Which is the most important for you? graphics? or gameplay? or face of the girls? story or pure sex scene?


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
Specially in the broad "nsfw genre" there is a lot of opinions.

For me is gameplay. Having stuff to do, stuff to have in mind, even gameplay strategies.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 22, 2020
Specially in the broad "nsfw genre" there is a lot of opinions.

For me is gameplay. Having stuff to do, stuff to have in mind, even gameplay strategies.
i still dont know what is nsfw. what is the meaning of nsfw or ntr. can anyone tell me pls


New Member
Oct 29, 2017
I enjoy games that have a decent story or overall premise to them. Combat that's not just a slog to run through is just a nice bonus.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
it needs to cater to my kinks or it's a no go. also needs to avoid the usual dealbreakers or it's a no go. I've found that little else matters.

I mean of course better renders are better, and a better story is nice to have, but I've never seen a bad enough treatment of my specific kinks that it would turn me away. also I've never seen graphics or story so good outside my interests that it made me give even a second of attention to it. I doubt it's even possible.

gameplay depends on what you want your game to be, which category it's going to land in. it's something you'll have to decide for yourself. I don't think it's too relevant otherwise.

decide your target audience and stick to it. adding dealbreaking fetishes will only cut down your audience, not increase it. don't for a second think that adding a long list of tags is gonna draw in more people. it only works if the tags are non-controversial, but then again nobody makes decisions based on those tags.

also like others have already said, the best result comes out of catering to your OWN needs. beware of listening to comments. if it doesn't instantly make sense to you, ignore it.
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Nov 30, 2017
here 4 cents
if you are making a game, focus more on a gameplay than everything else.
if you are making a visual novel, focus on the story
otherwise focus on the graphics and the seX scene.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
1) Story
2) Graphics
3) Anything else

Story, the more interactive the better, I love branching narratives with a lot of character development. A slow burn that leads to an amazing sex scene...I despise mini games, noncon sex, and fantasy/dream sex scenes.

Graphics, the girls need to appeal and the scenes need to be sexy. I don't need animations but they are nice to see. Renders don't have to amaze me but I don't like really grainy pictures.

I don't care about music or sounds, I don't want to see mini games, I don't want to see the MC spend a bunch of time imagining fucking someone. I like that the first time the MC fucks a LI for it to be the "real thing".


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2020
To me the most important is the story. Things must happen for a reason, otherwise I would just go on pornhub to watch stuff.

i still dont know what is nsfw. what is the meaning of nsfw or ntr. can anyone tell me pls
NSFW = Not safe for work, usually porn stuff or gore
ntr = netorare, netori or netorase, there's no specific tags for each. It's for when there's cheating involved


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
My opinion of "Gameplay" is different from the average adult game player. Personally, I'm not a big fan of calling "choices' gameplay. Nonetheless, the importance of choices for me are minimal at best. I like something in between.

A game that locks most of the game behind a choice bugs me. I lose patience as I lack concentration. I tend to keep restarting thinking "maybe I should have done this..." and boom. In a cycle of hell until I just get bored or frustrated. Not very fun. Add this with the idea the game is incomplete and I will likely do this spiral of destruction over again next time I play? Yeah, many games I normally would like get thrown out of the window because a dev tries to add too much.
(I have gotten better at save management, but old habits die hard).

On the other spectrum, there are games which have no choices or gameplay at all "Kinetic Novels". I just don't play them. At least choices make me feel I'm doing something, not just wasting my time.

I find graphics nice, but not always necessary. Some of my favorite game have really shitty or generic art, while some games have fantastic art and I find the game trash.

To me, the story is much more important than sex scenes. I can only think of maybe one or two games in which I played where the story was nonsense but the sex was kinda hot. Yet I never played those games again. The games that I tend to remember and love are those with stories. The story doesn't always have to be "good". It just needs to be a story with elements that interest me and be at least somewhat believable with some sense of consistency. Please no "MC was in a car accident, dad dies and MC is in coma for three months. When he wakes up, no one cares and sister calls you a pervert" kind of thing. Dude just woke up from a freaking coma and tried to take a piss, chill.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
in no specific order, these are the elements that concur in making a game a good game in my book:

