If you are referring to Revenge porn with Natasha you are wrong. You may not do it and Katie quietly accepts your behaviour.
If you're referring to something else explain yourself
Specifically, I was not the one who referred to it. I have responded to someone who told me about some listings I made in the options I chose that the most serious mistake could be because I chose not to have sex with Natasha. And then others have justified the fact that not having sex with Natasha was a clear sign of losing points by arguing that they were bullied and revenge was very important to her and having denied you was disappointing for her. I didn't say it, and I don't know if that is the specific reason for the drastic loss of points.
In the end, my not-so-positive opinion of the situation is specifically due to the fact that it doesn't matter what you choose, since if you want to follow a specific path with Katie alone, you will do it and it will end the same with the date of candles, sex and asking her to be pregnant . But the only change in the final scene is whether or not she agrees to marry you, and that is where the choices do influence. And I see it as enormously illogical that for a final romance situation, the I DO is based more on the lust score and not the romance score when I consider that the most logical thing would be the opposite.
It may or may not be argued whether I have misinterpreted Katie's character, perhaps, but that does not change the fact that the scoring method seemed absurd to me, as well as paranoid, because as I have already said, the development of the character, from a At first, she appears to be a bitch and a sex machine who hates romance, but gives you clues that that's not what she appears to be and that it's all a facade. Damn, but it turns out she was a virgin.
For me, the most logical thing would be that if you are given two paths, that of romance or lust, and the girl, whoever she is, ends up becoming your girlfriend, it is because precisely the options you chose were the correct ones. Hence discovering that following a path of respect and romance takes you to the same place, except with the difference that with the romantic path they reject your marriage proposal, because honestly it seems like a big mistake to me.
But hey, it's my opinion, you don't have to like it.