You Sir are cruel

But OK, hope it is
And just to be clear so I don't get the stinkeye from Avaron, I didn't really wanna bribe you

(and no, I don't want incest in this game

I'm not against anything else, my only point of contention is a harem would look dumb as fuck, everything else i'm not bohered about.
I'm not the biggest fan of harems and it rarely ever works. I've seen 3 that worked really well in Sisterly Lust, Parental Love and Last Sovereign. There are parts I really enjoy about My New Family and WVM but both of those have ridiculous looking harems. They are conveyer belts where they set a schedule to fit girls in. They are shallow and emotionless. Outside of the core group for both games which is the gingers for MNF and Jaime/Shauna for WVM the rest are filler and don't feel like love interests just sex scenes. Well, Fiona gets away with it in MNF as they are more friends than lovers and their banter is fun.
Due to the amount of girls here a full harem would be another ridiculous conveyer belt. It would only be there because people don't like choices event though they hate kinetic novels because they like choices (yes some people on here piss me off it's no secret I don't like quite a few people).
It would completely ruin nearly every character that's been built up for 18 episodes and all have personalities to just be reduced to filler sex scenes revolving around a core group.
The only reason I said Katie and Jenna won't happen is because one of the characters was heavily against it. If the devs want to completely change Katies personality to make it work that's up to them.
I'm not against any group at all if the devs think they can make it work. There are groups I will avoid as I don't personally think they work like Monica and her daughters, that's arguably the worst one due to how Monica and Katie are but if that's what the devs do that's their choice.
As long as what they do doesn't completely butcher the story and the characters I have no complaints.
So it appears Avaron has gone from the "no harem" queen to the "no incest" queen.
The no incest came from Cheeky not wanting to make yet another incest game that's why there is no patch and the third party mod leaves a ton of plot holes, this was never made with incest in mind.
Same for the no harem, that's also from the devs although one I personally agree with because I think it would ruin the story and the characters.
I don't say all this stuff because I hate people and want to shit on their dreams, that's just an added bonus.