Why are game developers so obsessed with gigantic breasts?


Oct 28, 2017
We are a game development team.
I am a game character designer and personally I am very interested in big breasts. But my colleagues are interested in medium and smaller breasts. I do not know whether to listen to them or to myself :ROFLMAO:
My personal pref, is that they have different size breasts. That is often also related to the characters personaly.

variety maybe go that route :)


MagicalGene Developer
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2020
My personal pref, is that they have different size breasts. That is often also related to the characters personaly.

variety maybe go that route :)
This is a good idea, Thank you so much


Mar 23, 2019
Are you really debating on simple visual thing that depends on one's tastes like breast size? It's as ridiculous as arguing over the number of blondes/brunettes/redheads or green-eyes/blue-eyes/brown-eyes in games.
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Feb 5, 2018
I don't have a problem with "Big Tits" lovers - more power to 'em!! Go for what you want. And I can search here on this site for "Big Tits" and find tons of games. But I can't search for "Small tits" or "Normal tits" or "Not Big tits" - because those search criteria are not there. Why are some fetishes prioritized over others??

I've read only the first page, so sorry if this point has already been made, but you can search for "not big tits", actually, at least now (I don't know if it's a recently added feature, though).
There is a field: "without tags", you put there "big tits" and you're done.

Ariel Schnee

New Member
Nov 26, 2020
I do not really know.

Personally, I prefer short petite girls myself.

Girls who are 4' 9", around 73 lbs., with a cute face, brown hair, and also dark blue eyes.^_^


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2020
because irl hardly anyone has giant breasts nor do they have plastic surgery to get them, nor is it comfortable anyways and shit costs an arm and a leg, so games and irl porn usually tends to exaggerate using the big titty chicks because they arent so common in general


Keeping Families Together
Mar 5, 2019
Big breasts on a big woman looks realistic. Humongous mammaries on a stick insect just looks ridiculous IMO. Can't do much for her back either. Having said that, some people like them, some don't.

I'm a firm believer that anything more than a handful is a waste.
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trusk rock

Game Developer
Apr 11, 2020
I don't have a problem with "Big Tits" lovers - more power to 'em!! Go for what you want. And I can search here on this site for "Big Tits" and find tons of games. But I can't search for "Small tits" or "Normal tits" or "Not Big tits" - because those search criteria are not there. Why are some fetishes prioritized over others??
lol i get what you are saying. Try out my game , it's gonna have small tits, medium tits and few big juicy ones too. It even got big black dicks and normal dicks as well as small peckers lol. Although you gotta wait a bit to see all of those, game is very early in development . Check around after couple of months. You will have enough boobs to look at after 3-4 versions lol

Also, "Long live the princess" is great, they also got some variety in tits.
I suggest you create a forum asking for games with normal sized breasts for now.
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May 5, 2018
"I had to settle for small titties because I'm not 10/10 Chad-slayer extreme, why you no make games that are about my life where I get mediocre flat-chested 6/10s?"

Because it's a game, and big titties are awesome. /thread.
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Apr 17, 2017
I think it is simple, the dev want to show off the skill to animate tities jiggle with physic so best way to do that with big tities as small and medium is properly not able to display the jiggling.


Dec 3, 2018
I, too, love a fine posterior (really - I love a firm, pat-able butt) - but I also feel that developers over indulge in that aspect. They often give a slim woman huge boobs that would be so painful on the back to actually carry; and slim legs that could not possibly move such a big butt around. A butt that looks too big for the legs to support is as unreal as a set of breasts too big for a back to carry. Perhaps a short course in both anatomy & physics would cure this. Gravity is a somewhat proven fact, after all. Games, like movies, should be about a suspension of reality so that we can live another dream for a short while - but not so far beyond reality that they as to be cartoonish.


Nov 28, 2018
I think that C-cup is the average is most countries these days (western ones at least) but I think some games see c-cups as 'big tits' which they really arent imho (c-cup is the max grade in my 'yummy' list), big tits on this site tend to be the size of seaplane floats that would break any non bionic spine. :D

I also think that the ppl who suggest that big tits (d-cup+) are the norm in regular porn are stuck in the 90s-00s trend where big bolted on titties were the norm, and while those are still around (mostly relegated to the 'milf' section) to this day a quick look at the first few pages of 'most recent' on pornhub seems to suggest that c-cup and below are the norm (step fantasy section being a big driver of this).

But its the same issue with the '½ meter of dick' syndrome (would really like a reasoning explained by some of those devs tbh haha) that some male protagonists seem to suffer from, if it isnt your kink it'll stand out as a sore thumb and distract from your 'purpose' for playing the game. :)


Apr 19, 2020
I also prefer petites/small tits. I don't mind a couple of big-breasted girls in a game because they make the small-titted girls look even hotter and younger. But if the tits look completely unnatural and full of silicone then I get really turned off. I mean, what is it with the devs that 95% of the tits are silicone tits? Even some tiny ones like the cousin in Sunshine Love? Are all the devs too young and have never seen girls IRL, just in porn movies? And have they skipped anatomy classes too? Nipples and bulge DON'T belong in the middle of the tits (fried-egg style) or even worse in the UPPER third of the tits. They belong naturally in the LOWER third of the tits! Anything else is pure silicone. And when I see these unnatural tits I can always see the scars under the boobs right before my eyes, yuck... :sick:

Iron Cunny

May 24, 2020
I wholly agree, chap. There's an audience for everything, and we're the audience for flatness.

Yes, where is the flat/small tag?

Tease Me

Active Member
May 6, 2017
I think it is a puberty issue. Look at the actions around tits and ass in these games. Most of it comes strait from
prepubescent anime. Motor boating, Ass Facing, even penis envy. ( Why else would these MCs have cocks the size
of baseball bats.) Many of these games are centered around our childish fantasies of what sex is about. What grown
man would believe he could sneak into a woman's room and rape her in her sleep, and not get caught. We call it
rape if he slips her a roofy, but if he slips her a sleeping pill it is sleep sex. this is strait out of anime.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
We call it rape if he slips her a roofy, but if he slips her a sleeping pill it is sleep sex. this is strait out of anime.
The whole "sleep sex" thing has been a pet hate of mine for years now.

It's like they are scared to call it rape but that's exactly what it is.

There are a couple of exceptions like with Harem Hotel when he asks them to wake him up with sex like a sexy alarm clock. But all those games where the son goes into his mother and sisters rooms and fucks them while they sleep are rape scenes, no exceptions.


Aug 24, 2021
I blame Joe Walsh. :LOL: (Look up I.L.B.T.'s if you don't get it. Great song.)

I prefer petite, slender types but big, juicy knockers are okay up to a point. The problem is repetition. How many mother figures in porn games (or anime for that matter) have small tits? Satsune in Ecchi Sensei is the only one I can think of offhand. There are probably more but it's vanishingly rare, and thus predictable and annoying.

OP, I can sympathize because my sister had some big ones and wound up getting a breast reduction.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
Whenever I was posting on reddit, pictures with increased bust sizes would get x2-x3 more upvotes.
So, I guess people like big tits.
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