I can see certain groups working like Deb, Lil and Katie, Bella and Elaine, Angel and Wanda, Monica and Zarah Even Jenna and Jolene are a possibility if done right.
Why everybody keeps putting Elaine and Bella together? They're sisters and i can't picture them both sharing the same man. The only ones that so far seem casually open to sharing are Katie with Lily/Debie and Zarah with anyone as long as there's a cock for her.
So far Monica and Elaine have been built as alpha milfs - they are not willing to share a man and want to be the only woman in the relationship. We've seen how devastated Elaine was when she found out MC's father had an affair. She and Monica aren't the kind of women willing to blow second whistle to some other whore.
Zarah is the typical fuck-all-you-can cougar. She'll fuck anyone she can lay her finger (or rather i say pussy) on.
Wanda i simply a gold-digging whore and would do anything for money.
Katie, Lily and Debie seem pretty close and intimate with each other and i guess this is the closest we'd get to a harem (for those who want one). However we've seen Katie being really protective of Jenna so i guess if MC confesses about his adventures with her, Katie would have a really big hole to dig for the body.
Jenna and Jolina seem like a possible combination since Jenna likes her and is still very confused with her sexual experience and Jolina admitted she doesn't mind experimenting. However i don't think Bella and Jolina would fit to each other so i don't see them as possible combination.
And speaking of Bella - the only one i can actually see her fit in as a combo is Angel. They're both kinda same-minded and have really indentical characters.
I would be quite disappointed, if I can still break up with Katie in the next update, to fuck her mom, without losing at least one testicle
That's my girl

I love her for that ruthless and aggressive temper of hers.