- Good dialogue/grammar. I am not an English native speaker, and I understand that many devs aren't either, but I'd rather play the game in another language I know, than play it in choppy English with terrible sentence structure or straight up wrong translations. It takes me right out of the game immersion if I have to struggle to keep up with the narration. I would even go as far as offer to translate and/or proofread, if the game is otherwise good enough.
-An actual plot that has some merit to it, and ideally also a bit of occasional humour in the dialogues... I have giggled aloud at the occasional 4th wall breaking in a couple of games... and enjoy it when there are games interspread with some humour (I am thinking of for instance Personal Trainer).
-Decent to good graphics (animations being a nice plus, but not an absolute must)... I am a fan of 3d graphics in the genre/style of The adventurous couple. (basically I've consumed enough manga and anime and even hentai for me to rarely be interested in games in that graphic style... though there have been a couple of exceptions if they present particular plotlines or kinks)...
-Playability... only entomologists like bugs. Having a nice finished product with good transitions and as few as possible unnecessary clicks is a nice touch (if it takes me 4 or more clicks to go home to "finish for the day", or maybe reach the map to go from one place to the next, and I MUST do it routinely, then please, give me a "home/map button" shortcut).
Grinding is nice against a woman..not as a way to get through a game. I don't mind it always and there are games in which grinding actually has a purpose and kinda "works" (like treasures of Nadia), but more often than not, tasks and longwinded grindfests and repetitions are added in for padding and don't actually add anything to the game after the initial payload to the first "grind".
-Clearly stated objectives or game mechanics that don't make you wander the map aimlessly waiting to bump into the next plot point or clue as to how to proceed, if need be, a "guide" that will help you along the way (this may just me being lazy but we're not talking elders scrolls here... the production value of these games is rarely so high that it's just a pleasure to walk around and enjoy the scenery like it can be in, say, Skyrim).
-Variation in situations and kinks, and the presence of either unusual kinks or at least some of the ones that I enjoy... Ideally "non standard" sexual activities should be framed within the individual character's personality/sexual "identity" or even be a plot point... and not be just plonked in there as a possibility out of nowhere. Likewise, I understand the logic of progression (peeking, then touching leading up to handjob, to titjob, to bj, to sex)..but if it is repeated identically for every character in the game, it is just bad/lazy writing.. the progression is unnatural and forced half the times, better to have variations of it or dispense with it altogether.

A game that gets high marks on all of the above would be absolutely legendary, but I find that this would be setting the bar way too high, and would actually detract from the enjoyment of other games.. so I don't mind only one or a few of these aspects being fully "there".
A decent balance of these aspects makes for a great game, but it really depends on my mood whether I am looking to explore something more depraved, whether I am in it for the story or something else.
In general, a good story will peak my interest and get me invested in the characters even if the graphic side of things is less well executed, even if there is a lot of text to read, but there are also times that a very well designed game can "tide me over" even with a rather flimsy story that's there just as a generic framework to tie together different kinks.

On the whole, I might play through just about anything that isn't too unplayable, bugged, unintelligible or ugly, but I am definitely partial to good storytelling over too outlandish and jarringly unbelievable situations (I like a good harem as much as the next guy, but if the harem is composed of girls with strong personalities and jealousy who find out about one another, I expect there to be consequences in the game, not "oh well..they're all magically ok with it")... and if the MC is an absolute moron/loser/idiot and utterly unlikeable, then there's no reason that every girl in the game should fall for him unless the plot justifies this in a believable way and not just because of magic dick powers.
I do like the more cerebral games that explore the psyche, the relationships and the motivations behind choosing to pursue an NPC, and for her to go along with it, other than because she's in the game and the MC has a big dick. Again, I don't mind that, but it does get repetitive and I do like a bit more substance to a story.
On average, I prefer Renpy over other formats, but that is not an absolute,... and I don't mind there to be different paths that are mutually exclusive, but in that case, the completionist/kinkster in me would like there to be a way to also see the alternate path or the content I missed out on (something like an extra content feature?)

I guess I should learn to summarize.

Tl;Dr A good game is a balanced effort that takes playability, graphics, plot and context into consideration, with a variety of kinks to spice it up.
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Apr 18, 2019
If the look isn't appealing I don't even want to know about the story. If the story is boring or uninteresting then the best look can't help it, because then I could simply go to Pornhub.
Gameplay is not important in adult games to me and non-adult games do a way better job gameplay-wise anyway.

