@darthseduction I don't think poorly of you at all, like I said before I appreciate everyone's feedback, "good or bad", as long as it's constructive. I also appreciate you taking the time to write that post and apologize (even though, to me personally, you have nothing to apologize for), I'm sure others here might respect that too.
About art (or anything for that matter) being subjective: that can be a tricky debate.
I'm "a bit of a philosopher" and even though I try not to, that defines my view on this for a large part.
I do agree that something with an agreed criteria, can be good or bad.
An athlete can be good at his/her sport: if you are the fastest runner in the world, it's hard to refute that (where it is generally agreed upon that "speed" is the criteria here).
What about a song, if all the people in the world like it, but one doesn't, is it still good? Or is it subjective.
But if we agree that a song is good when it has provided the artist with as much income as possbile, it can be measured (opinion vs fact).
In the end it comes down to the "rules" you are applying to a certain subject.
Now 2 people can talk about the same thing, but have a different ruleset, that's when the discussion usually goes wrong...
Sorry for going a bit off-topic perhaps, but to me this is a very interesting discussion.
So back to art, sure I agree, there are certain "rules" that can applied (by the way, the ones you describe with regards to writing are all unknown to me, so you clearly know a lot more about that than me).
However if a person is not looking at the technical aspect, but more from a personal standpoint: "do I enjoy it?", then it becomes a different story.
To me, your original post had a lot of opinions, which as I stated earlier, is perfectly fine.
However when you present these as facts, which (again, to me) you did, people might have an issue with it.
However, the points you made in your last post make a lot of sense and I do agree with most what you are saying.
Sex should not be the end: I completely agree (and never intended for my game either, to be honest).
Like I have said before in the other thread, once the characters are at a point where they start having sex, to me the fun part is only beginning.
Characters that inform the viewer who the character is: Again, totally agree, this is a flaw in my writing and the stories I prefer personally, are the ones that allows the reader to draw his own conclusions, instead of spelling them out for me.
I have to say though and this might sound a bit like a cop-out (and perhaps it is), I never paid the writing the level of attention that you are describing, again both due to lack of skill and time. So could I write a slightly better story? Probably yes. Could I write a much better one? Probably not.
In the end, the thing I learned to appreciate about this forum is that we can have discussions about these things, without making things personal or getting frustrated.
I agree with a lot of what you said and really appreciate the way you said it in your last post.
I will definitely try to keep this in mind when continuing the story and hopefully by the time I finish this game, the next game will be based on more experience in every aspect.
I learned a lot from making this game, which honestly was supposed to my first "testrun" of the engine, I never expected it to get this big.
Sorry for the rant!