being said, I listed that as basically it was one of the drawbacks some might have, not an inevitability, and to try and allay that I would have writing that would explain it. Basically him sitting with the doctor saying "the semen will be indistinguishable afterwords unless you took some and looked at it under a microscope."

That is something #3 and #1 have, it can be explained. However, I feel #2 would undermine the entire tone of a character arc I honestly prefer making him have a vasectomy because as you say it gives him a sense of responsibility and maturity, but I don't know how widespread the knowledge of just how little of an effect a vasectomy has on a man's sexual performance and many may things he is "less of a man" as it were.


Mar 2, 2018
From the storyline so far a vasectomy would actualy make sense wouldnt it? I mean the MC starts out in a long term monogamous relationship - the type of relationship vasectomies are most common in.


Oct 31, 2018
Personally I‘d go with vasectomy, too. I think that would upset the pregnancy crowd, though. Because then they don‘t even have a chance to get their pregnancy. I don‘t know if they are a vocal minority though. Still, #3 makes the most sense out of all the possibilities.


Mar 2, 2018
Well vasectomy does have a tiny chance for the spermatic ducts to grow back together. So if you REALLY want to implement pregnancy its not 100% off the table.
To be specific in the first months there is a 53-530 in 10.000 chance for it to happen


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
I've been brainstorming a bit and came up with the concept of yet another story, though I'm not sure how well it will work.

Basically an isekai but the story is from a rather unique point of view. You take the part of the omnipotent reader, the MC used to be a mob, a background character with no personality, you were somehow directed to the wrong character for the intro and asked to give him a name. When he was named he received the will and collective personality of the audience. He is truly the embodiment of the audience surrogate. He wants what you want, he wants to have lots of kinky sex with a bunch of hot chicks and maybe find happiness and have a few kids of his own. Problem is, the game world is a bit strange... as in whatever game you are in was originally designed to appeal for fans of extreme femdom and cuckolding, taking place in a fictional world where men are considered to be second class citizens. The backstory is it is a result of a feminist utopia, and in the game the protagonist is kicked in the nuts a lot, forced to sexually please women while denied sex himself, the protag gets to enjoy being toyed with, tauned, and cuckolded all the time by his classmates for the viewers pleasure. To give you an idea, here is the laws established "for equality":

Laws against men:
-Believe all women act: In any case of rape the woman's word is considered to be dominate over any other testimony and even hard evidence and potential male rapist are deemed guilty unless they can prove themselves innocent(though since there is no way to, it is a kangaroo court).
-Pink tax adjustment act: women are paid more to do the same job, minimum wage and many labor laws only apply to female employees.
-Employment equality act: A manager must hire a woman over a man between two candidates of equal standing.
-Management equality act: A company cannot have a man in a management position over women and any male managers must be supervised by a female manager.
-College equality act: between two college applicants of equal standing the female must take preference
-Porn ban: any piece of media which depicts naked men having sex with women or any phallic object violating women for the purposes of sexual fantasy is banned.

In theory, the normal nuclear family should exists, the wife makes the money and the man raises her kids, whether they also "his kids" is irrelevant to his responsibility. For some reason this is the ideal scenario for the dwindling number of men.(obviously due to men's undesirability, women outnumber men, so their odds of being able to change things are low)

This should work if things follow the script, problem is the MC, he was originally a mob. However, when the reader gives him a name and by extension a personality, as a result he gains a will of his own and isn't a fan of the content on offer. The game's MC is in the game and is a masochist and cuckold the others character have also been granted free will to varying levels and their actual personalities are not the violent psychopaths they were in the game. I'll give you an example using our goth girl: Heather Morris

In the game she went commando and liked to kick "weak men" in the nuts and as she kicked you in the nuts you could look up her skirt, that was your "reward."
The reason was she suffered under a megalomaniac of a mother who abused her constantly because she looked like her father who her mother called a "weak man," and was the result she didn't come out as good as in the mother. In the game she used to take out her frustrations first on the only person who was kind to her, her father, kicking him in the nuts until he pissed blood. Then she fell in love with the you who is also "kind" to her, so she decides to show her affection by kicking him too. The "happy end" is that she decides to get married to him and have a baby "together," as in she goes out and finds a "strong man" to impregnate her and then lets him raise it.
However, when she "wakes up" she the ramifications of what she has done hit her. What is the difference between her and her mother with the way she treated her father? Why did she used to think kicking the boy you like in the balls was a show of love?

