A Common Crab

Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
Alright. I came into this a tad bit scared because of obvious NTR fear but here I am. Gotta give it to you dev, finally a newly released game that actually has some plot and explores fetishes more than the standard, low effort crap we see frequently. Good job! Also, I'm excited for anything new about this one. Regarding the trap content, maybe it could work by adding two or more characters in that style but leaving it optional for the player to interact with them. Their scenes would be exclusive to them and thus could be set up to skip entirely if not chosen. I can't code shit so I'm sorry if this is a bad idea or something, just wanted to throw my idea.


Jul 9, 2017
NTR stands for netorare, Japanese term for infidelity / cheating as used in hentai media. So NTR can and does mean sex with other then spouse. It does not mean wife cheating on her husband or husband cheating on his with but either spouse cheating. however a broader term being used has changed it from meaning to cheat on spouse as to mean having sex with someone other then their spouse so yes a wife who wants to have her husband have sex with others can come under NTR.

So Please Stop thinking it means a wife either cheating or cucking there husband I get so tired of people mistaking NTR for Cucking. In reply to all post asking why this is NTR


Sep 24, 2017
I quite enjoyed this game and hope you do decide to expand on or make a squeal to it. Even if you don't i'll be sure to check out any games you make in the future.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Vitalsigns you will still have cuckqueaning in this though right? I love that you will be adding and changing things up but the cuckqueaning is hot af


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2018
Let's be honest, short as it is, the overview tells you pretty much everything you need to know about this game. And with all the BDSM they were doing, I expected a safe word to come up a lot sooner, like for trashtalking the wife. If she happens to not like something someone said and they don't have a safe word it could get ugly. But it makes sense that it took a girl asking for rape play for them to use it, because other than that (and the wife) no-one else had a thing where they had to pretend they didn't like the stuff being done to them, not even Karen did.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Vitalsigns you will still have cuckqueaning in this though right? I love that you will be adding and changing things up but the cuckqueaning is hot af
This is only like a day of work, but consider it like a preview. I'm not sure if I'm going the right direction or if I'll just throw this out and retry. But I just want to change the relationship, no longer are they nervous newbies who are just trying to feel each other out, but they know each other better, they understand what turns each other on.

In the first game Molly was forced to kind of sit on the side and watch, with nobody really sure what to do with her so she ended up resembling a voyeur. However now they will be more involved and will outright taunt and tease Molly rather than simply pretending she doesn't exist. Plus at the same time Molly understand's the girl's preferences, so she will play to them as well, so you end up with a group playing off each other to create more interesting scenes.

However, I also want to get across that there is no true ill will in all of this, outside of sex they have become more trusting

I figure if I'm going to follow it up, there is no point unless I can do better.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
This is only like a day of work, but consider it like a preview. I'm not sure if I'm going the right direction or if I'll just throw this out and retry. But I just want to change the relationship, no longer are they nervous newbies who are just trying to feel each other out, but they know each other better, they understand what turns each other on.

In the first game Molly was forced to kind of sit on the side and watch, with nobody really sure what to do with her so she ended up resembling a voyeur. However now they will be more involved and will outright taunt and tease Molly rather than simply pretending she doesn't exist. Plus at the same time Molly understand's the girl's preferences, so she will play to them as well, so you end up with a group playing off each other to create more interesting scenes.

However, I also want to get across that there is no true ill will in all of this, outside of sex they have become more trusting

I figure if I'm going to follow it up, there is no point unless I can do better.
What's Mine is Yours 2 v0.1
Badass and ty. I just love that Molly embraces her cuckquean soul, as long as that stays true ill be with it as long as you keep making it.
Loving it. Best of luck. Ty again


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
This is only like a day of work, but consider it like a preview. I'm not sure if I'm going the right direction or if I'll just throw this out and retry. But I just want to change the relationship, no longer are they nervous newbies who are just trying to feel each other out, but they know each other better, they understand what turns each other on.

In the first game Molly was forced to kind of sit on the side and watch, with nobody really sure what to do with her so she ended up resembling a voyeur. However now they will be more involved and will outright taunt and tease Molly rather than simply pretending she doesn't exist. Plus at the same time Molly understand's the girl's preferences, so she will play to them as well, so you end up with a group playing off each other to create more interesting scenes.

