Here is a summarized list of the things that I've changed from WM6.
The most important one, not visible to players though, is that I've cleaned up the code considerably. The old code had lots of copy-paste, so now the game only has about half the lines of code. There are also some other important internal changes, like updating the XML and rendering libraries used to something less than 10 years old
A second major change is that a lot more things are now moddable without actually changing the game code, by being specified through XML files, and the scripts in the game are now handled using the lua scripting language, so they can be edited by anyone using a normal text editor, and don't require the old script editor. Having an actual, well-established programming language also makes them easier to edit, IMO.
Both of these points are still ongoing efforts.
Now, gameplay-wise, there are also some major changes (improvements, I hope).
* The movie studio has a lot more mechanics, such as market research, setting the price for movie tickets, etc.
* "Practice Skills" job has been reworked: To get optimal results, you need to have another girl working the "Mistress" job, who will then train your girls.
* Jobs where girls interact have been changed: Instead of requiring one doctor/director/nurse etc, for dependent jobs to work, now you may need multiple girls working these jobs if you have many dependents. For example, a director can now only direct up to three scenes.
* The PCLove and PCHate stat have been merged into a single one ranging from -100 to +100. I'm not sure if that has much influence on gameplay, though.
* Added the skill caps mentioned above. These limit the *innate* values that a girl's skill can have. Her effective skill value can still be affected by traits and items, so that it is possible to get a value larger than the cap. Skill caps increase with level, and sometimes with improvements in other skills (e.g. to get a larger cap for `group`, `sex` skill needs to be high enough).
* Some new options in the "Interact" script. For example, you can send her to get piercings/tattoes, and scolding/punishing results in added temporary traits.
And of course, there is the support for webm/mp4/avi/etc. files.
This should summarize mostly the important changes up until version `7.1.2beta4`.
Now, I'm working on revamping the image selection procedures and the image tagging process. Since this is still very much work-in-progress, these versions are declared as `alpha` stage. However, I think by now they are as stable as previous versions, and gameplay-wise there should also not be any problems. It may be that potentially, the images presented for certain events don't match quite as they are supposed to, though.
The most recent of these versions is `Version 7.2.1alpha4`, which has a bit more variety in the "Bedroom" interactions, making use of the new image tags, and of course quite a few smaller tweaks and improvements.
There are still quite a few unfinished parts, though most of them were also unfinished in WM6. Quite a lot of those are not actually programming related, but just missing text or text variations for some events in the game. If you want to help the project, writing a few of those would be very much appreciated.