LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
but why do you suspect Bella?
Simple, Bella is an option but not my choice for the GD. Reasons she is an option: How did Bella know where to bring the cloths? she try's to get the MC even when I choose to not pursue her as a LI, she constantly chases him. she helped with Elaine computer but we never get anywhere with info on her computer "yet" also when at beach House, LI or not she leaves her panties in the bathroom why? yes she wants MC but why the hard push when i choose to be friends only? when I choose to be friends only with Jenna she does not push as hard and content in game is diminished, but not so much with Bella. Bella still tries to have sex. so as of the last up date she is a Possible GD but i don't think she is the GD.
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Jan 11, 2020
A part of me kinda wishes Monica turns out to be Dizzy. That would really be wild. Reading everyone's reaction here would be worth the wait :LUL:, although I still have my doubts about her.

Bella is my # 1 candidate (for now, at least).

Lily... I don't know, it would feel kinda random.

Zarah would be 'meh' for me, from a shock value point of view.

Still, even funnier would be if the lawyer were to be Dizzy. Who says daddy dearest only played for one team? In fact, he struck me as a man who liked to have all bases covered :KEK:. Now that I think about it, what if MC's daddy actually died of AIDS? :unsure:
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Engaged Member
Apr 17, 2021
A part of me kinda wishes Monica turns out to be Dizzy. That would really be wild. Reading everyone's reaction here would be worth the wait :LUL:, although I still have my doubts about her.

Bella is my # 1 candidate (for now, at least).

Lily... I don't know, it would feel kinda random.

Zarah would be 'meh' for me, from a shock value point of view.

Still, even funnier would be if the lawyer were to be Dizzy. Who says daddy dearest only played for one team? In fact, he struck me as a man who liked to have all bases covered :KEK:. Now that I think about it, what if MC's daddy actually died from AIDS? :unsure:
I agree that Monica would be the best choice from the storytelling standpoint of a sympathetic character that perhaps made mistakes in the past, for which the MC could choose to forgive or not. However, this would require that the lawyer's words about the GD being cold and calculating would have to apply to Elaine, not Monica. This is believable, but my memory of the context of that discussion led the reader to believe it was referring to the other / non-Elaine GD. If so, then Monica wouldn't be a good fit. In that regard, only Bella and Zarah would be possible IMO.
Jul 6, 2021
A part of me kinda wishes Monica turns out to be Dizzy. That would really be wild. Reading everyone's reaction here would be worth the wait :LUL:, although I still have my doubts about her.

Bella is my # 1 candidate (for now, at least).

Lily... I don't know, it would feel kinda random.

Zarah would be 'meh' for me, from a shock value point of view.

Still, even funnier would be if the lawyer were to be Dizzy. Who says daddy dearest only played for one team? In fact, he struck me as a man who liked to have all bases covered :KEK:. Now that I think about it, what if MC's daddy actually died from AIDS? :unsure:
Is it too soon? Who dies of AIDS in the west nowadays? Or is it "Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he had AIDS."


Oct 31, 2018
I wouldn‘t categorize Lily as most likely. Why would she discuss being smarter than she acts with the MC if she had it out for his inheritance? Wouldn‘t it be smarter to keep up the facade and leave the MC in the dark? Unless we know the will conditions for Dizzy I don‘t think she is more likely than for example Bella who is suspected to work together with Jolina.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Simple, Bella is an option but not my choice for the GD. Reasons she is an option: How did Bella know where to bring the cloths? she try's to get the MC even when I choose to not pursue her as a LI, she constantly chases him. she helped with Elaine computer but we never get anywhere with info on her computer "yet" also when at beach House, LI or not she leaves her panties in the bathroom why? yes she wants MC but why the hard push when i choose to be friends only? when I choose to be friends only with Jenna she does not push as hard and content in game is diminished, but not so much with Bella. Bella still tries to have sex. so as of the last up date she is a Possible GD but i don't think she is the GD.
the behaviours you list make her a manipulative woman, probably with an ulterior motive, but if we go along with her they effectively push MC to inherit half of Donald's legacy (putting Elaine out of the picture and helping Mc to distance himself from Monica)

I wouldn‘t categorize Lily as most likely. Why would she discuss being smarter than she acts with the MC if she had it out for his inheritance? Wouldn‘t it be smarter to keep up the facade and leave the MC in the dark? Unless we know the will conditions for Dizzy I don‘t think she is more likely than for example Bella who is suspected to work together with Jolina.
but it's not that she only does it with MC, she's basically been doing it all her life waiting for Donald's inheritance? when she was already in high school?

She's a precog...

LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
the behaviours you list make her a manipulative woman, probably with an ulterior motive, but if we go along with her they effectively push MC to inherit half of Donald's legacy (putting Elaine out of the picture and helping Mc to distance himself from Monica)

as you write: The behaviors I list make her a manipulative woman, probably with an ulterior motive.
That makes Bella a possible GD. but putting Elaine out of picture? how? both Elaine and Bella ask MC to move back or make sure MC knows they want him to. that is probably a will condition for Elaine. Bella trying to get MC in trouble with Katie and her girls with the panty drop so she can get him away from them that makes her less of a GD so that is reasons she is only Possible not a likely GD. because if she is a GD then she wants him to be with Monica and the Girls. to inherit more herself..

As for Lily if she is the same age of Katie or MC then Donald could have been with her for the last 2 years! and a girl with rich parents would put her around rich families so contact with Donald is possible. this is eluded to in the conversation about her dad at the library so those who thinks she is too young its called a sugar daddy / man with power/ a womanizer young girls like older men, so her age is not a problem. even if you think timing is off its not clear how long the other GD was with Donald.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
It's still Bella
All these theories forget the Dad's tape saying: "Elaine would have killed me if she knew who she (my mistress/ the golddigger) was".
So Elaine knows her.
She's close to Elaine.
Need more?



