I am old - 72 years old. All my life I have known many women - at work, at play - but mostly because I really, really like watching people when they walk past. Rarely have I seen a female with the humongous breasts normally seen in the games I have played here. And the only times I have seen these persons was when they were entering a breast reduction clinic. I have been married three times - I lost the first because 17 is not an ideal time to commit to a life relationship...the last two because I have apparently pissed off the God of Cancer. Anyway - all 3 had "B" cup sized breasts, which I was more than thrilled with. I like "A"/"B" sized breasts and am not particularly fond of bigger ones. But the games here seem to assume that all men are obsessed with 'the bigger the better' school of thought. The only time I can find females in the games here with what I consider normal (and statistics would indicate are not only the average, but most prevalent) size are those that portray underage (loli) children. Can no-one make a game where the adult females are realistic?????????
For decades, especially in the U.S.A. and some other westernized countries, you've seen this stereotype with female characters in written fiction and movie fiction, that bigger breasts and bigger butts are the preference for males... So in cultures like Japan and some other Asian countries, there is this misunderstanding of what is really preferred overall... Hence you get many Hentai themed women with overly sized breasts and butts... In truth, there is no real overwhelmingly dominant preference... Everyone likes different things... But that stereotype still comes up in the entertainment industry, all around the world... Sometimes it drives trends, either due to misunderstanding of what people really like, or because it's just a self-perpetuating stigma...
I personally believe, that there is big and then there is way too damn big... There seems to be a tendency to go over the top, on many different things, when it comes to some erotic/adult VN/Games... Me personally, I much more prefer that the breasts and butts match up with their overall body frame/profile... A woman depicted as having these enormous breasts, a big butt, and yet has an almost hourglass waste is so far beyond ridiculous... I really do not think men, truly think about what a woman has to go through, physically and mentally, when their breasts are too darn big... Things like gravity, upper and lower back pain, skeletal deformation, and the list goes on... Breasts that are too big for the body frame cause so much physical turmoil for most women... But that is not even thought of half the time, when making these 3D models of women with overly large breasts... Same applies to their posteriors... It's even worse when they are more like super models with overly large breasts... So beyond reality, for many it becomes somewhat of a turn off... And just throws some or much of the immersion out the door...
Of course, there are plenty of folks who actually love that kind of thing, and all I can say is more power to ya... I for one, like a bit more realism in a 3D model, both physically, mentally, and their faces as well...
Then you have folks who like 3D Models, where even though the developer climbes up the mountain and proclaims for all to hear, that the characters are all of the legal age of 18, and yet they don't look it... You see these 3D models, of basically underaged children, or characters that look barely into their teenage years... In Japanese Hentai, you have the Loli characters, but that is something unique to their culture... Women are prized more when they look far younger then they really are, so you can get 30+ year old women who doll themselves up to look in their low 20's or high teens... Some even partake in role play, as if they are children, but they don't really look it, as it is just erotic play... That then shows up in their erotic/adult anime (aka hentai) as these child like adults... But in most westernized countries, there are laws (local, state, federal, & treaty) that place restrictions on the age an animated/painted/etc character must look when included in anything revolved around viewing or partaking in anything considered sexual/erotic in nature... In the U.K. if the characters do not visually look like they are actually over the legal age of 18, it's a violation that can involve jail time... In the U.S. the restrictions are not quite as severe or restrictive, but there are still restrictions on the types of content allowed, to include the presentation of underaged sexual activity or involvement... So many of these westernized versions of what might be considered borderline in one country is a violation in another...
When I see a VN/Game trying to skate that child/adult borderline, and especially when I believe the line has been crossed, I stop playing/reading right away... And if I personally believe it is in definite violation of the law, then I have no qualms reporting it to the local/federal authorities... But that is just me... I don't want to see kids having sex or being taken advantage of sexually, or being exposed to stuff of a sexual nature in the real world, so why on earth would I want to read about it in a visual novel or play a game involving it... This world is full of various minded folks, but that is one subject I feel rather strongly about...
I totally agree, it is hard to find erotic/adult VN/Games with more realism in how the models are designed, to match not only their age and physical health, properly, while also being unique from one another... I think one of the primary reasons probably revolves around this being mostly an amateur developer driven market... The lack of funds to buy the right software and hardware, and invest time and/or money into creating well designed and unique character models... That then leads to the cheaper or free models being used over and over again, with hardly any changes made... Either due to lack of time, knowledge, money, and/or willingness to do what is necessary to alter them enough to make a difference, or make new ones entirely... There is such a diffused and mixed bag of developers out there, that it's sometimes hard to find those well crafted and more realistic portrayal of female/male character models along side a unique and well designed story/gameplay...