I've always loved how well this story breaks down the basic foibles of human nature. Greed, Avarice, Lust, Envy. Just to name a few. The author, the protagonist and damn near every character in the story agree that MC's father was a mean spirited, conniving, manipulative, hard hearted, spiteful old man. Yet, two sisters, Elaine and Bella, were fucking him and, now that he's dead, they both want to fuck MC. I left out an important trait in the human foibles list; naivete. In what universe would anyone in their "right" mind touch either one of those skanks with a ten foot pole; especially, with Katie, Debbie and Lily wrapping themselves up as a package deal? Oh! and don't even get me started on Jolina! That fat cow isn't even good lookin'! Jenna is sweet and hot. Monica and the chocolate neighbor are mangnificent MILFs. I hated to let them go. I liked the receptionist. The model is as blonde as blonde gets. Both are just side piece distractions. Yep, there's lots of drama, smoke and mirrors but only one good choice. The quadrouple!
Jus' Sayin'
Well, maybe stirrin' shit a bit, too.