Why is Man of The House so popular ?

Ente Supremo

Jul 10, 2017
Except I am saying that grind is the result of a developer not being able to come up with a valid reason why your two characters would want to fuck one another. Moving away from this game Lets look at a game that I think did exactly what Faerin is trying to, but better. The game is View of Family. First off, I very much prefer his renders, secondly, I find what grind he has to be manageable.
U are missing the point man, u talk and talk about Faerin game do this and did that and "everything is wrong"... u admitelly said that u didnt talk to him, so how can u be in his brain to know what HE thinks about his own game? Let me help u: "The grinding, however, is something that I feel that should be addressed and will be more balanced in the coming updates. Now that the game has so much more content, I think we can reduce the repeating of events without harming gameplay." Those are his exact words (post ), so he knew WHY he was doing it and that it is unbalanced. I could quote so many more of this kind of stuff.

I feel like u think u are the only one who are able to criticize and i hate breaking ur bubble, but I talked about that and so many other things with him months ago and even he was thinking it (and i wasent the only one, of course)... i believe critics with good intentions are always the way to go, i was just more grounded and my goal was to help him, not discourage him or call him one of "the evil roots of the industry" like u simbolically said before... i dont know if he came with that idea or took it from some followers, but either way, there are multiple instances that proves Faerin listen to feedback, good and bad, and thats a BIG part of why this game is so popoluar (maybe even the main one)... u just dont know it and apparently dont want to know it, cause by now u have written 25.000 words about it, throwing shit all over the place, talking about industry, other games, psichology, porn, triple A games, etc -basically derrailing the topic of this thread-, but never dare to go to the thread and talk to him or even by PM or by discord or any other means u could have avaible, knowing hes one of the most avaible devs out there (cause we said so in many posts here, i hope u read those too), so for me u are just a someone who likes to stand out speaking like a Senpai to everyone else and thats just annoying, really.

There are many good games, but considering a game with this amount of approval bad cause u particulary dont like it (or even cause "there is no story" and its doing some stuff wrongly -remember: to each his own, to each his own-), is moronic, this guy has to be doing smething good, at least one, right... or u are calling every one of us idiots?

This game its similar to many others in some things, but at least FOR NOW the aim of this game is not to be a story driven game, for me its a "smooth" game thats not aiming to great twists or "emotional" aspects, like @Tommybuns said above in post 84. If thats not ur liking, its perfectly fine, but that doesnt mean the game its bad, u really need to take a course in "tastes and opinions".

U claim that criticizing is the way to go, but u should know that if u really want that critic to reach anywhere, change anything, u should be talking to the MAN OF THE HOUSE itself, otherwise u are just another serial complainer. Im usually friendlier, but really, get down of that white horse u are riding man..


I mean the problem with sandbox games at the start is filling in the gaps with content. At release you will have a lot of time that is pretty much wasted. Then you have to keep clicking and clicking to advance the time to grind the events that you need. But with every update the amount of useless time decreases and the grind should, or preferably, be reduced which Faerin did with the cheats. No one is forcing you to use them by the way. I mean for only being at this for 6 months MoTH is doing pretty damn well for a game. Already almost at his last goal and most of the time now filled with content now would be a good time to start a main questline if needed.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
so how can u be in his brain to know what HE thinks about his own game? Let me help u: "The grinding, however, is something that I feel that should be addressed and will be more balanced in the coming updates. Now that the game has so much more content, I think we can reduce the repeating of events without harming gameplay."
So, you're saying that Faerin himself agrees that I'm right and that grind is a problem? To take that a step further, he's wrong. The game has always been long enough that there was no need for grind because grind, I say again, is just the tool of people who can't come up with a realistic reason for two characters to want to fuck. He padded his game with girnd to make it appear longer and increase the damage of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. That quote is Faerin proving everything I've said in this thread is completely valid.

