I read it with a distinct Azerbaijanian accent, I think it just means we're nuts. The email, doesn't really matter who sent it imo.

Not having a clue who the gold digger is does bother me, I only have a Wanda path now.
LOL. Jamaican. I have no idea how I came to that conclusion. Irish/Irish/American I would never have thought of and from Azerbaijan... well I just had to look that country up (sorry).
Maybe we cannot look in to the
bit as I had thought. Maybe the clue is more literal?
As for the gold digger I would naturally think it is more likely to be someone that is throwing herself at MC, more that someone you have to chase and seduce.
As I see it, the woman who are (kind of) forcing themselves on MC are:
- Monica: A close friend from you father or parents, an older lady. seems a bit off.
- Elaine: Come on, she is like your mother in law. Very suspicious.
- Bella: you hardly talk to the woman and after a few encounters, bam, she can be your girlfriend. Very suspicious.
Women that clearly have more chemistry with MC:
- Angel: A good f**k buddy.
- Katie: I am conflicted here, there is clearly a lot of chemistry but she does kind of force herself on you.
- Jenna: Sweet, but I am very suspicious of her.
- Jolina: Ah Jolina, My Jolina. Anyone who has anything bad to say about Jolina can meet me after class.
- Lily: Fine fine fine. If Lily is anything other than the sweet girl we all love, I think I will end my life the very day the game ends.
- Debbie: Also fine as can be and bi!, what more can you ask for specially if you get to share her with Lily.
Women who seem to have no interests other than scratching that itch:
- Zarah: F**k buddy MILF. Although in the latest chaper we get to see more of her personality.
- Wanda: I have only seen her as a broken model wannabe with no self esteem. Sad. I kind of like the girl and wish she did not put up with me humiliating her ever time I get her naked. (God I hate myself).
- Mabel: Super cute, but super whory.
Making the gold digger any of the last group of girls would be a bit of a let-down (even Angel would not make much sense), and making the gold digger Elaine or Bella would be kind of obvious.
So, I conclude therefore that the gold digger must be one of: Monica, Katie, Jenna, Jolina, Debbie or Lily (noooooo). (Although Lily and Debbie do not make much sense, at the moment).
I rest my case. Have fun.