the hooker is obviously somebody's pet. can't stand her personally, looks or writing, enough to go back and skip the whole nerdcon to avoid the forced sob story and back and forth banter despite choosing only antagonistic options with her. she's zarah tier for me. no huge loss, i dislike superhero shit and am not too fond of jenna or fucking stage acting so the whole section wasn't for me anyway.
elaine looked great this episode and was innocent all along, long suspected. funny you can be an asshole towards her right up to the end though. there are choices throughout the game where you can choose to behave like a psychopath, unfortunately not towards that bmw broad. bella and jolina suspicions also confirmed, no real surprises there. vaguely disappointing, even if it was obvious, that bella is dizzy. i was still hoping she'd be an outside agent, a sexual opportunist who: read donald's copy of the will, saw the money mc had coming to him, decided to make a play for that dick she always wanted and cash besides by just schmoozing him and manipulating events, even going so far as to recruit her girlfriend to work him from the other side. all that's left to do regarding her is fuck her out of the money. the beach house seems connected to her conditions given how relieved she is when she gets her name on the residency list but i already kicked her ass out, go check the kennel for vacancies bitch.
i listen to my own music when i play these things so that stuff was turned off but i'll say ambient and sex noises add nothing to the experience for me, it's just routine content expected by a certain percentage of the player base like sex animations, or most animations in general, which i think are a waste of time. i assume i'm in the minority about these things, though.
debbie's backstory is a couple of cliches but she's still top quality girl. mabel and natascha remain simple landmines, unfortunately.
you guys really have to replace that title screen artwork, it looks really amateurish.