I feel like u think u are the only one who are able to criticize and i hate breaking ur bubble, but I talked about that and so many other things with him months ago and even he was thinking it (and i wasent the only one, of course)
So you think I'm just a prideful asshole who doesn't think that anyone else has had these thoughts and didn't come here to a thread that is exactly about how most people don't get the popularity of the game? Are you stupid or do you just need to make me out to be a demon because I don't appreciate this game?

believe critics with good intentions are always the way to go, i was just more grounded and my goal was to help him, not discourage him or call him one of "the evil roots of the industry" like u simbolically said before
My first real comment in the thread actually restructures all of the interactions with all of the characters in a way that removes the grind, adds story and depth and most importantly keeps the general feel of the characters intact. If that's not constructive criticism I don't know what is. The evil roots of the industry are in the excusing of this failure to address these issues and moreover, in fans like you who seek to discourage any dissent. I said before, criticism is good for a developer, it gives them the opportunity to see what is wrong, and how they might go about fixing that. Defending them for their failures is bad for a developer, it justifies their failures and allows them to go on believing they are doing better than they are. You say you were critical of the grind, and I believe you, but here you are defending him before he's fixed it, and therefore you are justifying his failure to create something worthy of praise.

i dont know if he came with that idea or took it from some followers, but either way, there are multiple instances that proves Faerin listen to feedback, good and bad, and thats a BIG part of why this game is so popoluar (maybe even the main one)
You are officially the first person to bring up this feedback line in reference to the games popularity and not in reference to it's quality. That is an important distinction and a somewhat good argument for why the game is popular. It does not make up for the quality issues.

u just dont know it and apparently dont want to know it, cause by now u have written 25.000 words about it, throwing shit all over the place, talking about industry, other games, psichology, porn, triple A games, etc -basically derrailing the topic of this thread-, but never dare to go to the thread and talk to him or even by PM or by discord or any other means u could have avaible, knowing hes one of the most avaible devs out there (cause we said so in many posts here, i hope u read those too), so for me u are just a someone who likes to stand out speaking like a Senpai to everyone else and thats just annoying, really.
I've said multiple times that I have nothing against Faerin personally, there's nothing for us to talk about though. I'm simply critiquing the content of the game. I talked about other games, even AAA titles, in reference to quality and was always bringing them up in the context of what Faerin should have done and not in any attempt to derail the subject of the thread. I am speaking out in the way you are saying, but the problem isn't that I'm speaking out, it is that you can't listen to criticism. It annoys you because I don't blindly follow. It ignores you that I haven't talked to Faerin because you somehow think that anything he says can change the facts that I've presented to prove that his game is CURRENTLY broken. Any future plans to fix that are not contextually relevant to this thread. Things like cheats and ingame walkthroughs are not fixing the problem, they're enabling it. I've said before, you don't have to like me. I'm not here to win a popularity contest. I just want everyone to stop throwing their bodies on the pyre for developers who are sucking out their cash with gimmicks.

There are many good games, but considering a game with this amount of approval bad cause u particulary dont like it (or even cause "there is no story" and its doing some stuff wrongly -remember: to each his own, to each his own-), is moronic, this guy has to be doing smething good, at least one, right... or u are calling every one of us idiots?
I'm calling every one of you human and susceptible to the Sunk Cost Fallacy. I spent a few hours on this game a month ago. You've followed the development, gotten involved and given feedback, sunk just as many if not more hours into it than I did, it's only natural that you would psychologically be inclined to believe that it was time well spent. Objectively from an outside perspective it wasn't. You aren't stupid because your brain works the way all human brains do, you simply aren't removed enough from the problem to be objective about it. You're emotional, I'm cold. That is the difference.

This game its similar to many others in some things, but at least FOR NOW the aim of this game is not to be a story driven game, for me its a "smooth" game thats not aiming to great twists or "emotional" aspects, like @Tommybuns said above in post 84. If thats not ur liking, its perfectly fine, but that doesnt mean the game its bad, u really need to take a course in "tastes and opinions".
This is you justifying it to yourself. There is no such thing as a game that "is not to be a story driven game", and there's nothing "smooth" about it either, if it was smooth then we wouldn't be talking about grind. There absolutely is a story to this game. The problem is that it wasn't fleshed out enough to use it to justify the sex. So, in lieu of fleshing out the story, Faerin simply made all the events repeat daily until you've earned a reward. All it takes is a little bit of character development, a conversation, some reason to come together, and bam, you have two people plausibly exploring and enjoying sex. Then, to drag it out longer and keep the sex interesting, you go step by step. With incest there's a built in reason to make this take as long as you want. They are related, they feel bad about what they're doing. It takes time and experience to get over that. Faerin actually, as I've said before, exploits this quite well. The problem is that its through repeated events and not evolving story that we advance.

