you missed the point.
You literally said "some of these did know the mc way before we start seeing the story"
I pointed out they did but it was so long ago things change.
I even made sure to correctly point out, when that's stated.
How ever I never talked about about the pacing of the game.
I talked about how things are happening in a short period of time.
I never really said I had an issue with any of that.
What I did say was in defense of a mind set like Bella. That's not complaining.
You came up with a point while ignoring the points I was actually making.
I've made points about times being spent alone with the M.C. ,
another one to make people think who is actually reaching out to the M.C.
-> Real life logic does apply. If someone reaches out to you, it is a sign of affection.
Then also pointing out who did the M.C. reach out to.
Same point of logic. Those who mean something to you, you will reach out to.
I did point out my issue with Kate and the wine and her counting up the cost, which why does that matter.
I still stand by my comment of half that wine should have went to their mother as a sign of thanks for everything.
I made points about everyone doing bad things and how easy it is to back up.
That was the most focus I talked about. That was just about trusting people.
I also made a point that my biggest issue with everything is the M.C. himself as having no growth.
Wanting to go to a gym (Exercise) but doesn't.
Wont even exercise in the morning at the very least <- would be an easy add, show an empty bed with text of push ups.
Can easily re-use an image.
Yes you can only do so much in each episode,
I never said otherwise but the way I put things is to make people think.
I do apply real life to it to some degree yes.
But not overly.
The most important point I feel I made was (IMO)
Who reaches out to the M.C.
Time spent alone with M.C.
Who does the M.C. reach out to.
(while not being connected to the will or money)
Going by those questions will show who is the more so "Cannon" LI but I think all girls will end up being a LI but the true ending will fall into all those I am sure.
(with maybe the exception of birthday girl and Mabel. Time will tell though I would love to see more of them)
I'd actually like to see more time spent will all people but alone time them to see how that would play out.
Ironically I'd like to see more time with Jenna , birthday girl (still wish I knew her name lol but thanks for saying Mabel) , I do want to see more with Mabel but B.G. is higher up on my list. As much as this will surprise people, Elanie I would like to see more time with again, even though I just cant bring myself to be nice to her (I try not to be mean to her lol "try") I would actually like to see more with her. I'm hoping the game will go on for a while after reading of the will and when things more come to an end of that chapter of the story. I don't know if it was stated that it would go on or not.
Wrote to damn much again lol