One thing I want to be a factor in it is that the original game has absolutely TERRIBLE writing, basically it's plot contrivance built on plot contrivance with the fetish coming before any concern for logic or sense. Obviously, none of the characters are fans of this plotline.

Except for one, the antagonist: Mr. Neo Tare or Mr. NTR(yes, he's really going to be named that), he is ugly, he smells bad, an open pervert and womanizer, he is the man who the girls have sex with instead of the MC for reasons even he admits simply make no logical sense. He also ends up being the father of the "protagonist's kids" for most endings. He hangs around the school for reasons nobody questions and spends most of his time bullying the male students and having sex with the female ones. He seems to be the only "man" who is treated with any respect. When things begin to change, he isn't a fan. According to him you(the reader) "had a deal," the protagonist would offer the girls emotional support and let them vent their sadistic desires, and he would father children and have sex, seems fair to him, why would you want to change things? He's not sure what changed you, but he is determined to put a stop to it. He is the only other person in the plot that can talk to the reader directly but unlike the other characters, you cannot read his thoughts.

There is also the "Protagonist"(that is his name). He is the nameless, faceless protagonist of the original visual novel and having no name he retains his in-game persona. He often gets walked on and taken advantage of but it's kind of hard to feel sorry for him, as it is beyond letting people walking over him, he dives under people's feet. When Mr. NTR steals his girl he doesn't say a word, instead quietly masturbating to himself while they do the deed, and despite claiming to not be a masochist, he can't help but have an orgasm when a girl's sinks her heel into his testicles. While there is no telling for certain whether his reactions are actually a fetish or simply a coping mechanism, he is none-the-less adamant that you do not upset the status quo.

Obviously the "Main Character" who was a "red guy" mob but was given a name by the audience. As a result of the huge deviation from the script the script's hold over the personality and actions of the character has been loosened. If you want to call his personality anything, it is an amalgam of readers and what they want out of the novel. He wants to get to know the characters, to see tits, and see Mr. NTR get what's coming to him. He also notices the weird cliches in VNs that normally are done for storytelling reasons but would just sound weird in real life. Like for example: The Protagonist has a habit of only saying short choppy sentences as he monologues exposition to himself, since the MC can't hear this exposition, talking to the Protagonist often involves long pauses of silence with him finally only giving 4-5 word long noncommittal sentence that doesn't tell him anything, making the entire process of having a convo with the protagonist annoying and take far longer than it has any right to.

In general, the name is the catalyst for breaking the paradigm, the MC gains a name from you, and every character who tells you their name also begins to wake up. So, all of the "blue girls" are still female supremacist and dominatrixes while all of the "red boys" are masochist and cuckolds, they will all act according to the game's true script. Which is why Mr. NTR is such a threat. He isn't any threat to you sexually, the girls have free will and even if they don't choose you, he most certainly isn't plan B. However, people for some reason ignore pretty much anything he does wrong instead blame you for any wrongdoing, plus the admin, represented by a character who is only known as "the principal," will also always take his side. While he is a narcissist and psychopath, he is not a criminal mastermind, nor a thinker at all really. Thus, he believes that you, the reader, are a masochistic cuck in denial and all he needs to do is "reveal your true nature." The real problem with him lies not in him being a "criminal mastermind" but the fact that anything he does wrong will be attributed to the MC. He won't be blamed for it, but it will be that unique form of spaghetti logic you see in NTR games where no good deed goes unpunished. Take Amber McDowell's story as an example:

Amber McDowell - She begins very shy, an introvert who doesn't like talking with people and wouldn't hurt a fly. She wasn't raised around boys and isn't sure how to interact. As she slowly gains more confidence she starts opening up more. She even starts to like the protagonist. Then, just before he confesses, she is raped by Mr. NTR, she found the protag, a man, trustworthy, so she felt she could instantly trust Mr. NTR as well, only for him to turn around and ambush her. In the "happy end" he marries her, however she projects the actions of Mr. NTR onto him, believing it is somehow his fault and he never attempts to correct her. While she continues to open up with men and even starts dating them, the protag is the only man not allowed to touch her. In the base game she is a pretty generic character, a shy introvert with a fear of men, who sees people in simple categories that she groups as either "trust" or "don't trust." When she wakes up it turns out she is more complex than a coloring book. While the surface details remain the same she is no longer an idiot who is unable to interact with men. She is an introvert and doesn't like interacting with people she doesn't know well, or going to crowded place. And she also doesn't see this as a bad thing, she wants to keep her friends as a small close group and has no desire to "open up." She is an actual introvert rather than simply being the shy moe girl normally seen. Another difference is she also doesn't view one man as all men. Getting to know the MC better doesn't suddenly make her good at interacting with all men or even have the desire to. She grows to like you as a person.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
I've been brainstorming a bit and came up with the concept of yet another story, though I'm not sure how well it will work.