To make that last paragraph short and easy to understand. The only way to replace grind and still have a plausible incest experience is to write story. There is no in between.

U claim that criticizing is the way to go, but u should know that if u really want that critic to reach anywhere, change anything, u should be talking to the MAN OF THE HOUSE itself, otherwise u are just another serial complainer. Im usually friendlier, but really, get down of that white horse u are riding man..
You think Faerin can't see this thread? Here, I'll help you by going back to my original, I'll edit it, tag him, and explain that while I hold nothing against him I was told I shouldn't critique his game without making sure he sees what I had to say. Will that make you feel better?

It's done, if you want to go back to page 3 and read it, be my guest.


So, you're saying that Faerin himself agrees that I'm right and that grind is a problem? To take that a step further, he's wrong. The game has always been long enough that there was no need for grind because grind, I say again, is just the tool of people who can't come up with a realistic reason for two characters to want to fuck. He padded his game with girnd to make it appear longer and increase the damage of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. That quote is Faerin proving everything I've said in this thread is completely valid.

So you think I'm just a prideful asshole who doesn't think that anyone else has had these thoughts and didn't come here to a thread that is exactly about how most people don't get the popularity of the game? Are you stupid or do you just need to make me out to be a demon because I don't appreciate this game?

My first real comment in the thread actually restructures all of the interactions with all of the characters in a way that removes the grind, adds story and depth and most importantly keeps the general feel of the characters intact. If that's not constructive criticism I don't know what is. The evil roots of the industry are in the excusing of this failure to address these issues and moreover, in fans like you who seek to discourage any dissent. I said before, criticism is good for a developer, it gives them the opportunity to see what is wrong, and how they might go about fixing that. Defending them for their failures is bad for a developer, it justifies their failures and allows them to go on believing they are doing better than they are. You say you were critical of the grind, and I believe you, but here you are defending him before he's fixed it, and therefore you are justifying his failure to create something worthy of praise.

You are officially the first person to bring up this feedback line in reference to the games popularity and not in reference to it's quality. That is an important distinction and a somewhat good argument for why the game is popular. It does not make up for the quality issues.

I've said multiple times that I have nothing against Faerin personally, there's nothing for us to talk about though. I'm simply critiquing the content of the game. I talked about other games, even AAA titles, in reference to quality and was always bringing them up in the context of what Faerin should have done and not in any attempt to derail the subject of the thread. I am speaking out in the way you are saying, but the problem isn't that I'm speaking out, it is that you can't listen to criticism. It annoys you because I don't blindly follow. It ignores you that I haven't talked to Faerin because you somehow think that anything he says can change the facts that I've presented to prove that his game is CURRENTLY broken. Any future plans to fix that are not contextually relevant to this thread. Things like cheats and ingame walkthroughs are not fixing the problem, they're enabling it. I've said before, you don't have to like me. I'm not here to win a popularity contest. I just want everyone to stop throwing their bodies on the pyre for developers who are sucking out their cash with gimmicks.

I'm calling every one of you human and susceptible to the Sunk Cost Fallacy. I spent a few hours on this game a month ago. You've followed the development, gotten involved and given feedback, sunk just as many if not more hours into it than I did, it's only natural that you would psychologically be inclined to believe that it was time well spent. Objectively from an outside perspective it wasn't. You aren't stupid because your brain works the way all human brains do, you simply aren't removed enough from the problem to be objective about it. You're emotional, I'm cold. That is the difference.

This is you justifying it to yourself. There is no such thing as a game that "is not to be a story driven game", and there's nothing "smooth" about it either, if it was smooth then we wouldn't be talking about grind. There absolutely is a story to this game. The problem is that it wasn't fleshed out enough to use it to justify the sex. So, in lieu of fleshing out the story, Faerin simply made all the events repeat daily until you've earned a reward. All it takes is a little bit of character development, a conversation, some reason to come together, and bam, you have two people plausibly exploring and enjoying sex. Then, to drag it out longer and keep the sex interesting, you go step by step. With incest there's a built in reason to make this take as long as you want. They are related, they feel bad about what they're doing. It takes time and experience to get over that. Faerin actually, as I've said before, exploits this quite well. The problem is that its through repeated events and not evolving story that we advance.

