I really hope that we can get Katie to help us set up Debbie with Lily soon.
Each of the three main love interests had a little plot of their own going on at the start of the game, which was great because it made them seem like they had lives of their own. But while Monica's and Jenna's have evolved and expanded, there hasn't been much going on with Katie's since the party. Natasha and Roger never tried to retaliate or anything, so Katie hasn't really had a plot of her own. This has led to her becoming more of a caricature than a character, as her scenes have very little substance to them. Her banter with the main character is painfully overdone and overused because she doesn't have anything important to talk about. The dinner date was the low point of the game so far, as it was almost nothing but jokes.
Francois was fine for Monica's date, but to use him again for Katie so soon after felt recycled and uninspired. Katie deserved to have her own unique date, and turning her endearing habit of making crass jokes in private with the MC into a weird compulsion that she can't control in public has made her significantly less attractive. I would've much rather seen her get involved in the Debbie and Lily situation because it would fit her established character.
Right from the start of the game, we see that Katie wants those around her to be happy. She tries to get us to help cheer up her mom, who is feeling insecure about her looks. And she tries to get Jenna to go out into the world instead of hiding away in her room (although Katie goes about it the wrong way and makes things worse). If you turn Katie down when she takes a romantic interest in you, she will try to set you up with one of her friends even though she is sad about not getting you for herself. That was the most attractive and interesting thing about Katie, her desire to make others happy and her frustrations with not being able to do it on her own.
Her new uncontrollable impulse to make inappropriate jokes is really annoying, especially once she starts making snide passive-aggressive comments about it if you said that you would like her to tone it down a bit when she asked you for your opinion on the matter.
She didn't have this stupid problem originally. Take a look at the scene where you come down for breakfast without knowing that Monica is there in the kitchen with Katie. If you make a crass joke, Katie instantly gets a horrified look on her face because she knows that you made a mistake. Then when the three of you are joking at the table, she keeps it tame by simply joking about Monica giving you a make over. That's a far cry from making jokes about people jerking off into your food.
My hope is that if Katie has an actual goal and purpose in the story, she can return to her old self and have some substance to her character instead of being little more than a walking dispenser of lame jokes.
Yes there is. On the fuck anything that moves path there was an option to break up with her before her one and only sex scene to date or keep it going. It hasn't come up since then, but she thinks she's exclusive - for now.
Good thing each release isn't "little improvements" then, sweetheart. Which you should be perfectly aware of, since you "love" this game. After all, if you "love" this game you'd be keeping track of information conveyed by the devs, thereby keeping yourself fully aware of precisely why the time between releases can increase.
Alternatively, act like a troll and make baseless accusations...
Good thing each release isn't "little improvements" then, sweetheart. Which you should be perfectly aware of, since you "love" this game. After all, if you "love" this game you'd be keeping track of information conveyed by the devs, thereby keeping yourself fully aware of precisely why the time between releases can increase.
Alternatively, act like a troll and make baseless accusations...
cant believe u guys are arguing on a porn game site of all places
do either of u think this gonna do anything, neither of u gonna change what the other one thinks
Like it or not devs always try to milk patreons. The only ones that dont , are those who post regularly updates (see treasure of nadia for exemple) or those that set to get paid once an update is provided (not monthly)
You must be new to the internet. Also, there is no argument.
There's one guy who looks like he's an entry-level troll, and another who likes to remind them of what they said, and proverbially smack them in the face with it.
do either of u think this gonna do anything, neither of u gonna change what the other one thinks
That's a very generalising assertion you're making... You weren't a patron of Gumdrop's were you?
The only ones that dont , are those who post regularly updates (see treasure of nadia for exemple) or those that set to get paid once an update is provided (not monthly)
You're leaving out the ones who pause/stop their payments when there are significant enough delays, or they have to take extended time off for whatever reason.
Let me be clear, there are devs who use crowdfunding to make easy money, and there are those who abide their obligations to produce the content they're being patronised for. The former is only possible because of the people who continue to provide money whether they're aware or not. They're the ones people should complain about.
There has been zero evidence of Cheekygimp being a "milking" dev. He, and the others working on WTHI that have been posting here, have been open and honest about issues that have arisen. All the proof of that is here, in this thread.
Despite that, insufferably lazy people who are too selfish to exercise common sense and initiative, don't look for all that info, and if they're not asking for when the next update is (even on the same page the latest information about a release estimate can be found), then they're making baseless accusations of milking.