Basically an isekai but the story is from a rather unique point of view. You take the part of the omnipotent reader, the MC used to be a mob, a background character with no personality, you were somehow directed to the wrong character for the intro and asked to give him a name. When he was named he received the will and collective personality of the audience. He is truly the embodiment of the audience surrogate. He wants what you want, he wants to have lots of kinky sex with a bunch of hot chicks and maybe find happiness and have a few kids of his own. Problem is, the game world is a bit strange... as in whatever game you are in was originally designed to appeal for fans of extreme femdom and cuckolding, taking place in a fictional world where men are considered to be second class citizens. The backstory is it is a result of a feminist utopia, and in the game the protagonist is kicked in the nuts a lot, forced to sexually please women while denied sex himself, the protag gets to enjoy being toyed with, tauned, and cuckolded all the time by his classmates for the viewers pleasure. To give you an idea, here is the laws established "for equality":

Laws against men:
-Believe all women act: In any case of rape the woman's word is considered to be dominate over any other testimony and even hard evidence and potential male rapist are deemed guilty unless they can prove themselves innocent(though since there is no way to, it is a kangaroo court).
-Pink tax adjustment act: women are paid more to do the same job, minimum wage and many labor laws only apply to female employees.
-Employment equality act: A manager must hire a woman over a man between two candidates of equal standing.
-Management equality act: A company cannot have a man in a management position over women and any male managers must be supervised by a female manager.
-College equality act: between two college applicants of equal standing the female must take preference
-Porn ban: any piece of media which depicts naked men having sex with women or any phallic object violating women for the purposes of sexual fantasy is banned.

In theory, the normal nuclear family should exists, the wife makes the money and the man raises her kids, whether they also "his kids" is irrelevant to his responsibility. For some reason this is the ideal scenario for the dwindling number of men.(obviously due to men's undesirability, women outnumber men, so their odds of being able to change things are low)

This should work if things follow the script, problem is the MC, he was originally a mob. However, when the reader gives him a name and by extension a personality, as a result he gains a will of his own and isn't a fan of the content on offer. The game's MC is in the game and is a masochist and cuckold the others character have also been granted free will to varying levels and their actual personalities are not the violent psychopaths they were in the game. I'll give you an example using our goth girl: Heather Morris

View attachment 1282376
In the game she went commando and liked to kick "weak men" in the nuts and as she kicked you in the nuts you could look up her skirt, that was your "reward."
The reason was she suffered under a megalomaniac of a mother who abused her constantly because she looked like her father who her mother called a "weak man," and was the result she didn't come out as good as in the mother. In the game she used to take out her frustrations first on the only person who was kind to her, her father, kicking him in the nuts until he pissed blood. Then she fell in love with the you who is also "kind" to her, so she decides to show her affection by kicking him too. The "happy end" is that she decides to get married to him and have a baby "together," as in she goes out and finds a "strong man" to impregnate her and then lets him raise it.
However, when she "wakes up" she the ramifications of what she has done hit her. What is the difference between her and her mother with the way she treated her father? Why did she used to think kicking the boy you like in the balls was a show of love?

One thing I want to be a factor in it is that the original game has absolutely TERRIBLE writing, basically it's plot contrivance built on plot contrivance with the fetish coming before any concern for logic or sense. Obviously, none of the characters are fans of this plotline.

View attachment 1282375
Except for one, the antagonist: Mr. Neo Tare or Mr. NTR(yes, he's really going to be named that), he is ugly, he smells bad, an open pervert and womanizer, he is the man who the girls have sex with instead of the MC for reasons even he admits simply make no logical sense. He also ends up being the father of the "protagonist's kids" for most endings. He hangs around the school for reasons nobody questions and spends most of his time bullying the male students and having sex with the female ones. He seems to be the only "man" who is treated with any respect. When things begin to change, he isn't a fan. According to him you(the reader) "had a deal," the protagonist would offer the girls emotional support and let them vent their sadistic desires, and he would father children and have sex, seems fair to him, why would you want to change things? He's not sure what changed you, but he is determined to put a stop to it. He is the only other person in the plot that can talk to the reader directly but unlike the other characters, you cannot read his thoughts.

