WiAB Chapter 4 - Dev Log #24
I have started with postwork, but I still need to some renders for the last scene.
The scene has around 45 people in it, and at most 34 are visible at the same time. The issue was that the queue stopped two days in a row at night because it encountered scenes that were too big.
Long story short, it was one of the G9s that for some reason used up 11GB on her own. It left me with having to re-open all renders again, and adjust the SubD settings.
Prior to this scene, the biggest scene I've had was 11 visible people at the same time. (I think). Real people, no weird cardboard people.
This scene with (peak) 34 visible people is new territory for me. (Or as Merkel would say "Neuland".) It's good training, and I'll need it for the future.
Figuring out the logistics of how to efficiently hide, pose, and re-introduce characters will be a valuable skill.
I've recently started using more Genesis 9 characters, but I wasn't aware of how much VRAM some of these fuckers ate.
I took the 23rd partially off because we had elections in Germany.
Here's an example render with 23 visible people from the scene.
Render count ~3600 -> 3871 (~ 271 WIAB) (Another 190 for SG) Animations: +6 (13 total)
It's fewer renders than before, but that's simply because I'm working on a scene with 45 people in it. Immersion is important, so I do have to pose all visible characters every few renders.
The PC renders ~30 a night, and that's more than I expected considering the sheer size of the scene.
I started the process of collecting all SFX, as this will be the first Chapter that fully features a mix of ambient sounds, music, and SFX.
I currently do postwork whenever I'm stuck in loading.
Left to do in this order:
- Finish last scene.
- Postwork + lewd animations + cinematic
- Testing begins. (Implement music, sfx, collectibles, gallery, and fix/improve issues/unliked renders.)
- Insult Katie.
- After the initial testing (before fixing render issues), I will send the game to Steam and GOG for review.)
I'll definitely have the last scene done by next dev log. With a bit of luck, I'll even have done all the lewd animations and sizeable chunk of postwork.
Oh, I changed Leia's eyes last year and hadn't mentioned it before. I was still using her old 2018 eyes, but I was so fed up with the low-quality reflections and shit that I had changed them.