However, I also want to get across that there is no true ill will in all of this, outside of sex they have become more trusting

I figure if I'm going to follow it up, there is no point unless I can do better.
What's Mine is Yours 2 v0.1
Just finished the "preview" damn I love your work. My fears are gone ty :)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017

Cracks Knuckles

There's stuff I liked. And there are stuff I disliked. You're just getting started as a developer, so I think the best thing I can do is talk about it in detail. The goal is not to criticize. It's to point to where improvement is needed, for the sake of further action.

On the front of the visuals. They're fine for a first time. Honey select, I think? Most of the girls were visually distinct, so whatever. My main comment here is that this is a good situation to make yourself a Patreon and then devote the money to a rig that can handle higher quality renders. But, I'm not really art side, so not important.

That said, the UI was very "generic ren'py". There are some free UI designs online that I suggest you look into. But, a second use for Patreon money would probably be getting a graphic designer to work on the UI. If you need recomendations, you're free to DM me.

Game design-wise, there is nothing to talk about. It's a kinetic novel. No design or gameplay elements. No fail states. No player choices. This is fine for a first project, but you will find you will get more out of your work by experimenting with choice and mechanics. My advice is start small. The first rule of writing for multi-state is that it has a tendency to increase writing load exponentially. Try a few more choices, or one or two simple path choices for your next major project. You want to try slightly and slightly more daring things for each project, instead of going for broke.

So. Now let's move to the writing. We're going to start with narrative, then go down to prose.

1. I like that the game has a clear premise. There is an inciting incident that changes the status quo (her discovering her cuckquean kink). This creates an impediment for the story to move. Lots of Hentai games just start with "well you're living at home with your mom" and it just sucks.
2. I also like that there is a built-in conflict. Specifically, "can the various people realize their kink". That somewhat doubles as a theme, but it's a bit flimsy in the narrative.
3. I like that all the charachters have arcs. They all start somehow repressed and through the story grow and evolve. Charachter growth and arcs are a major element of the growth of charachters. Without it stories are boring.
4. I like that the conflict of the story is sexual. All these charachters have some kind of sexual internal conflict, so using sex as the resolution feels naturalistic, while still allowing you to include lots of fucking.
5. I like that the cast is reasonably distinct. They're a bit simplistic/one note, but they have clearly definable character traits, and that ties into their kink identity as well.

Now for what I dislike, narrative side.

1. The game has conflicts...but they're all flimsy as fuck. All of them are exposed to the idea of sex with the MC and then get over their hesitation. Then the next girl does it. Rinse and repeat. None of them *don't intially* want to and need to be persuaded. None of them refuses intially and then comes around later. Once exposed to their kinks, they all accept them 100%. The MC never fucks up making the situation worse. The MC over-steps a line somehow and the wife has to take a stand to make the relationship good for her again. SOMETHING.
2. Extension of the prior point. There should be EXTERNAL problems making this all more difficult. Not for the sake of realism or some bullshit. But, for the sake of a more exciting story. An administrator should be snooping around. Someone should see the exhibitionist girl naked creating a problem. One of the girls fathers should disaprove and she should have to fight with society to get her kinks.
3. This easiness ties into problems of theme. This game is about people overcoming social hurdles to self-express sexually. There should be social pushback. Examples of how the world around us force us to sexually conform, so that being kinky is an act of rebellion. What are the MC and these girls fighting AGAINST?
4. I gave credit for the charachter arcs, but they basically just stop. The wife basically settles into her role by the 1/3rd mark, and her arcs is mostly over at that point. In fact, it is the common feature of almost all of the girls that once the MC has fucked them, their arc has basically hit it's dead end and on to the next girl. Charachter arcs are defined by constant growth and change. This is especially true of charachters who remain throughout the game like the wife. You need to design post-corruption growth and development arcs for the charachters OR extend the corruption segments so they run over more scenes.

Now, on the actual event writing side, I'm less of a fan. I have four specifics criticisms.

