I mean, i hear ya on your list overall, but the Aliens & Predator one...Oh yeah. For the love of God. I want this VN to have a harem ending. What's more, I demand the exhumation of the hypocrite William Shakespeare and that he be forced, under penalty of oblivion, to rewrite "Romeo and Juliet" to give it a harem ending. I demand the same for the ending of "War and Peace", "The Brothers Karamazov" and "Don Quixote". I also want a boxing scene between Kate, Groucho Marx and Tarzan. Another that includes a lesbian scene between Monica and Wilma Flintstone. A homosexual adventure between Alien and Predator. A stuffed breast of Annie Oakley, the balls of Caliph Abderraman III and Nero's cock. All navels have to be round and I found you on the street. May it be written thus and thus fulfilled. L'État, c'est moi. Magister dixit.
You seen how those Aliens reproduce? Face *Huggers* is just them giving it a SFW name!