… since there is no episode 11 for mac yet … does anybody know how to migrate mac saves to the pc version?
(starting with: where are the mac save files stored?) thanks!
Have you considered downloading the PC version and copying the rpy files and data for episode 10 and 11 over to the mac version. You might have to copy a some other files over as well if there is linked data or values that aren't listed in the episode 10.
Not really to familiar with renpy but the little I am reading on here. But if this engine is written half as well as it seems to be it shouldn't be to terribly hard. The reason you will need to copy over the episode 10 rpy has to do with the change in end menu. In episodes 11's end of episode to you can look at stats and continue on while in the episode 10 version it ends there.
You can download both sets of files and use a text editor and view the files side by side like I did. In my case notepad++
Honestly, looking at the what appears to be the few changes needed surprised he hasn't just wrote a python script to generate the version for mac.