Old topic is old. But it lit my muse...
Hard games are hard to describe. Are they bad because they are unfinished? Are they bad because they are low quality made in 10 hours POS'? I'll throw a few games out there that disapointed me the most or were terrible in hindsight.
1. Every
newgrounds game circa 15 years ago (when I just discovered porn and didn't know any better).
Sim Brothel & Slave Maker, Circa 10 years ago. Absolutely filled with horrible quality censored anime fan art. But, it actualy had a decent sim brothel gameplay loop. It prob inspired most brothel sims to come after.
Cloud Meadow. The dev abducts the art resources from the original (breading season) and somehow makes a worse game in the process. ffs
3. Every
Jap RPG except a golden few. (Good: Beat Blades Haruka, Violated Heroine. Bad: literally everything else). Why? Censored images, giant fucking titties girls everywhere, shitty emo teen MCs, and stereotype girl personalities. Oh, and the massive amounts of cucking.
Life Play. This looked so promising. But after spending only 10 minutes I gave it up. The UI is super dog shit and the gameplay is also shitty.