So who is your favourite (I think you've mentioned Lily before?) and are you sticking with her 'til the wheels fall off or do you think you'll switch it up with someone else? I dunno which save to run through honestly as my main anymore. Man-Whore is the most fun i guess but that's a ticking time bomb.
I've always been more into romance so having a man whore route was never on my to do list, it was always going to be a multi save game.
That said for a long time it was all Katie and I didn't think anyone would take her spot at the top.
However I didn't account for Lily.
I already liked her leading up to the party but assumed she was a side girl so never bothered .... and then she got main girl status and it changed everything. From the small flirt scenes leading up to the kiss at the party to her visit to going back to her and finally to the Library, Lily had won without much effort.
She's fun to talk to, she's easy on the eye and she's a demonette at sex plus she can cook. She is the ultimate waifu.
I think her and the MC are a great fit. I also have a save where i'm helping Deb get with Lily but with the MC included which is another relationship I think would just work assuming Lily is down for Deb ... or willing to go down on Deb.
While I think he could have a great relationship with any of them I just think Lily brings out the best in those around her and she deserves to be best girl.
The awkward thing is they are all great in their own way so even putting Lily first doesn't mean any of the others are terrible, Awkward because picking faves in a great group is never easy.
I even like Zarah, always have.
While a harem makes no sense and would kill the story and the characters involved there are some groups I do hope happen and have extra saves for just in case.
Top group being Jenna and Jolina. Every interaction with them has been great and they have a ton in common. I think those 2 would be awesome together.
Wanda and Angel is another.
Lily, Deb and Katie is the obvious one but I do wonder if Katies temper would somewhat ruin that.
I guess Monica and Zarah could probably work.
No others make any sense.
So, tl;dr, Lily for solo and Jenna/Jolina for groupings are my faves.