What a silly thing to say. The game's most entertaining, fun, and sexy when Lily and Debbie are on screen, they're by far the least boring girls. No drama, no stress, no turn offs like talking about your dad, the money, jealously, shame, mental issues, and life failures.
Lily's not dumb, but even if she was, it doesn't matter at all, even in-character. Out-of-character, it clearly doesn't matter because her dumbness is highly entertaining, she's probably my favorite character out of all VNs. The writing for her is 10/10, the character could easily fit in some high-profile sitcom or movie. Regarding in-character, do you think a woman would be happier living with Forest Gump or Bruce Wayne? Living with Lily sounds like a perfect life man. As for Debbie, I don't care what she says, she's clearly bisexual, and she's probably the most mature/balanced woman in the series. Even if she wasn't bi, this is a VN and I'm the main character, so she can be main-character-sexual like Hancock.
Don't disrespect my girls like that buddy, they're awesome.