Yes, I have played to the end of the current version (a few times choosing different paths). And I stand by my comment.
And I am fully aware that Bella was behind the emails from the coffee shop and Jolina knew about it.
And I am not sure if there are going or not to be many mind bending twists in the chapter to come (maybe there are or maybe not, I know not). I am just stating that in my opinion a darker twist with Monica and the girls involved in tricking you could have been more interesting (in my opinion) and very heart breaking. (although this could still happen in the final chapter but I doubt it, nothing indicates that that is the path the devs are going to take, even though as I said, there is a point in the game with one of the girls says something like 'we are good at faking or pretending' or something similar, and that is what got me thinking... 'hello!, what if the girls are behind a cunning plan to out you of you well deserved money?', at work at the moment so I can't look for it).
I mean, choosing love over money just to find out at the end that they did not really love you and you are left without love and without money would be a movie I would like to see (not that I would like to live it though).
Anyway, just an observation. This forum was pretty fun when people would throw around wild theories on what would happen in the upcoming chapters.