Why are incest games so popular?


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
It's strange how many people are way off base here, and how many keep referring the word 'Taboo'. It wouldn't be wrong to call it taboo, it is in most cultures. But if you delve into the psychology of it, you'll find something called 'The Forbidden Fruit Effect'. Human beings have a natural tendency to push the bounds of societal rules because when someone tells us we can't have something, we feel our freedoms are being taken from us. So we test the limits because despite consequences, we want what we're not supposed to have because if we attain it, it's liberating. Like releasing shackles from yourself. There's a rewarding pleasure that comes from doing what you're not supposed to do and evading consequence. It can give you a sense of being in control. A good example is the Mile High club. The possibility of getting caught, doing something you're not supposed to. It's quite thrilling. This is probably not the only reason but I'd wager it's the main.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2018
Its been written about for about 2000 years. Early incest erotica showed up in a small obscure book called the bible.

Also, we all come here to play games because we are looking for escape. Escape form societal norms and escape from our mundane lives. Incest is a vehicle for that. IDK why but it's hot.
Jun 25, 2018
Part of it can be the Oedipus/Electra Complex that all men want to fuck their mothers and all women want to fuck their fathers. Another part of it can be that it used to be allowed, such as royalty in Europe. Another part can simply be the taboo we're not allowed, specifically cause genetically it is bad for the species.

What I'd be more curious about is if there were no negative outcomes genetically, would it be just as taboo.

As someone who writes an incest series, part of why I do it is the intimacy between two characters who already know each other and can cross another threshold. Add in a harem element and there are a lot of possible conflicts and situations to explore. That, and plus they are vampires, so anything goes since it is no longer the 'real world'.


Game Developer
Aug 31, 2018
All kids want to have sex with their parents?
I know at least one kid who doesn't want it.

But let's ignore the moral and see the result.
Generation of incest caused these deformities:



Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
In short, my answer would be Oedipus/Electra Complex, GSA (Genetic Sexual Attraction) and let's think for a moment how normal and socially acepted is for a girl to have daddy issues and how hot that is for us men.

In my case I don't think the taboo factor affects me too much. What I like the most about incest, specially momcest, is the kind of union and true love both have for each other when the time comes, the levels of passion and affection for each other, the feeling that even if it is "not right" it feels like the correct thing to do anyway and think about how much time they could have spend together but they wasted it, so now they have to catch up for that, how both are trully trully happy. It's sweet, it's romantic, it's lovely and it's beautifull, for me at least.

And that was said for a guy who also enjoys NTR and lots of cruel/humiliating things in porn where everything could be called anything but sweet. A guy is crying while being beaten up buy a bunch of bullies while the main bully is fucking her mom right in front of him and she loves it so much that she doesn't care anymore about that guy who she used to call her "son"? I like that shit. I can enjoy a lot things regarding porn, but that sweet and beautiful expression of love that happens when a mother/sister and a son/brothers are together is the best thing in the world.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
incest has been around since man ... i don't see what everyone problem is .... its not like the earth started with alot of different people here ... just my opinion don't go crazy on me people ....


Game Developer
Aug 31, 2018
it's not about someone here having a problem with it, it's about it being so popular.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
lovey dovey incest is too cringy for me at this point. There was a time when incest by itself was a taboo and strange thing that increased the lewdness of scene or story. Its been entirely played out at this point and I find it even harder to get into than normal romantic porn. Now if we are talking about hardcore fetishes that involve incest, that still diverts a lot of blood downstairs for me. Dominating mom/sis. NTR mom/sis. Mind breaking. Enslaving. Etc. When incest is involved in these fetishes it takes things one step higher on the depravity and that does it for me.