To make that last paragraph short and easy to understand. The only way to replace grind and still have a plausible incest experience is to write story. There is no in between.

You think Faerin can't see this thread? Here, I'll help you by going back to my original, I'll edit it, tag him, and explain that while I hold nothing against him I was told I shouldn't critique his game without making sure he sees what I had to say. Will that make you feel better?
Again dude your criticism is why the game sucks for you. Not why it sucks for others or why it's liked by others. BB has the worse grind of any game and again you don't need to use the cheats. It's an option. Just like you don't need mods for BB, but nothing is stopping you from using them. Faerin is a solid dev that's, mind you, starting off with a bang. Most games don't even get anywhere near the support MoTH and most devs don't even respond and communicate as well as he does. If anything future devs should take notes from him about dev mannerism because it's just one of many reasons people like MoTH. On top of all this he is willing to listen to your suggestions and consider adding those that work with the game. You don't need to be dramatic to have an incest game and you also need to consider that it's essentially 2 games in one. An incest game and a landlord game. Neither needs the drama. You're trying to be realistic and that's fine, but it's also fine without it. If you played the game you know about a superhero. Throw realism out the door.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Again dude your criticism is why the game sucks for you. Not why it sucks for others or why it's liked by others. BB has the worse grind of any game and again you don't need to use the cheats. It's an option. Just like you don't need mods for BB, but nothing is stopping you from using them. Faerin is a solid dev that's, mind you, starting off with a bang. Most games don't even get anywhere near the support MoTH and most devs don't even respond and communicate as well as he does. If anything future devs should take notes from him about dev mannerism because it's just one of many reasons people like MoTH. On top of all this he is willing to listen to your suggestions and consider adding those that work with the game. You don't need to be dramatic to have an incest game and you also need to consider that it's essentially 2 games in one. An incest game and a landlord game. Neither needs the drama. You're trying to be realistic and that's fine, but it's also fine without it. If you played the game you know about a superhero. Throw realism out the door.
To be perfectly clear, are you saying that you appreciate content that forces you to repeat the same exact scenes for hours before getting a small reward, then forces you to repeat the next set of evolved scenes for hours before getting your next small reward, etc.?

If that is the case, then fine. You are a masochist, but fine. Go ahead and enjoy MotH. But for the rest of us, MotH could be better, it has the potential to be better, it simply needs story over grind.


I never said that I appreciate content with a grind. Read sir and then come back. Second I am not a masochist and I don't find tedious gameplay enjoyable. Your argument is easy and clear. You don't like it because of the grind and the lack of a story. Both credible, but both easy to counter for those who have been following the development. Stop assuming that any defender is because of sunk cost fallacy because its not. I don't assume youre a pseudo intellectual because I enjoy a good debate and insults end good debates, but it doesn't seem like you have played it at all recently. Which version did you play? Where in the game did you get to? These are things that people need to know because if your experience is from the early days the game has changed quite a bit. Theres more content to fill in the time. Theres more places to go and more planned. The characters have development, but its not something you don't see in similar games (i.e plenty of tropes used). Once again this isn't a serious drama. The characters don't need to go through lengthy developments to get across the taboo especially since the Patreon version is a landlord game. The game is constantly improving with each update and Faerin is more than willing to take suggestion, but unlike some devs does not cave in. It is obvious he has a vision of where he wants to take the game. If you want to join in the creative process hop on his thread. Go to his discord. Comment on his patreon page.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I never said that I appreciate content with a grind. Read sir and then come back. Second I am not a masochist and I don't find tedious gameplay enjoyable. Your argument is easy and clear. You don't like it because of the grind and the lack of a story. Both credible, but both easy to counter for those who have been following the development. Stop assuming that any defender is because of sunk cost fallacy because its not. I don't assume youre a pseudo intellectual because I enjoy a good debate and insults end good debates, but it doesn't seem like you have played it at all recently. Which version did you play? Where in the game did you get to? These are things that people need to know because if your experience is from the early days the game has changed quite a bit. Theres more content to fill in the time. Theres more places to go and more planned. The characters have development, but its not something you don't see in similar games (i.e plenty of tropes used). Once again this isn't a serious drama. The characters don't need to go through lengthy developments to get across the taboo especially since the Patreon version is a landlord game. The game is constantly improving with each update and Faerin is more than willing to take suggestion, but unlike some devs does not cave in. It is obvious he has a vision of where he wants to take the game. If you want to join in the creative process hop on his thread. Go to his discord. Comment on his patreon page.
Whatever version was available around December 27 2017 when I first found this site... So, the version before this most recent update, if I remember correctly. As of that version the grind still exists unless you cheat... that gets rid of the grind but doesn't address the factor of plausibility brought by quality writing.