View attachment 1282374
There is also the "Protagonist"(that is his name). He is the nameless, faceless protagonist of the original visual novel and having no name he retains his in-game persona. He often gets walked on and taken advantage of but it's kind of hard to feel sorry for him, as it is beyond letting people walking over him, he dives under people's feet. When Mr. NTR steals his girl he doesn't say a word, instead quietly masturbating to himself while they do the deed, and despite claiming to not be a masochist, he can't help but have an orgasm when a girl's sinks her heel into his testicles. While there is no telling for certain whether his reactions are actually a fetish or simply a coping mechanism, he is none-the-less adamant that you do not upset the status quo.

View attachment 1282440
Obviously the "Main Character" who was a "red guy" mob but was given a name by the audience. As a result of the huge deviation from the script the script's hold over the personality and actions of the character has been loosened. If you want to call his personality anything, it is an amalgam of readers and what they want out of the novel. He wants to get to know the characters, to see tits, and see Mr. NTR get what's coming to him. He also notices the weird cliches in VNs that normally are done for storytelling reasons but would just sound weird in real life. Like for example: The Protagonist has a habit of only saying short choppy sentences as he monologues exposition to himself, since the MC can't hear this exposition, talking to the Protagonist often involves long pauses of silence with him finally only giving 4-5 word long noncommittal sentence that doesn't tell him anything, making the entire process of having a convo with the protagonist annoying and take far longer than it has any right to.

In general, the name is the catalyst for breaking the paradigm, the MC gains a name from you, and every character who tells you their name also begins to wake up. So, all of the "blue girls" are still female supremacist and dominatrixes while all of the "red boys" are masochist and cuckolds, they will all act according to the game's true script. Which is why Mr. NTR is such a threat. He isn't any threat to you sexually, the girls have free will and even if they don't choose you, he most certainly isn't plan B. However, people for some reason ignore pretty much anything he does wrong instead blame you for any wrongdoing, plus the admin, represented by a character who is only known as "the principal," will also always take his side. While he is a narcissist and psychopath, he is not a criminal mastermind, nor a thinker at all really. Thus, he believes that you, the reader, are a masochistic cuck in denial and all he needs to do is "reveal your true nature." The real problem with him lies not in him being a "criminal mastermind" but the fact that anything he does wrong will be attributed to the MC. He won't be blamed for it, but it will be that unique form of spaghetti logic you see in NTR games where no good deed goes unpunished. Take Amber McDowell's story as an example:

View attachment 1282380
Amber McDowell - She begins very shy, an introvert who doesn't like talking with people and wouldn't hurt a fly. She wasn't raised around boys and isn't sure how to interact. As she slowly gains more confidence she starts opening up more. She even starts to like the protagonist. Then, just before he confesses, she is raped by Mr. NTR, she found the protag, a man, trustworthy, so she felt she could instantly trust Mr. NTR as well, only for him to turn around and ambush her. In the "happy end" he marries her, however she projects the actions of Mr. NTR onto him, believing it is somehow his fault and he never attempts to correct her. While she continues to open up with men and even starts dating them, the protag is the only man not allowed to touch her. In the base game she is a pretty generic character, a shy introvert with a fear of men, who sees people in simple categories that she groups as either "trust" or "don't trust." When she wakes up it turns out she is more complex than a coloring book. While the surface details remain the same she is no longer an idiot who is unable to interact with men. She is an introvert and doesn't like interacting with people she doesn't know well, or going to crowded place. And she also doesn't see this as a bad thing, she wants to keep her friends as a small close group and has no desire to "open up." She is an actual introvert rather than simply being the shy moe girl normally seen. Another difference is she also doesn't view one man as all men. Getting to know the MC better doesn't suddenly make her good at interacting with all men or even have the desire to. She grows to like you as a person.
This sounds so awful


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
I have to agree and I got Carpe Diem Reboot vibes out of ths. If your idea is to make a parodie where you just shit on stupid plot like this Toilet Romance game, it is perfect.
I mean what you describe of the female characters sound accurate to modern times too when I listen to what female teachers want or complain about or what actually is in the modern sociity so awful.
If you want to make a good game in the sense of good game and not game that is so bad that it start become good, then I would allow the player with their intereferrations to start changeing the world. That has not to be big things but it would be enough to point out obvious flaws and plothole in the world.
I mean if there are fewer man and man get always cucked, who are they betrayed with?
Following the answer to this thought, why not start with building Harems where the man are not in charge but shared.
Then the woman have their reliable relieve instead of having to fight over the last few best man who they with their fight are actually empowering. This are changes you could bring to the world by the player pointing out obvious flaws.

