
Dec 10, 2017
Android port is third party, not the devs so you'd have to speak to whoever is porting it.

No .... it's the android port .... it says so right at the top of the thing you quoted.
No i say incest mod for Android where is the incest mod Android?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2017
I THINK Game looks so outdated, even last update , unpleasunt for MY eyes. I think author needs to start new project with better renders.
There I fixed it for you. Please don't state opinion as a fact .
I must say I totally disagree though. Game looks fine to me. Besides not everything is about graphics in my opinion.

The writing is very good in this game. I you don't think looks good enough just move on and play other games. I doubt anyone is going to change anything because you think it's unpleasant for your eyes.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Here are a few thoughts, as always, just my opinion, no claim to be right or to know everything.

Definitely need to go through this one again, lots of weird sentences and wrong grammar. Not so much spelling, but missing words and stuff like that. Really took me out of the game a few times, having to wonder what exactly the sentences were supposed to be.
Apart from Lily, all sexual encounters were a bit of a disappointment, Monica might have been fine, if footjobs did anything for me. The boobjob was alright, but with all the talk about how the MC took Jenna's ass, even if she is on her period, fucking her ass should have been possible, especially considering how horny both the MC and Jenna got.
I mean, getting a blowjob from Elaine was to be expected and really I would have wanted some more groping and kissing going on with that, the blowjob alone was okay, I guess.

The scene with Katie and Jenna was sort of hot, sort of weird, felt a bit like back-pedalling, as did the whole episode in regards to threesomes and sharing, with almost all the girls declaring/demanding exclusivity.
I know, I know, a lot of people will say this is how it has always been, but it's not the vibe I got from the last few episodes, which seemed to pave the way for several possible three- or even foursomes.
No, to me it seemed as if this episode sort of, as mentioned, back-pedalled a few developments which Cheeky might have thought developed too fast previously. Again, just my opinion, I don't claim to be all-knowing, this is just how I experienced the playthrough.

I admit, when the previous episode ended, I went into porn film mode a bit and expected Jolene to be fine with Jenna watching, so that she was so shocked and hurt was a bit of a surprise, even though outside of porn film logic it would have to be expected, dunno she just appeared a bit more open and crazy than that.

Story-wise this was a tad disappointing, for one because it felt in many ways like a filler episode, were nothing really game-changing happened and many scenes seemed more like stalling or setting-up for the next update than anything else and in the sense that the pay-off of infiltrating Elaine's computer should definitely have been higher, considering how long we were going for that information.
Yet there were many, many other hints that could and should make us suspicious of Elaine and her motivation, especially if you tell her what Bella told you, her reaction to that didn't exactly install confidence in me.
I know some people do quite suspect Bella, but she comes of way more sincere than her sister to me, though I admit, all these hints about Elaine's behaviour could be her attempt to pass the blame onto someone else, but for me personally Elaine's reactions kind of tell the same story, so for now, despite her incredible attractiveness, Elaine has moved high on my list of suspects again, especially concerning her repeated aversion to go into Jolene's coffee shop.

As for Theresa, here too we got a pretty strong hint for her involvement, even though story wise her being the second woman would be coming a bit out of left-field, considering how late she was introduced.

It's not like I disliked the episode, I liked the way Monica behaves with the MC now, I liked the Jenna scenes, even if sexually only the paizuri was great, Lily was an absolute joy, even despite the librarian, Bella actually came on pretty sweet, I liked how open she was about her feelings and expectations.

All in all, this was a really huge episode, but very little actual development, I've said it before that after such a long wait, it was practically impossible to publish an episode that wouldn't feel at least a little disappointing and yes, this one did.
If I should give this one episode a rating alone, I'd probably go with a 6 out of 10, a bit above average, but below average for this great game.

I'm not trying to rip the team a new one, but this at least FELT like the weakest episode for me, it might actually be as good or even better than some others, but it doesn't feel like this, if you have to wait basically half a year for it.
Again, not saying it's the team's fault or that the delays aren't perfectly understandable and acceptable, but it doesn't change how you or at least I FEEL about the update.
That's for the detailed feedback. Much appreciated. Obviously I cannot comment on some of your theories. As for your criticism, I don't agree with everything (but I do agree with some) but they're ALL valid because it's YOUR Opinion. Comments like these help us improve the game so don't feel like you're "ripping us a new one".


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Did anyone mention how much better the Lilly and Jenna renders looked? I couldn't tell if the other girls looked better or not, but its noticeable with Jenna and Lilly. Their faces looks more detailed and they had more facial expressions. Their eyes also looked better.
Good eye. Lily & Jenna got an upgrade this time around. At least one (and maybe more) characters will get their turn next episode


Active Member
Dec 7, 2017
Kinda lame. The main story almost had zero progression. The USB thing got resolved, but that convenient partially restored mail haven't had anything significant or even new because of what Bella said when we met with her (the rest we knew already). The Jolina lead led up to nowhere because she's reluctant to share the information now that we got busted, and of course she's suddenly a computer wizard on a level that manages to encrypt files so hard that even Jenna can't do anything about it. As for the sex scenes, Lili's was nice, and at least we had progression with Elaine, but the others were a letdown. Nothing with Bella, and we even made a step-back with Jenna and Monica because of "oh she has her period now, or oh Jenna is in the house so we better not" reasons. Of course we had something, but basically teasing or oral, which at this point with them should be nothing but foreplay. The Katie - Jenna scene was nice, but unless it builds up to a harem route, which I doubt, it's pretty redundant.

We had the chance to break or make with several characters, but devs said themselves it's not permanent yet, so it feels like we barely moved at all and the whole chapter was nothing but stretching out the story.

To be fair, the visuals got noticeably better compared to the earlier versions, so that was a plus point at least.
Yep just played the update and i gotta say this was disappointing but it is what it is... like some said this was the least appealing update from all till now and i kinda agree...
Would've said my thoughts for this update but yours are pretty much spot on with what i had in mind...


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Yep just played the update and i gotta say this was disappointing but it is what it is... like some said this was the least appealing update from all till now and i kinda agree...
Would've said my thoughts for this update but yours are pretty much spot on with what i had in mind...
The main problem was that we had to wait 6 months for this, if it came out earlier (like the previous updates) I don't think many would complain.

Hopefully the next update doesn't take so long
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Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I can definitely see that some people will be criticizing this update for its lack of "action" (6 girls but only one sex after months of waiting and in a long chapter so I can't really blame them there) but I really enjoyed this chapter a LOT - mostly due to the dialogue. I was invested in the conversations here a lot more than some of the last few chapters for some reason and even if this was a long chapter, no conversation dragged on too long for me nor did I find any of them dull. A few choices here also for the first time for me, really made me consider what/who I want in the future which is both scary and welcome. Also, the upgraded look for my main girl Jenna was a sight to behold and Bella, as usual leaves me wanting more (goddamn, she looked great in that swimsuit. ) Didn't run into any bugs, I think. Ran into a "your" for "you're" typo once though but that's about it. Overall, I loved it and found it mostly worth my wait. The next one can't come soon enough. Cheers! :D
Yes, could have done with more full penetrative sex scene. We had a major sex scene planned but had to push it because things weren't working with the renders. We swapped it out for the Katie BJ and the Monica footjob (neither of which were in the original plans). I think the deleted sex scene would have given a better balance overall. Will definitely rectify this in Ep18.
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