Even with the landlord plot you'd need some reason. First off, you'd actually lose ground with the little sister. What makes hers plausible is the fact that she looks up to and respects you. It would make the big sister more plausible, but also make the need for stronger blackmail a thing. It makes the Mom line completely fucked though, I haven't played the landlord version, but nothing about the mom line makes sense outside of incest framework.

I honestly don't think it's my place to tell Faerin how to make his game. I did tag him in my initial story critique post so that you guy's can't pretend I'm talking behind his back anymore, but I don't expect him to do anything with it in this game that's already so far along. He might take it to heart when he finishes this and goes to something else, and that would be nice. I hope he does that, because that is all I want. I want a community dedicated to putting out quality content. Quality content gets noticed, gets shared, and eventually builds us more than a community, an industry, and with industry comes better games and gameplay on a much larger scale.

I say again, I have nothing against Faerin, I simply don't understand why you guys give him so much credit. His game isn't great. It's not about whether he listens to feedback its about content. The content isn't great.

You told me in the last post that I was saying why the game isn't good to me, but then in this comment you agree that you don't like the grind either. The grind is what makes the game not good to me. So explain how, if we both have the same critique of the game, I am giving an unbiased opinion? Explain how, if you also hate the grind, your affection towards the game isn't the result of sunk cost fallacy.


I don't play the landlord version so I can honestly say nothing in regards to how her story plays out. If anything you could make her a childhood friend that always had a crush on you opening up the reason why she gives in to the MC. I never said you had an unbiased opinion, but it helps to understand where you are coming from. What part of the game you are at. Faerin has been at this for about 6 months. That's not long at all in game development considering the other big devs have been at it for over a year. The first thing one should know is that this is a sandbox game. Sandbox games are notorious for grinds this isn't something new. So if you played at launch you obviously know the number one critique of the game (which is why I only play the second update of the month) that theres going to be a grind. The thing about grinds is that they have to have a sense of accomplishment and at launch there really wasn't any. But the latest updates where pretty good and it felt like it was worth the time and effort. That is good development. Sandbox games also focus more on side quests rather than the main quest. Each character goes through their own development, but its nothing you don't see in any other game here. There aren't many games that if you know anything about story development that you cant guess how its going to end or how characters are going to change. Its why I enjoy comedies and politics more than serious novels. But if I wanted to say why MoTH does well my points still stand. Faerin is a good dev. He keeps working hard at making the game better with each update. Are there some that suck? Sure, but then the next one does better than the last. You say you want to build a community with quality content? Then the first thing you need is quality devs which Faerin is.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Again, I say for the nth time, I'm not critiquing Faerin himself. He seems, from all I've seen to be a pretty cool person. What I'm critiquing is the game. What you aren't seeing me critique as harshly in any thread are Dreaming of Dana and View of Family, both are also sandbox games, life sims, dating sims, whatever word you wanna use. Dreaming of Dana made story centric events that allowed for progression. It does fail in one aspect, and that is not defining a very clear path forward at times. It could in this respect use some work. However, it has some of the best written characters and the best incest story I've played. View of Family I praised earlier for managing to do something better than what I saw in MotH, in spite of using the exact same tropes. Seriously, little sister studying, older sister isn't a complete bitch, but she's definitely the more reluctant one, mom being convinced by a psychiatrist. The difference is, the grind was minimal and the progression seemed plausible.

I don't necessarily agree that a sandbox game has to have grind. Or more accurately, I think that it's possible to hide the grind. Events shouldn't be completely repeated. Both Dreaming of Dana and View of Family do have repeating events, but they aren't as harsh as others, and I didn't find myself getting frustrated. If I were to improve them, I'd simply lower point thresholds in DoD and add substance in VoF. I mentioned that it would be nice if the study sessions were written out, simple, but written. It's not something any dev has done, but it would add a bit of character development. VoF could have used that.