1. The writing is just way too sloppy about introduing the girls. I laughed to myself when the game outright said THESE ARE THE ONLY FIVE GIRLS THAT MATTER. Also when she's thinking about the diffrent girls, she thinks of the pink girl, despite not knowing she's a prospect. My general advice is to just show the girls interacting with the protaganist, and that will tell the player that these are the one who matter.
2. You use first person present tense as a writing style. Conceptually fine, but when multiple charachters use first person present tense, it makes it disjointed to read.
3. I think you fail a lot at scene construction. Specifically, the key to designing scenes is the make them in the most exciting way possible that the audience feels is earned.
- Good example of a scene where this fails. The athletic girl has dominated the wife, and is going with her to walk in on the MC and Karen. But, when she arrives KAREN IS ALREADY TIED UP. Not only that, but you designed the scene so that she already knew Karen was tied up. So there's no information disparity and the conflict is resolved basically as soon as she arrives.
- Imagine instead if all the wife had told her was that Karen was already fucking her husband. But, it's not too late to win, because she knows where they will meet. But Karen wants to test Athletic Girl. So she comes wearing her uniform and the two meet in the darkened room. She pretends to want to dominate the wife and orders her to come to her side. But, Athletic Girl orders her not too. They have a test for dominance, and the wife decides to kneel to Athletic girl and announce she is superior. Athletic girl turns back to Karen and asks what Karen has to say about that. Rather then answering, she takes off her uniform and puts on a dog collar. And on her stomach she has the word "worthless slave" written. Lights come on, and the MC steps out of the shadows and tells Athletic Girl what happened.
- It works better because it acts to highlight the conflict. The charachters know less vital information, there's more uncertainty as to what will happen, and it makes the resolution into an explosive resolution of conflict. Boom. Scene writing.
4. As a general note, I think your dialogue needs work. There are a few basic problems with it.
- The charachters talk in hentai talk. A lot of it is unessacerily lewd to a failure of charachter. It's bad because it's not realistic and it doesn't capture how real people talk or sound. Always imagine a real person saying your lines. If you can't imagine it, figure out how an actual person would say it. The other problem is that it lacks contrast. Most people are only exceptionally lewd at very specific moments. This is a good thing, because it makes when they speak lewdly MORE IMPACTFUL via contrast. The more you use it, the less meaningful it is. This hits hardest with the wife charachter. She's supposed to be this surprisingly open and lewd person when talking about sex. But, everyone talks the exact same way, so it doesn't scan that way at all.
- The charachters need diffrent voices. Real people talk differently, and the charachters feel more alive when they speak in a unique way.
Some elements of unique dialogue are: Diction (how expansive their vocabulary is. Show education/social position), slang use (the more they use slang the hipper/younger they seem. Incorrect slang use is often a sign of lameness), brevity (shy or laconic people keep statements as short as possible. Exciteable, egotistical, or talkative people talk a lot), affectation (Do they talk cutesy or macho? Formally or informall), honesty (Do they lie or shadow their intentions a lot?), confidence (Do they use the words they mean, or do they sugar coat unpleasant or socially awkward ideas).
You should write charachters so if you look at any one piece of dialogue, you know at once who said it. A good excersize is to take a statement, and rewrite it so each diffrent charachter is the one who says it. The easier it is to recognize a sentence with the same informative content, but from a diffrent voice, the better your dialogue will be.

Okay, so overall. I had fun with it. But, if I had one recomendation, it would be this. Do not waste your time with a sequel. The game was ALREADY running out of steam by the midpoint, because the conflict was exhausted. A sequel would struggle with arcs for the charachters, and just add more girls in a vain repetative attempt to recapture the conflict.

I'm not saying I don't like you as a dev or don't want to see where you go from here. But, this was a learning project, and you should take the lessons and try to make something with a bit more heft. More of a conflict, more room for the story to go. I for one would be very disapointed to come back in a year and find that you're just repeating the same "some girl learns she's a cuck, goes to fuck him" routine over and over. Spread your wings. Think bigger.

Also, yeah I can be brutal. But, hope this helped.
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2019
Unofficial Android Port for What's Mine Is Yours Compressed :

My Android Ports have a 2nd Persistent save location. So, even if you uninstall the game, the saves will remain Intact.
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If it says unknown developer or something like that just press install anyway.

