Which is the most important for you? graphics? or gameplay? or face of the girls? story or pure sex scene?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
Sex scenes hold great importance

Graphics & Artstyle work with sex scenes to produce a proper product

Gameplay plays a part in getting me hooked. Something as simple as multiple choices is vital for a porn game. I play RPGMaker games for a reason.

Other important factors include character design - always gets me hooked.
this post brings another thought to my mind.

the important thing is for a game to be bug free and having at least one or two strengths... I have found myself skipping through dialogue to reach amazingly executed sex scenes, but I have also found myself skipping through banal and repetitive, boring or poorly executed sex scenes to go back to an otherwise compelling plot, or character arc.
clearly, this does not work if the game has a boring story, flat characters, poor graphics and limited kinks.
but if you can nail one or two of these elements, you will find that most people will be willing to give the game a chance.

After all, I don't know about you people, but I do not always watch the same "category" of porn. occasionally I will try an old 70s movie with actual plotline and acting, other times I will go look for that specific kink and pick a scene that has it, or I will watch something different but which has that particular actress in it.. or yet again, I will maybe go for an amateur video.
I believe that many people will want something different from any game they might decide to give a try also based on their mood and needs of the day, and not just based on a constant, singular and immutable preference.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
This is such a good thread. It's interesting to see how many different opinions there are, and all are 'correct'.
Also this, lmao.
True, if you look at them from just the perspective of the individual writing the response. Assuming that people wrote what matters to themselves and not what they think matters over all to majority of people or that he person writing the response wrote from an objective view point rather than subjective.

Take for example I said the story has to be written well avoiding plot holes and so on.
That is definitely true for myself however we can certainly see that the are a great number of people on this site that doesn't hold true for given the number of games that have stories written like crap that have high ratings.
Then you can guess as to why those are like that.
Maybe, the people that liked them care more about fap then content and don't actually read it. You can tell who they are because their comments are about scenes and graphics and mention nothing of the fucking story in any detail. They play the game with one hand on the controls the other on their privates. Their idea of character design is based in looks and not really in the way the character is acting in regard to their background or environment. You can even spot who those types of players are in this thread.
Maybe, their reading or intellectual or educational level doesn't permit them to see the issues in the story.
It could be that English is their second language so again not able to see the plot holes and other issues being they are written in English or maybe they are basing it on a non English translation.

Then there are more solid facts such as if a game isn't playable you can't really ever enjoy it.
Another is, even the blind can enjoy well written erotic stories. They still have imaginations.

Then you have the comments about focus on writing a story you want to write.
That might seem like good advice at first glance because you assume if they are interested in it then they would be happier writing about it. Well you can see countless bad examples of that on this site. There are hundreds if not thousands the author writes about tech and clearly has ZERO understanding of how it works. Then there those who write about stuff like blackmail and other topics who have little or no real insight into how things work. Not mention all the plot holes and other issues they create.
A better bit of advice would be write about what you know about. If you don't know anything learn if you don't want to learn don't write. A vast amount of professional writers time is in research. That way they don't look like idiots and asses.

In life there is the truth and then there is opinion, perspective and lies. In other words truth is singular in nature the rest is plural.
Take a car wreck. The truth is what actually happened. Then there are personal perspectives based on their viewing advantages, bias, and so on.

What is the best way to create a game? That depends on why you want to make a game. Do you want to do it for your own enjoyment, or make money, or tell a story, or appeal to fans...
Well if you want other people to enjoy it you are faced with another truth you can't please everyone it's just not possible by trying to please one person you are going to turn off someone else. Sure you could put options in there to turn on and off every bit of content and then you don't really have a story any more you have a hodgepodge. also those options will just piss someone else off having them exist.

Make money well then you want to appeal to a wide audience and you are back to the issue above. Who do you want to appeal to. What story are you going to tell?

To cut this short. At the end of going through all these issues at the end your best option is tell the story the one you know at the level you can. Don't try appealing to a large audience your audience will be choose the story. Don't add crap in to appeal to this 5% or that group or anything else. Fuck them just write the story. When you finish the story then write the game.
If you don't finish writing the story before the game you are likely going to find you wrote yourself into a corner in the game.
If you want to create a branching story. Write the first path through then go back and look at the points characters had choices and consider where those could lead and write the next branch or change.
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