Jan 13, 2019
Incest as a fetish has never done anything for me, I generally judge games strictly on how good the renders look, but I read an interesting article on the topic of the rise of incest in porn once that had a pretty logical take on why it works. In your real life, there are lots of people you see every day that you'd like to have sex with, but you know that you can't or shouldn't. However, none of these societal rules apply for porn. If a repair guy shows up at a women's house, of course they're going to be going at it within 5 minutes. And despite what Oedipus said, I'd wager most people find the idea of sleeping with their family members repulsive. So, if you make that repair guy the woman's brother, then your mind reflexively jumps to, "these people should not have sex." Just like all those relationships in your real life. So, weirdly, adding incest to porn makes it more relatable because it skews it closer to your real world experiences.
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I generally judge games strictly on how good the renders look
No offense, but why are you playing games instead of watching porn vids?

I play porn games for two reasons:
1) Story
2) Choice to influence said story

However, none of these societal rules apply for porn.
No, that's just lazy writing.
To me, the random woman fucks random repair guy after 5 minutes is absolutely uninspiring.
It's lazy, it's boring and it's one of the reasons why I hardly watch porn vids anymore. Most of the time, they even don't bother with the repair guy scenario anymore.

A story becomes good when you start recognising your real feelings on a subject.
Say that, in a game, you play a father who's trying to corrupt his daughter.
The story becomes good if you start feeling for the poor girl, or, alternatively, try to repress those feelings to get to your goal.
In my opinion, a good game needs some difficult dilemma's, which may mean you don't see content X but do make you feel better about seeing content Y.

And despite what Oedipus said
It's not what he said, it's what he did ;)

Genetic sexual attraction (i.e. the desire to have offspring with people who have similar genetics as yourself) is pretty well established. But it is normally offset, not only by societal norms, but mostly by a mechanism which creates sexual distance with people who are very close to you. The "danger" is when people who are genetically close to each other are separated for a long time. Accidentally this happened to Oedipus as well, he was not aware that the woman he was arranged to marry was his mother because they were separated when he was a little boy.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
I am turned on by power.
Getting a family member to become my fucktoy gives a greater feeling of power then if i just convince a random girl.
This is because of:
It is forbidden.
It carries a high risk of getting caught.
It require mind games to to convince someone to do something they are thought is wrong there entire life.
It is why having a girl betray her friend and family to help me corrupt them is suchs a huge turn on.
It shows a level of compleet control.
To the point loved once's, moral's, risk's etc.
No longer mather.
Only my will.

That kind of feeling is what i look for in porn games.
And incest games tent to have those.
There are also incest games that just disguest me.
Mostly because it is female dominate and i hate playing a submissive.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Genetic sexual attraction (i.e. the desire to have offspring with people who have similar genetics as yourself) is pretty well established.
How is this well established? Its just pseudoscience at best.
Jul 27, 2017
Poll different groups on their sexual fantasies and the answer you get will heavily depend on the taboos they hold. Sexual fantasies have always been tied to societal taboos, and we don't have a lot of those left. Incest is one of the last real ones without getting into sexual violence.


Jul 21, 2017
What I took from the OP was that the sheer quantity of this theme is getting a bit annoying. Sturgeon's law ("90% of everything is crap") applies pretty much everywhere. So since this theme grown a lot in popularity, there's a lot of it, and proportionally there's a lot of crap, and the crap will become very visible for everyone browsing the list of games. Conclusion: lots of people, even fans of the theme, might be annoyed at the sheer amount of low effort content. Just think of like the front page of YouTube, I hate most of the unoriginal stuff there, but its obviously related to what content creators deem will get views.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
How is this well established? Its just pseudoscience at best.
I'm not sure how "well established" it is or how much "pseudoscience" it is but I know there are books about it and there are numerous cases about parents/childrens falling in love with each other after meeting each other for the first time in years/decades. I read articles about psychologist talking about the subject and they didn't treat it as a joke or something to dissmiss.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
My personal draw (not much of a draw but I enjoy it from time to time) for incest sex in games and porn videos is because is usually dirty sex. (Obviously talking about the more easy-silly fuckfests, not talking about serious/dramatic stories). There is a lot of dirty sex to be found elsewhere, but with Incest VNs you know that 80% is just going to be dirty, morally questionable sex, starred by drooling mindless self-slaves of sex.