And I second what freedom.call said, you should make your game. You need your own vision. If you try to please everyone, you will please no one.
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Anti Anti-NTR & Anti-Woke Crusader
Apr 14, 2020
1st impression graphics to hook me in, 2nd gameplay/story/writing/choices/sex scene to made me stay.. if impressive gameplay but graphics not to my liking, like sts, it will never get me started.
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Sep 28, 2020
A good story is always what I'm looking for. And it's important that this also includes the choices we get along the way.
Just resently I was playing a game where I got a choice between going on a date with Girl A or Girl B. But I didn't want to go anywhere with either of those stupid bitches. Just the lack of a "Don't go with either girl." option made me abandon that game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
Plot/story first and foremost for me. If I cant get into it then the best graphics/gameplay wont keep me playing. I may as well just watch porn at that rate.

As far as graphics go, at long as the characters dont look like freaks then I am fine but of course nicer graphics the better but not at the expense of an engrossing story.

As for gameplay, I dont even care if the game has no choice. Im a plot person. If the only decision I end up making is what to name the main character then I dont mind. Besides too many decisions means you render so many different scenes and have to write tons of branching paths it ends up consuming a lot of time and things begin to suffer and updates are slower and have less content. I hate sandbox because its typically a bug ridden mess, grindy, and probably the biggest time waster for the dev. Even big games and devs with experience falter.

I dont mind if there is a ton of sex or very little or if it takes a while to get to the sex. If people want sex right away there are games for that or just regular porn. Personally the scenes should make sense and not just be there for the heck of it. I guess depending on context you can do it.

Lastly, in case you make it big and get a large Patreon following and starting earning some decent money. Dont let the pay pigs determine what you do with your game. Many devs change their story to cater to the few fat big wallet patreons at the expense of everyone else and the story/gameplay tends to suffer. You tank the quality and your original message/intention/vision of your game suffers.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Do this first.... Ask yourself

Why am I making a game?
For money or personal fun/thing.

That will determine everything. Most people want choices that matter. Harem, incest and loli's or young girls. This is fact if you after money then do this.

If you want to create story with characters that make you feel emotion and not just lust then you have to make a Kinetic Novel or Visual novel that interest you and you stick to your plan.

Many players say story but that is vague, what I've found is that most times it's a story that fits their narrative and not necessarily your ideas. This is how we humans are.

When I play VN's it depends on my mood. If i want to just jerk off then Milfy city and Flirty F type games.
If i want to feel emotion then I choose VN's like Hillside or Bad Memories, Halfway house, Light of my life, The Way, TiF or Luke's way etc...

Just be prepared for lots of "opinions" but stick to your goals for the Novel.
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Nov 5, 2016
I'd say the 3 things I try to look for when deciding if I really like a game would be

1. Interesting character design, regardless of the overall graphics. (There are a lot of generic characters these days, a little creativity goes a long way, though I also understand that could be extremely time consuming and not everyone can do that. At the same time, the interesting character design could come from personality instead of looks or both)

2. Actual enjoyable gameplay, freedom and choice. (Games I personally tend to not get bored with are usually ones which give the player a lot of freedom on what to do, a good example would be a game that has multiple npcs they can interact with but not forcing you into certain ones, instead, allowing the player to choose who to focus on. I generally don't like being forced down a specific route in a game unless the story is compelling enough to want to go down that route in the first place)

3. This one is less about the game itself and more the design/creators, and that is consistency and work ethic. What I mean by this, I've seen so many games with great potential just not go anywhere because some developers will release a 0.1 of a game with almost no content and then 3 months later release 0.2 with maybe 2 scenes added. I actually think this is the most important point of the 3 I am making, knowing it is a developer you can trust to make the game and consistently work to add content to the game will get you more support than making a decent game that barely updates and doesn't go anywhere for long periods of time.

Other than that, like others have said, make what you enjoy. If you truly enjoy what you are making, it will show in the quality and that itself will likely draw in people who will enjoy the game.

Edit - After writing this, I decided to try your game out and it seems to be going in a good direction. I like the aspect you have with it being a competition where you are randomly given tasks and there is a big incentive for people to actually do those tasks, as that allows for you to set up a lot of interesting things in the future. The characters seem good but I'd add some extra diversity in there myself if I were skilled enough in either coding of rendering to actually make a game. Overall I'd say what you have right now has good potential and if you keep working on it and improving it you should get a decent following for the game.
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Iron Cunny

May 24, 2020
Sex scenes hold great importance

Graphics & Artstyle work with sex scenes to produce a proper product

Gameplay plays a part in getting me hooked. Something as simple as multiple choices is vital for a porn game. I play RPGMaker games for a reason.

Other important factors include character design - always gets me hooked.