Cell's estimates for EP20 sound good. I've already got a rough draft and scene list for the first scene for EP20 rolling while Cheeky and Cell are finishing up EP19 (Not that I won't be looping back to help with the final tweaks/testing for EP19).
And there is never any "blame" per say when things come up that could possibly set us back a bit. Like say... Cheeky getting ambitious during our last meeting and wanting to add another animation to a scene a couple weeks before we are supposed to push out the update... that I seconded and then we told Cell he can do it.

OR when discussing the state of Wanda's animations and finding out Cell is producing 2 more animations there were planned initially.

And of course there is me coming along with the supposed "artist eye" (despite not doing the art) which is probably just the effect of a higher resolution monitor, pointing out the few dozens of obscure render tweaks that nobody but me likely would notice for Cell/Cheeky to spot render, that likely makes Cell want to pull his hair out.

There is a reason we have a "todo" channel called the sweatshop.
So it's never a blame game as much as much as an intense game of hot potato.

No worries though, this is our usual process and it all comes together. And somehow we seem to enjoy it.

Although after rereading that, seems Cell is the one the potato is usually landing on a lot. Ah, he just needs more practice is all.