B. Mystery "Dizzy"
Next mystery is who the infamous Dizzy, the side-kick of the dead father of our MC, is. Mentioned in the game is that Lily is also called "Ditzy". Here the fact plays a role that English is not my mother tongue. I cannot comment whether those words are related or whether they have very different meanings and only sound similiar.
Who are the suspects to be "Dizzy"?
We have only few facts. One is that the father was interested in her. Another is that Dizzy had a religious spin, hobby, tick ... name it. The only character with that is Theresa. She also mentioned that she was dropped by a man relatively cold-hearted. That would fit very well with the character of the father. Her age would also fit quite good to the father. Furthermore, Elaine was very outraged about the affair. That should have been many years ago so tempers should have cooled off but there is a son ("Dogboy") of Theresa. That coul explain the anger.
However, the timing with the son is a problem. Assuming that dogboy is about the age of our MC that would mean that the affair was already gone when Theresa came in. So why she is so upset? Was not her issue. However, the father may have not told her that there is an additonal son who might get a part of the heritage. So, the anger can be explained.
Finally .... Dizzy ... Theresa ...Theeresa ... Deerisa ... Dizzy ... might work.
Other suspects?
Monica herself?
In theory possible as either she (Elaine version) or the father (Monica version) was interested in an affair but according to both versions nothing happened.
Lily is out from my view. Too young. All known ladies who were connected to the father were definitely older. No hinds that the father was for twens or teens.
Nice idea ... but no hinds for that. In addition, Bella said that she is in guys younger than her and she does not share. Both issues do not fit to the idea of an affair with the father.
Was dropped also by a man. I would assume that she is about the age of the MC. From my view too young for being "Dizzy". And she is not described as religious.
No hinds for that.
I bet on Theresa.