
May 2, 2021
bro, love is love (in minecraft). and the fact that i can't have monica and her daughters (in minecraft) is just too cruel. i can't drop monica but katie kinda destroys us entirely and i can't have that so bye bye monica ig (in minecraft)
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Jun 10, 2023
It does not expressly give a game over but in the last chapter in fact Elaine discovers the relationship with Jolina and/or Bella, the matter is postponed but it sounds like a knockout at least with Elaine

For the other relationships you can go on for now (except Monica and her daughters together)
yes you are correct....I had to stop relationship with Monica to be with Jenna...and so far the other three women all know about each other and are fine with it


Sep 18, 2023
I just finished chapter 24 with a solo route with Katie.

I proposed to her and she said to ask her in a year. My stats are 756/878 and 116/204.

At no time have I been unfaithful to her, beyond a few glances at other girls, but I have always rejected them.

My surprise was when playing chapter 24 independently and answering some questions, she does agree to get married.

So, my question is: does anyone know what I did wrong so that in my saved game it said that it is still too early for marriage and by playing the independent chapter he does want to do it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
116/204 is much to low. Also i think normally the two scores shoud have merged araind chapter 16 and love path being locked in...

If you lost nearly 100 points, you picked a lot of wrong answers.. from my memory, you must always be confrontative with katie and never pick the lovey dovey options...
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Sep 18, 2023
Well, what a disappointment, because really the character of Katie that I had imagined has not turned out to be like that. I was convinced that romantic options were really the most appropriate because I was convinced that behind that tough skin hid a woman who wanted to be treated like a princess...

In fact, throughout the entire game everything has been going quite well because she keeps repeating that she loves my MC and behaves more and more romantically, leaving aside all that tough girl game of hers that seemed more like a shell.

What a disappointment that the designers made the character only for a path like that, and that for there to be a completely happy ending you have to have behaved like an idiot throughout the game.

Anyway, what can you do... everything could have been more emotional.
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Jul 12, 2020
Pues que decepción, porque realmente el personaje de Katie que había imaginado no ha resultado ser así. Estaba convencida de que las opciones románticas eran realmente las más apropiadas porque estaba convencida de que detrás de esa piel dura se escondía una mujer que quería ser tratada como una princesa...

De hecho, durante todo el juego todo ha ido bastante bien porque ella sigue repitiendo que ama a mi MC y se comporta cada vez más románticamente, dejando de lado todo ese juego de chicas duras que parecía más un caparazón.

Qué decepción que los diseñadores hayan hecho el personaje sólo para un camino así, y que para que haya un final completamente feliz tengas que haberte comportado como un idiota durante todo el juego.

En fin, ¿qué puedes hacer? Todo podría haber sido más emotivo.
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Inglés por favor según las reglas del foro. Si no puede hablar inglés, utilice un traductor y agregue ese texto también:
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I just finished chapter 24 with a solo route with Katie.

I proposed to her and she said to ask her in a year. My stats are 756/878 and 116/204.

At no time have I been unfaithful to her, beyond a few glances at other girls, but I have always rejected them.

My surprise was when playing chapter 24 independently and answering some questions, she does agree to get married.

So, my question is: does anyone know what I did wrong so that in my saved game it said that it is still too early for marriage and by playing the independent chapter he does want to do it?
From my mobile phone I can't check but from the scores you show I'd say you got more than one key decision wrong with Katie.
Take a look at the Walkthrough :
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Sep 18, 2023
From my point of view, my decisions with Katie were always correct, I was never unfaithful to her, my responses were always mostly romantic towards her, I never wanted to encourage her to be a lesbian, nor to form threesomes or relationships with anyone else, I didn't even have sexual relations with Natasha and although she got angry at first, I think it was the right decision to put Katy on the right path since revenge didn't bring anything good.
It's absurd to see how the game plays out, in which the two are in love, they have sex, she admits to her friends that she loves him and is changing her ways, they openly tell Monica and Jenna that they have a romantic relationship, and in In the final romantic scene full of candles, she tells him to put a child inside her when seconds before he just told her that he doesn't want to marry her.

And then I discover that playing chapter 24 independently and answering the questions it asks you just like I played it and that there it does say YES I LOVE YOU, and why, because instead of being romantic you have to be immature pedantic with jokes or leering at other girls. Absurd in its entirety no matter how you want to look at it.
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Sep 18, 2023
Actually, for me the main problem was discovering that if you played chapter 24 independently, Katie said yes, and that's when I asked myself what the hell I did wrong.
As I have already said, my actions have always been on the romantic side because Katie's own character gave you clues that although she herself said that she didn't like it, it was really a lie and that a little kitten was hiding under that hard skin. The evidence is that she herself admits that she would like to change the way she speaks and behaves, just as, although she says that she likes men who flirt with other women, it is shown that this is not really the case because she herself admits Although she said that, every time it happens she gets unbearable jealousy and it's not like her, so they couldn't say that this character is like that and if you don't like it, you're screwed because they were really giving you proof that the character It was totally different from what she wanted to appear, and that was really what I liked about her.

If I hadn't discovered that already in this chapter 24 he says yes, I would have thought that that would be reserved for the last chapter 25, but when I discovered that it is not like that, that's when I became a little disappointed towards this game. I haven't looked at the tutorial because I've never liked watching tutorials for playing games since I like to do it as realistically as possible to what would be my own real choices that I would make in life, but I'll take a look because I am very curious to know what the logic was in the answers that had to be given to Katy to score more points and to only change the course of the game in one thing, which is IF I WANT the end. Because everything else has developed exactly the same.
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