To fix MotH would be possible, but Faerin would be deleting a lot of lines of code, and adding a lot of lines of dialogue to his games. Not tedious stuff, just discussions and character development. He could totally make this comedic if he wanted to, comedy is fine. My favorite game is just as much a farce as it is a drama. But that is what he'd have to do. He needs to make his characters engaging. It could still be a sandbox, it just needs to be a sandbox in which fully realized characters live.

The reason I hear most devs give for the fact that sandbox games are like this is that it takes down the number of renders they have to do. And they're right. It does. But that means a weaker product for the consumer and a critic like me pointing out the flaws. I'm not saying don't make a sandbox, I'm just saying make it one I want to play in.


Again something you want to play sir. This is a market that needs something for everyone to play not just a small minority. The characters are engaging for some and not for others. That's fine. The question is why the game is successful and as much as the games you mentioned are good they should be making more than Faerin then and they don't. Why is that? Why isn't dreaming of Dana and View of the Family not making as much as MoTh. Why don't they have the die hard fans that MoTH does. These are things a dev needs to look at when they make a game. For me its an easy explanation. You have a dev that meets his deadlines. That gives his players a voice to influence the game, but ultimately its something that he molds (no omg tell me what to do!). Like you said it would be hard to rewrite it to mold it into something that might intrigue you. But again, there's still room to improve and that is what he does.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Again something you want to play sir. This is a market that needs something for everyone to play not just a small minority. The characters are engaging for some and not for others. That's fine. The question is why the game is successful and as much as the games you mentioned are good they should be making more than Faerin then and they don't. Why is that? Why isn't dreaming of Dana and View of the Family not making as much as MoTh. Why don't they have the die hard fans that MoTH does. These are things a dev needs to look at when they make a game. For me its an easy explanation. You have a dev that meets his deadlines. That gives his players a voice to influence the game, but ultimately its something that he molds (no omg tell me what to do!). Like you said it would be hard to rewrite it to mold it into something that might intrigue you. But again, there's still room to improve and that is what he does.
Logical fallacy you've already admitted that you don't like the fact that this game is a grind simulator. Can we move past your silly implication that I am somehow talking about this from a biased self serving position and on to what it should be, whether or not this game is as it currently exists, worthy of the hype. My argument is that because of its grind heavy character development light format, it currently isn't. Again, nothing against the developer, just the project itself. Where is your point to refute this? Or are we going to go in circles with me saying what the problem is, you acknowledging it, then moving the goal post to make it about faerin as a developer and not about the game, then me dragging it back to the game and its quality and you starting it all over again.

Tell me something about the younger sister other than she likes romance, hates horror, and needs help studying.

Tell me something about the sister other than that she's a sub who works at a bar and loves the gym.

Tell me something about the mom other than that she's desperate for cock and that she's into yoga.

Seriously. Anything at all. Tell me something about these characters other than these basic af surface traits.


Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
First time I saw my cousin I was like "Fuck she's hot!" But instead of getting a hard on I felt kinda bad ass that I have a hot cousin. It's like, if she's hot, omg what do her friends look like! And yep! they were hot too!
Comments like this make me know I'm going to LOVE your game when you get around to releasing it :)
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Comments like this make me know I'm going to LOVE your game when you get around to releasing it :)
You should see my cousins. If I wasn't related to them Id definitely date them. But the good thing about cute cousins is being friends with them and having them be your wing gals. I seriously love them for the amount of help they gave me when I first started dating.


Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
One of my cousins was two years younger than me and HOT. As nature deems it, naturally, her friends were hot. Access to the hotness helped me climb several rungs on the high school social ladder my junior year. Not to mention the pussy. Good times.


Yup. I mean this doesn't apply just to cousins, but every guy could use some girlfriends. I mean this might come as a shocker to some, but you can be friends with women and not have it be about getting into their pants. Some of my best friends are gals and the things they say could make any man plush. Also they give great tips.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Logical fallacy you've already admitted that you don't like the fact that this game is a grind simulator. Can we move past your silly implication that I am somehow talking about this from a biased self serving position and on to what it should be, whether or not this game is as it currently exists, worthy of the hype. My argument is that because of its grind heavy character development light format, it currently isn't. Again, nothing against the developer, just the project itself. Where is your point to refute this? Or are we going to go in circles with me saying what the problem is, you acknowledging it, then moving the goal post to make it about faerin as a developer and not about the game, then me dragging it back to the game and its quality and you starting it all over again.