Give Me Your Feedback on the Discord Server. As it's easier to reach me there, than here.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019

Cracks Knuckles

There's stuff I liked. And there are stuff I disliked. You're just getting started as a developer, so I think the best thing I can do is talk about it in detail. The goal is not to criticize. It's to point to where improvement is needed, for the sake of further action.

On the front of the visuals. They're fine for a first time. Honey select, I think? Most of the girls were visually distinct, so whatever. My main comment here is that this is a good situation to make yourself a Patreon and then devote the money to a rig that can handle higher quality renders. But, I'm not really art side, so not important.

That said, the UI was very "generic ren'py". There are some free UI designs online that I suggest you look into. But, a second use for Patreon money would probably be getting a graphic designer to work on the UI. If you need recomendations, you're free to DM me.

Game design-wise, there is nothing to talk about. It's a kinetic novel. No design or gameplay elements. No fail states. No player choices. This is fine for a first project, but you will find you will get more out of your work by experimenting with choice and mechanics. My advice is start small. The first rule of writing for multi-state is that it has a tendency to increase writing load exponentially. Try a few more choices, or one or two simple path choices for your next major project. You want to try slightly and slightly more daring things for each project, instead of going for broke.

So. Now let's move to the writing. We're going to start with narrative, then go down to prose.

1. I like that the game has a clear premise. There is an inciting incident that changes the status quo (her discovering her cuckquean kink). This creates an impediment for the story to move. Lots of Hentai games just start with "well you're living at home with your mom" and it just sucks.
2. I also like that there is a built-in conflict. Specifically, "can the various people realize their kink". That somewhat doubles as a theme, but it's a bit flimsy in the narrative.
3. I like that all the charachters have arcs. They all start somehow repressed and through the story grow and evolve. Charachter growth and arcs are a major element of the growth of charachters. Without it stories are boring.
4. I like that the conflict of the story is sexual. All these charachters have some kind of sexual internal conflict, so using sex as the resolution feels naturalistic, while still allowing you to include lots of fucking.
5. I like that the cast is reasonably distinct. They're a bit simplistic/one note, but they have clearly definable character traits, and that ties into their kink identity as well.

Now for what I dislike, narrative side.

1. The game has conflicts...but they're all flimsy as fuck. All of them are exposed to the idea of sex with the MC and then get over their hesitation. Then the next girl does it. Rinse and repeat. None of them *don't intially* want to and need to be persuaded. None of them refuses intially and then comes around later. Once exposed to their kinks, they all accept them 100%. The MC never fucks up making the situation worse. The MC over-steps a line somehow and the wife has to take a stand to make the relationship good for her again. SOMETHING.
2. Extension of the prior point. There should be EXTERNAL problems making this all more difficult. Not for the sake of realism or some bullshit. But, for the sake of a more exciting story. An administrator should be snooping around. Someone should see the exhibitionist girl naked creating a problem. One of the girls fathers should disaprove and she should have to fight with society to get her kinks.
3. This easiness ties into problems of theme. This game is about people overcoming social hurdles to self-express sexually. There should be social pushback. Examples of how the world around us force us to sexually conform, so that being kinky is an act of rebellion. What are the MC and these girls fighting AGAINST?
4. I gave credit for the charachter arcs, but they basically just stop. The wife basically settles into her role by the 1/3rd mark, and her arcs is mostly over at that point. In fact, it is the common feature of almost all of the girls that once the MC has fucked them, their arc has basically hit it's dead end and on to the next girl. Charachter arcs are defined by constant growth and change. This is especially true of charachters who remain throughout the game like the wife. You need to design post-corruption growth and development arcs for the charachters OR extend the corruption segments so they run over more scenes.

Now, on the actual event writing side, I'm less of a fan. I have four specifics criticisms.

