Here you go.
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Ep6x PC
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Ep6x MAC
Let's get the word out for this one!
I know this post will be unpopular, but here goes anyway.....(and no hard feelings for anyone that plays the leaked version - my only gripe is with those that leak them too early).
These leaks are happening way too early for my liking. Previously, the new updates were getting leaked slightly early, but not too bad (1 week or less before the official free release), but now
@leporis is dropping them straight away which is not ideal (my private message trying to appeal to his better nature obviously didn't work). I know some people argue that these leaks actually help the game (gets the word out about it and all that ...), but the facts are: Since he/she started these leaks, my Patreon growth has almost ground to a halt (less than 7% growth in a month, compared to > 80% growth in previous months), so to be clear: This WILL hurt the game. As per my Patreon goals, I was hoping to get a second member into the team and was on track to hit this goal in a month or two, but it's not looking likely now. I plan on slightly reducing the number of hours I put into this personally (approx. 50 hours per week in addition to my full-time job, as it is not sustainable on a long-term basis), so hence the plans to add a second person to the DEV team (which would help increase the quantity & quality per update). Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out which Patreon member he/she is and ban them from supporting me (have it narrowed down to 18 people already) , but it'll take a while. I could narrow it down further by creating multiple MEGA links (slightly different versions) and sending out to smaller groups but that obviously takes extra time out of the game development (but that feels petty and is also a pain in the ass), so will decide this month if that's the route I want to take.
Or, because I feel bad charging customers if they are not receiving the perks they are paying for (i.e. early access) I might scrap the whole Patreon thing and just go back to DEV'ing / releasing completely for free (don't worry, I will still continue to develop & finish this game even if I come off Patreon). Without paying customers / Patreon deadlines, I could go back to DEV'ing at my leisure (no more all-nighters - Woohoo), so that certainly has an appeal, but it would result in a new episode every 3 months+, rather than 4-5 weeks. I just spent 25hours solid out of the past 36 working on this game, and local time is 3am and I'm up at 6:30 for work tomorrow, so will need to make a decision this month or next about how I plan to finish this game over the next several months as a one-man-team.
I'm not looking for people to jump in and support or argue against this message (I want to keep this forum on subject to discuss the game and not kick of an argument about how soon is "too soon" to release these un-official free versions), so please don't pile in, either to my defense or to argue against this message....