Tell me something about the younger sister other than she likes romance, hates horror, and needs help studying.

Tell me something about the sister other than that she's a sub who works at a bar and loves the gym.

Tell me something about the mom other than that she's desperate for cock and that she's into yoga.

Seriously. Anything at all. Tell me something about these characters other than these basic af surface traits.
Firstly the name of the thread is "why is man of the house so popular?" not "is it worth being popular" or "whether or not this game is as it currently exists, worthy of the hype." as you put it, most people tried to answer that question from their own point of view, telling the OP why they enjoy the game and think others do.
Secondly alot of us have said we like the game, is it perfect no, does it have everything we want in a game no...now the important question is it complete NO, but we still enjoy what there is of it and hope with feedback it'll get even better. Almost all your replies should be posted in the MoTH discussion thread not here as again the OP wanted to know why people liked the game and it was so popular not what was wrong with it.

as for your questions from my take on those character P.S. some points might have spoilers in them.

little sister, school is important to her, she is very social and love spending time with friends, she love clothes shopping and hanging out at the mall, she's a little timid but also a little naughty, it takes her awhile to work up the courage to go after what she wants.

big sister, probably still dealing with jealously from MC getting more attention when young which is why she's mean to him, mom is very important to her and she cares what mom thinks, very adventurous, conflicted about being bi sexual, her future is important to her so she is somewhat responsible, has a wild streak.

The mom, strong and independent, very selfless, caring, responsible, a little naughty, has a soft side.

those are what i can remember so far.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Firstly the name of the thread is "why is man of the house so popular?" not "is it worth being popular" or "whether or not this game is as it currently exists, worthy of the hype."
These semantic distinctions have no bearing on the subject. The english language is quite maleable and all those mean the same thing. Why is it popular is a question that asks what reason it has for being so popular. That means it questions whether it is worthy of its popularity. Hype and popularity are interchangeable in this subject.

Secondly alot of us have said we like the game, is it perfect no, does it have everything we want in a game no...now the important question is it complete NO, but we still enjoy what there is of it and hope with feedback it'll get even better.
What you're missing here is the point of the question. You've said you like the game, but can't point to a reason why. What does this game have that you like. Liking a developer isn't a reason to like a game. I can tell you right now, I like Ptolemy, and I like Intimate relations a hell of a lot more than I like Dreaming of dana. I don't like Dreaming of Dana because it was Ptolemy, though he is why I played it, I am able to remove that like of the developer to address the problems with the game.

The fact that the game isn't complete isn't a valid response. We are aware that it is incomplete and can't understand why it gets the attention it does considering the state of the project thus far. I say again This is about the current project, not what could theoretically be done to fix it in the future.

little sister, school is important to her, she is very social and love spending time with friends, she love clothes shopping and hanging out at the mall, she's a little timid but also a little naughty, it takes her awhile to work up the courage to go after what she wants.
I intentionally didn't include the "loves clothes shopping" point because it's the most basic character trait ever. Point to a girl who doesn't enjoy clothes shopping. Hell I'm a guy and I enjoy shopping for new clothes if I have the money for it. I don't think the "she's a little timid but also a little naughty" point is valid. She's the rare female character that is the aggressor in the relationship and she's definitely the one with the power in her friendships. If anything she's not timid, but inexperienced, which I should have included as a point, as it is something I allowed for when talking about how she's the most plausible character.

big sister, probably still dealing with jealously from MC getting more attention when young which is why she's mean to him, mom is very important to her and she cares what mom thinks, very adventurous, conflicted about being bi sexual, her future is important to her so she is somewhat responsible, has a wild streak.
I admit, I gave up before making it passed the point where she's in the cab with you because I couldn't trigger the next scene for some reason. So if the jealousy is true I don't know where it comes from, except maybe the dinner's but I don't see that as jealousy because she is the one that did the work. I also don't see the future being important to her aspect, but to be clear, I don't see that as a character trait either. Point to a single person who doesn't care about their future.