1. The writing is just way too sloppy about introduing the girls. I laughed to myself when the game outright said THESE ARE THE ONLY FIVE GIRLS THAT MATTER. Also when she's thinking about the diffrent girls, she thinks of the pink girl, despite not knowing she's a prospect. My general advice is to just show the girls interacting with the protaganist, and that will tell the player that these are the one who matter.
2. You use first person present tense as a writing style. Conceptually fine, but when multiple charachters use first person present tense, it makes it disjointed to read.
3. I think you fail a lot at scene construction. Specifically, the key to designing scenes is the make them in the most exciting way possible that the audience feels is earned.
- Good example of a scene where this fails. The athletic girl has dominated the wife, and is going with her to walk in on the MC and Karen. But, when she arrives KAREN IS ALREADY TIED UP. Not only that, but you designed the scene so that she already knew Karen was tied up. So there's no information disparity and the conflict is resolved basically as soon as she arrives.
- Imagine instead if all the wife had told her was that Karen was already fucking her husband. But, it's not too late to win, because she knows where they will meet. But Karen wants to test Athletic Girl. So she comes wearing her uniform and the two meet in the darkened room. She pretends to want to dominate the wife and orders her to come to her side. But, Athletic Girl orders her not too. They have a test for dominance, and the wife decides to kneel to Athletic girl and announce she is superior. Athletic girl turns back to Karen and asks what Karen has to say about that. Rather then answering, she takes off her uniform and puts on a dog collar. And on her stomach she has the word "worthless slave" written. Lights come on, and the MC steps out of the shadows and tells Athletic Girl what happened.
- It works better because it acts to highlight the conflict. The charachters know less vital information, there's more uncertainty as to what will happen, and it makes the resolution into an explosive resolution of conflict. Boom. Scene writing.
4. As a general note, I think your dialogue needs work. There are a few basic problems with it.
- The charachters talk in hentai talk. A lot of it is unessacerily lewd to a failure of charachter. It's bad because it's not realistic and it doesn't capture how real people talk or sound. Always imagine a real person saying your lines. If you can't imagine it, figure out how an actual person would say it. The other problem is that it lacks contrast. Most people are only exceptionally lewd at very specific moments. This is a good thing, because it makes when they speak lewdly MORE IMPACTFUL via contrast. The more you use it, the less meaningful it is. This hits hardest with the wife charachter. She's supposed to be this surprisingly open and lewd person when talking about sex. But, everyone talks the exact same way, so it doesn't scan that way at all.
- The charachters need diffrent voices. Real people talk differently, and the charachters feel more alive when they speak in a unique way.
Some elements of unique dialogue are: Diction (how expansive their vocabulary is. Show education/social position), slang use (the more they use slang the hipper/younger they seem. Incorrect slang use is often a sign of lameness), brevity (shy or laconic people keep statements as short as possible. Exciteable, egotistical, or talkative people talk a lot), affectation (Do they talk cutesy or macho? Formally or informall), honesty (Do they lie or shadow their intentions a lot?), confidence (Do they use the words they mean, or do they sugar coat unpleasant or socially awkward ideas).
You should write charachters so if you look at any one piece of dialogue, you know at once who said it. A good excersize is to take a statement, and rewrite it so each diffrent charachter is the one who says it. The easier it is to recognize a sentence with the same informative content, but from a diffrent voice, the better your dialogue will be.

Okay, so overall. I had fun with it. But, if I had one recomendation, it would be this. Do not waste your time with a sequel. The game was ALREADY running out of steam by the midpoint, because the conflict was exhausted. A sequel would struggle with arcs for the charachters, and just add more girls in a vain repetative attempt to recapture the conflict.

I'm not saying I don't like you as a dev or don't want to see where you go from here. But, this was a learning project, and you should take the lessons and try to make something with a bit more heft. More of a conflict, more room for the story to go. I for one would be very disapointed to come back in a year and find that you're just repeating the same "some girl learns she's a cuck, goes to fuck him" routine over and over. Spread your wings. Think bigger.

Also, yeah I can be brutal. But, hope this helped.
It's so hard to not give a whole bunch of excuses when you rip me a new asshole like that... so here they are: The game's premise is simply to have fun, I never actually wrote in any conflict, in fact I didn't really have much of anything I wrote characters and then just kinda wrote how they would react. This whole thing was written for me, just a series of stories about people I liked interacting with each other. I only finished it because a few people happened to see it and say "this isn't too bad, why don't you finish it?" Otherwise it would have remained buried in my hard drive.