Or if you want to keep on having your original idea in combination with original plot give us at least an "Bad" End Option where you loudly shouting, that you rather die than live on your knees.


Mar 2, 2018
Well credit where credit is due, you have a very creative mind :) Sounds like a weird but interesting story. BUT you are also one of the very few ppl who do cuckquean content .... please dont take that away from us? xD


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
This sounds so awful
I have to agree and I got Carpe Diem Reboot vibes out of ths. If your idea is to make a parodie where you just shit on stupid plot like this Toilet Romance game, it is perfect.
I mean what you describe of the female characters sound accurate to modern times too when I listen to what female teachers want or complain about or what actually is in the modern sociity so awful.
If you want to make a good game in the sense of good game and not game that is so bad that it start become good, then I would allow the player with their intereferrations to start changeing the world. That has not to be big things but it would be enough to point out obvious flaws and plothole in the world.
I mean if there are fewer man and man get always cucked, who are they betrayed with?
Following the answer to this thought, why not start with building Harems where the man are not in charge but shared.
Then the woman have their reliable relieve instead of having to fight over the last few best man who they with their fight are actually empowering. This are changes you could bring to the world by the player pointing out obvious flaws.

Or if you want to keep on having your original idea in combination with original plot give us at least an "Bad" End Option where you loudly shouting, that you rather die than live on your knees.
I'm not that attached to the idea, it just kinda sprung up in my mind with a "what about this."

The character designs are ones I've been working on since WMIY and not really assigned to any one franchise. But it was simply something I haven't given much thought to. It was just like a what-if scenario if you placed a person in a really bad visual novel? One thing in the process of the remake is I did a lot of research, that means that along with doing interviews with cucks and cuckqueans about their experiences in the fetish scene, I also read porn. One thing about is that while you slowly build a tolerance to the content itself, the bad writing never seems to go away.

However, I still want to have a reverse gender role type thing some day, something between and the hentai manga . Though that idea is going nowhere as far as plot, I'm not sure how to translate it from a pitch to an actual concept.
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 22, 2020
Quite an interesting plot though not my cup of tea (from what I've read). I'm sure there is an audience for that sort of story/content but I'm not part of it. Also in my opinion, it's better to finish your actual game then start another one than create multiples projects and finishing none.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
I have to agree and I got Carpe Diem Reboot vibes out of ths. If your idea is to make a parodie where you just shit on stupid plot like this Toilet Romance game, it is perfect.
I mean what you describe of the female characters sound accurate to modern times too when I listen to what female teachers want or complain about or what actually is in the modern sociity so awful.
If you want to make a good game in the sense of good game and not game that is so bad that it start become good, then I would allow the player with their intereferrations to start changeing the world. That has not to be big things but it would be enough to point out obvious flaws and plothole in the world.
I mean if there are fewer man and man get always cucked, who are they betrayed with?
Following the answer to this thought, why not start with building Harems where the man are not in charge but shared.
Then the woman have their reliable relieve instead of having to fight over the last few best man who they with their fight are actually empowering. This are changes you could bring to the world by the player pointing out obvious flaws.

Or if you want to keep on having your original idea in combination with original plot give us at least an "Bad" End Option where you loudly shouting, that you rather die than live on your knees.
The original plan was to start with just that, to start with a batshit bonkers world that makes no sense and would be absolutely awful to experience both for the characters and the reader then let the reader make changes to it through their actions/choices. So, they would be told by a "Game Master" character the result of one choice being "following the script" then the other choice would be more rational and more of a standard harem and/or romance.


New Member
Apr 3, 2018
I'm a little confused, is this a concept for a new game? If so then sure, go ahead. i'd never read it as that sounds about as far away from my tastes as is possible - but you're the creator and you can do whatever you want.

Just uhhh don't replace wmiy with it lmao. Good cuckquean stuff is so fucking hard to find.
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