Dr.Jan Itor

Jun 19, 2018
Thanks. I want to make it progressively more difficult for the MC to keep up a balancing act. And I do want to have consequences if he fails. But I can't give away the consequences or what episode it will happen. Where's the fun in that...
Perfectly understandable.Take your sweet time developing the consequences part.I did get a little bit ahead of myself with that post,but knowing that proverbial shit can hit the fan in any moment is good enough for me.This is where most VN's I played failed with regards to "realistic" actions/consequences bit,and I dont wish to see this happening with this slice of perfection.Thanks for the clarification and have a good day sir. 8)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Mc fucks everything that walks.. It could be cut down a bit.. I mean shit ... everybody.. same some for dessert at least!
Not tellin' ya how to do your stuff man! Great game keep it up! But If the Mc was human he would be in ICU or the clinic for STD's more than likely>>
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Jun 24, 2018
Thanks. And just to clarify - I'm not saying there'll be less new sex in this episode. Just wondering if we want to supplement the new sex with additional recycled sex. All of the inputs so far are confirming what the team are already aligned on. So it looks like we have our answer but feel free to keep your opinions coming in. It's great to get a feel for what people like.
What drew me into the game was the dialogue and relationships developing between the MC and the women. So yeah, for what its worth, my view is a firm "No" to recycled sex scenes and/or gratuitous sex that doesn't fit the story. A gallery of sorts to replay scenes would be a good addition though i.m.o.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2018
Fair Point, Well made.
Have you Enjoyed the VN With the Incest patch? Or played the V nila only?
INHO its considerable Better With.
I prefer vanilla. I started playing this game right after it came out so I kind of was already emotionally invested in non-incest version of characters by the time incest mod was made.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
I wasn't sure if it would make sense for the MC to leave without sex (would people think - he's been banging this chick and today he just leaves her with a kiss - WTF??)
I wouldn't think that way. Let's be real, just because a guy has had sex with his girlfriend, doesn't mean that they always have to have sex every time they met. To me, sex scenes need to be purposeful. Though it is an adult game, sometimes I am a bit turned off by games that have MC having sex 6 times with 6 different girls in 1 day just because they've had sex before.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Looking for your inputs:
Latest episode will obviously contain new sex scenes / further sexual progression with some of the characters. However to keep the plot progressing the MC will also interact with a couple of characters where there are no new sex scenes planned for this episode.
Unfortunately we cannot create all the images, etc. for sex scenes with (for example) 6 or 7 females in a single episode, so my question is this......
If the MC is interacting with a particular character for whom no new sex scenes is planned in this episode, would you prefer that the MC just walks away with no sex or we still give a sexual option and just have a repeated sexual encounter/ visuals using existing images from a previous episode ? (build-up & dialog would obviously be different).
What's the preference?
Don't pad the game. You don't always have to have sex with every character who appears in a chapter just because you had sex with them previously. Recycling past scenes is just pointless padding and you'd be better off not including it than including it.


Active Member
May 18, 2018
I prefer vanilla. I started playing this game right after it came out so I kind of was already emotionally invested in non-incest version of characters by the time incest mod was made.
Fair enough... thats ur pref so thats cool man.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Why would you want to do that? she made a mistake with how she treated the MC due to the Dad being an asshole let Elaine make it up to us ;)
Technically, we don't know whether she legit made a mistake, or she's still a bitch who lied to us by pretending to be nice now. It's very possible her will condition is to make MC trust her. Remember that she was still nasty to MC after dad's death, and turned into nice after the will was read by the lawyer. It can be coincidental, but it'd also make sense if her change of behavior is caused by the will.


Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
Technically, we don't know whether she legit made a mistake, or she's still a bitch who lied to us by pretending to be nice now. It's very possible her will condition is to make MC trust her. Remember that she was still nasty to MC after dad's death, and turned into nice after the will was read by the lawyer. It can be coincidental, but it'd also make sense if her change of behavior is caused by the will.
The father was a control freak if I remember she does say she wanted to be nice to the MC but the father put his foot down on that and was not allowed to be nice or show any affection towards him. The father is the overbearing type had Elaine put in her place for all we know she might have been worried to lose everything like the nice house she was living in the cars the beach house so she abided by him, and after he died she was probably so used to being in that routine grief does a lot to people and well act in certain ways with people so there is the grief side to it still. And if she is putting it all on then she is a damn good actress. I also believe she sees the better side of his father in him and that is probably quite the appeal for her.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
The father was a control freak if I remember she does say she wanted to be nice to the MC but the father put his foot down on that and was not allowed to be nice or show any affection towards him.
The only thing we have to support this is her own words. If she's really a bad person, she could easily lie to MC about it. That's the beauty of this mystery right now, we simply don't know who's telling the truth and who's lying.
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Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
The only thing we have to support this is her own words. If she's really a bad person, she could easily lie to MC about it. That's the beauty of this mystery right now, we simply don't know who's telling the truth and who's lying.
The message dad left for you also says this.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
The message dad left for you also says this.
My bad, you're right about that. But I'm still suspicious just because of the timing.

If she's actually nice and only nasty because of dad's order, I find it weird that she'd immediately kick MC out of the house, especially that MC being the son makes it sound more likely for him to own the house. And as mentioned before, the timing that she suddenly turned nice is pretty much right after the will is being read.
Dec 29, 2018
I find it extremely difficult to find any justification for how Elaine treated the main character. Even if she wanted to be nice, she still chose to be mean. Best case scenario is that she honestly believed that being tough on the kid would help him out later on in life, which is what the father would've been demanding of her. Worst case scenario is that she is the gold digger that the father claimed she was, and she is (once again) only after the money.

She's really suspicious, not only with her sudden change in character, but the fact that her attempt to make amends with the main character was by giving him a car that was already legally his. So I'm leaning towards her being a gold digger. However, I wouldn't mind being wrong since she's smoking hot.
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Jul 1, 2018
Good Game so far. I Really like it. Now i before i unzip and start the newest Part, there is just one Question: will it go more in Dating sim where you in the end choose for one Girl(well maybe 2) or will it go more like every Hot Girl = Fun?

sry for my bad english :x

Disabled Account #1278362

Active Member
Mar 8, 2019
Good Game so far. I Really like it. Now i before i unzip and start the newest Part, there is just one Question: will it go more in Dating sim where you in the end choose for one Girl(well maybe 2) or will it go more like every Hot Girl = Fun?

sry for my bad english :x
Well, this latest update added suspicion variables to the game, so if you go after all the girls, you more than likely WILL eventually get caught. However, what the results of getting caught are we do not know yet.
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