When I released it I never expected it to light the world on fire and was honestly expecting an unbroken chain of one-star reviews. Basically what happens when people put their escapist fantasies to paper and releases it as a visual novel.

A lot of people said that the characters were defined by their kink but in reality it was the opposite, I wrote the characters, then based on what I thought would turn them on, that is what I wrote in. For example, Emily, she is a hard-working student who is super serious about everything she does, what would she do to relieve that stress? Well, exhibitionism is often embraced because it gives a feeling of complete freedom, throwing away all of your expectations and simply living. The only exception is Kendal, who was written with sadistic personality disorder, though I didn't crank it up to 10 because there is very little visual difference between someone with SPD and a sociopath.

As for a Patreon, I really don't want a Patreon because I don't really think it deserves one. It isn't a story of trials, tribulations, conflict, and resolution; just a bunch of characters interacting with each other and exploring their sexual nature.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
It's so hard to not give a whole bunch of excuses when you rip me a new asshole like that... so here they are: The game's premise is simply to have fun, I never actually wrote in any conflict, in fact I didn't really have much of anything I wrote characters and then just kinda wrote how they would react. This whole thing was written for me, just a series of stories about people I liked interacting with each other. I only finished it because a few people happened to see it and say "this isn't too bad, why don't you finish it?" Otherwise it would have remained buried in my hard drive.

When I released it I never expected it to light the world on fire and was honestly expecting an unbroken chain of one-star reviews. Basically what happens when people put their escapist fantasies to paper and releases it as a visual novel.

A lot of people said that the characters were defined by their kink but in reality it was the opposite, I wrote the characters, then based on what I thought would turn them on, that is what I wrote in. For example, Emily, she is a hard-working student who is super serious about everything she does, what would she do to relieve that stress? Well, exhibitionism is often embraced because it gives a feeling of complete freedom, throwing away all of your expectations and simply living. The only exception is Kendal, who was written with sadistic personality disorder, though I didn't crank it up to 10 because there is very little visual difference between someone with SPD and a sociopath.

As for a Patreon, I really don't want a Patreon because I don't really think it deserves one. It isn't a story of trials, tribulations, conflict, and resolution; just a bunch of characters interacting with each other and exploring their sexual nature.
I, for one, love it and again ty for sharing(not lip service, this little story spoke to me). If this is you just "playing around" im very interested in seeing what you come up with being serious.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
It's so hard to not give a whole bunch of excuses when you rip me a new asshole like that... so here they are: The game's premise is simply to have fun, I never actually wrote in any conflict, in fact I didn't really have much of anything I wrote characters and then just kinda wrote how they would react. This whole thing was written for me, just a series of stories about people I liked interacting with each other. I only finished it because a few people happened to see it and say "this isn't too bad, why don't you finish it?" Otherwise it would have remained buried in my hard drive.

When I released it I never expected it to light the world on fire and was honestly expecting an unbroken chain of one-star reviews. Basically what happens when people put their escapist fantasies to paper and releases it as a visual novel.

A lot of people said that the characters were defined by their kink but in reality it was the opposite, I wrote the characters, then based on what I thought would turn them on, that is what I wrote in. For example, Emily, she is a hard-working student who is super serious about everything she does, what would she do to relieve that stress? Well, exhibitionism is often embraced because it gives a feeling of complete freedom, throwing away all of your expectations and simply living. The only exception is Kendal, who was written with sadistic personality disorder, though I didn't crank it up to 10 because there is very little visual difference between someone with SPD and a sociopath.

As for a Patreon, I really don't want a Patreon because I don't really think it deserves one. It isn't a story of trials, tribulations, conflict, and resolution; just a bunch of characters interacting with each other and exploring their sexual nature.
Well I wasn't trying to rip you a new asshole. I went into detail on criticism. But, all of it is for teaching. There are invariably stuff wrong in my own work too. As a general rule, I rarely write long responses to games I hate. Mostly it's flawed but intiresting ones.

It's all about getting better, growing from prior experiences, and becoming more comfortable in your craft. For that reason, if you have any questions about what I said or writing in general, feel free to DM me.

And the reason you want a Patreon is simple. You want resources so you can make the games you make better. Better renders, flashier UI, etc.
3.80 star(s) 32 Votes