You need a chill pill. You are starting to create out of whole cloth. You have your "supposed" frustration and are running with that and there are no actual facts to back you.
He was not asking for help here. Are you illiterate? He quite clearly indicated they would now have to look at their QC team. This goes to 'are you trolling'? You create out of thin air what you want. Seems like a troll.
You need to just not butt in, in a conversation, that was already done with.
Cheeky said his piece, I said mine.
I am not sure, if your behaviour classifies as more of a troll or a whiteknight.
I noticed that this is what you want to be (perhaps even are?), so better ignore you, as you never did contribute anything worthwhile to the discussion.
Because the mods were in on the bad joke? They're all probably still rolling about it too. Sadly, it paints a bad picture for cheeky if someone new comes along and thinks this is typical. They should purge their QC team and ask the mods to remove the bad link from the main page.
This is what the best and the most this game ever had, has, ever will have.
Any contenders?
Also .. this april 1st fool everyone update is on other sites, spreading and testing your patience and sense of humor
I noticed that this is what you want to be (perhaps even are?), so better ignore you, as you never did contribute anything worthwhile to the discussion.
I am an asshole. King Asshole to you. You on the other hand are a low level asshole, attacking a dev, because they got upset at someone leaking a broken test release as an 'April Fool's' joke.