Oct 31, 2018
If Lily was being sugardaddied by Donald I‘d expect more hints towards that. Even Angel is more likely in that theory, since she had something with an older guy, which she talks about ingame.
I don‘t remember the talk in the library too well. I need to replay the whole game again I think.


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
I think Angel gets hinted too strong. Even MC says 'this sounds like my father' when Angel tells about her older ex.

Jolina is super manipulative and she has a more compatible age then Angel and Lily. And maybe she and Elaine know each other. It might not have been a case if Elaine went to Cups of Jo to send the Email. If she did so. She could have gone there to negotiate at some level with Jolina who's double-crossing bot her and MC.

The reason i say Jolina is too easy is because she is, among all, absolutely perfect under every aspect. She has a reasonable role to be a LI both for MC and his father. She is smart. She's mysterious. She can pull some serious stunt. She's ruthless. She's a femme fatal. She literally is in the pivotal location of the main plot.

We know she recently opened Cups of Jo. Could she have opened it as a base of operation and part of her plot against the other heirs? Might she have known the wills to some extent before Elaine and MC?

That could also have explained the rage outburst when MC first asks here out. Ok, the "he's with Jenna" explaination works. But how does it works "he's the son of my late sugar daddy"?

Isn't it suspicious that if you refuse to walk to Jolie to ask her out it's game over?


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
as you write: The behaviors I list make her a manipulative woman, probably with an ulterior motive.
That makes Bella a possible GD. but putting Elaine out of picture? how? both Elaine and Bella ask MC to move back or make sure MC knows they want him to. that is probably a will condition for Elaine. Bella trying to get MC in trouble with Katie and her girls with the panty drop so she can get him away from them that makes her less of a GD so that is reasons she is only Possible not a likely GD. because if she is a GD then she wants him to be with Monica and the Girls. to inherit more herself..

As for Lily if she is the same age of Katie or MC then Donald could have been with her for the last 2 years! and a girl with rich parents would put her around rich families so contact with Donald is possible. this is eluded to in the conversation about her dad at the library so those who thinks she is too young its called a sugar daddy / man with power/ a womanizer young girls like older men, so her age is not a problem. even if you think timing is off its not clear how long the other GD was with Donald.
Bella continually puts Elaine in a bad light with MC, continually pushing him to suspect her, not to trust her, to minimize every gesture Elaine makes towards MC

this certainly doesn't make Elaine's task any easier as we know the condition of the will concerns both MC and Donald's house.

If MC listens to Bella, will he ever allow Elaine to continue living in that house?

there is not a single action of hers that will take MC away from the inheritance, which we assume a GD would do

about lily my objection was to the suspicion that she's pretending to be stupid to take the suspicion off herself. it's a theory that doesn't make sense, she's been friends for a long time with katie and debbie, would she have been pretending all the time, since the firing, even with them? before the will existed, just to be ready to make fun of mc? really too forced
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Jan 11, 2020
I think Angel gets hinted too strong. Even MC says 'this sounds like my father' when Angel tells about her older ex.

Jolina is super manipulative and she has a more compatible age then Angel and Lily. And maybe she and Elaine know each other. It might not have been a case if Elaine went to Cups of Jo to send the Email. If she did so. She could have gone there to negotiate at some level with Jolina who's double-crossing bot her and MC.

The reason i say Jolina is too easy is because she is, among all, absolutely perfect under every aspect. She has a reasonable role to be a LI both for MC and his father. She is smart. She's mysterious. She can pull some serious stunt. She's ruthless. She's a femme fatal. She literally is in the pivotal location of the main plot.

We know she recently opened Cups of Jo. Could she have opened it as a base of operation and part of her plot against the other heirs? Might she have known the wills to some extent before Elaine and MC?

That could also have explained the rage outburst when MC first asks here out. Ok, the "he's with Jenna" explaination works. But how does it works "he's the son of my late sugar daddy"?

Isn't it suspicious that if you refuse to walk to Jolie to ask her out it's game over?
Not to mention Jolina has some less than subtle (possible) clues about her being the GD. Someone mentioned before the Dolly Parton song and how that could be applied to Jolina. I can see it happen, but for some reason Bella is still my number one suspect at the moment, although maybe she and Jolina are working together? Maybe Elaine knows her as 'a friend of Bella' *wink, wink* :unsure:.
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LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
There are many reasons it could be any of the possible GDs we all have our Favorite choice that is for sure. I like things a little more neatly put together some like a mystery others want a complete topsy-turvy. I think it would be hilarious if a new Character was introduced as the GD. LOL
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Dec 3, 2018
Simple, Bella is an option but not my choice for the GD. Reasons she is an option: How did Bella know where to bring the cloths? she try's to get the MC even when I choose to not pursue her as a LI, she constantly chases him. she helped with Elaine computer but we never get anywhere with info on her computer "yet" also when at beach House, LI or not she leaves her panties in the bathroom why? yes she wants MC but why the hard push when i choose to be friends only? when I choose to be friends only with Jenna she does not push as hard and content in game is diminished, but not so much with Bella. Bella still tries to have sex. so as of the last up date she is a Possible GD but i don't think she is the GD.
More reasons, she and Elaine were apparently not that close before the dad dying. But now all of a sudden she's trying to be Elaine's best friend, even going so far as quitting her job to be close to her.

Also pointing she's trying really hard to get with the MC, even when you turn her down. Clearly trying to hedge her bets that whomever gets this Inheritance she at at least gets a piece of it.
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