The mom, strong and independent, very selfless, caring, responsible, a little naughty, has a soft side.
I'll give you strong and independent. The rest are just motherly traits in general combined with the fact that this is an incest game so of course she's a little naughty. In general, this just showed how shallow she is.

Now, my game isn't a life sim, so I don't have that handicap. However here's what you learn about Alexis and Alexander in the first release.

Alexander is a timid but happy boy, he was molested by his father, and as a result clings hard to his sister, who saved him from that fate. He likes his coffee and is possibly bisexual. He is a bit of a geek, who enjoys tabletop rpgs, space operas, etc. He likes music, and can listen to anything. If you know the music itself, there's a scene that reveals he's also a fan of musicals.

Alexis is a bit ostentatious, happy to tease, but also very serious and conflicted. She has the courage and presence of mind to kill, as she demonstrated when she shot her father three times in the back, saving Alexander from the horrible facefucking their father was forcing on him. She cares a lot for her twin brother, and would do anything for him. Alexis is very conflicted in her feelings for Alexander because of their father. She fears that the influence over him, combined with her feelings might make her just as much of a monster as him. Like her brother she's a tabletop gamer and has an appreciation for space operas. She is also a fan of coffee, loves music, and joins in with her brother when singing lines from the aforementioned musical.

That's just about 1 hour worth of content with these two characters. With it, you're engaged in their lives and stories, you want to know where things will go with them. When the sex comes it isn't going to be just because you think Alexis is hot, it'll be the culmination of all the feelings you have built up regarding Alexis. That is how you create a character. Almost none of this is learned through exposition. The characters reveal it through their actions. The scene involving their father is the opening. You learn about the space opera thing during a game they're playing as they drive across country. You learn about coffee from a conversation teasing their mother about how she orders her's half caff and full of sugar. You learn about how they are into tabletop rpg's as the two of them enthusiastically recall to their mother a hilarious boss confrontation they pulled off in one of their recent games. You learn about their love of music through their use of the radio and later Alexis' phone to play music of all sorts of genres and specifically singing a duet from Moulin Rouge. It's all organic, it's all development, and it's all things that any story, sandbox sim or not, could integrate.

We know that the little sister likes romance movies, so have an actual conversation about them instead of just glossing over it in a short scene. We know that she gets scared easily, have her actually talk about what it is that scared her. We know that she goes shopping every weekend, make these events something special, I always thought it was weird that I couldn't run into her at the mall every Saturday. In Good Girl gone bad they even make a point that she starts shopping at a shop because she really likes the stuff there, its a minor detail, but it fleshes ashley out and gives us a richer worldspace.

We know that the big sister is only now learning that she's a sub who loves to be dominated. There are so many ways to explore this that could be done to add development and sex at the same time. Take her on a date and make her suck your dick in a movie theatre, all of the sudden she's confronted with a dilemma of wanting to please her master and wanting to watch this movie, what is the movie, why does she want to watch it, does she watch it instead and take the punishment later? Character development doesn't have to be tedious, it can be really fun. And it doesn't have to detract from the game's progression model. Maybe make a scene where you and your sister go for a run, you're both athletic, it's a natural thing to do, then maybe try some exhibitionism in the park. Have them have a conversation about something trivial, or rather, something trivial to us the viewer, but that's important to her. You say she cares about her future, I haven't seen that, but the conversation could be about that, it could be a chance for you her master to do something nice for her.

We know almost nothing about mom, and that's kinda my point. Even you couldn't think of anything other than her personality. What food would she like to go out to? What is her idea of entertainment? Would she rather go to a concert or a movie? Would she rather see an opera or a broadway musical? Is there a way for the MC to take her out without suspicion? When you do, what happens? Is mom timid in public, or bold without the chance of being caught by her daughters? Does she have a sense of humor? Would she prefer a fancy dinner or is she more down to earth and just wants to eat something bad for her?

I'm not critical of his characters just to be an asshole. It's because character involvement makes the entire thing better. You want to immerse your players in your world. To make us feel, because when we feel we care more about the outcome. This applies to sex in a different way. When you're done fapping it'll be a more intense orgasm. It matters.


궁하면 통한다
Apr 30, 2017
all of these are bullshit ! the reason is obvious because I UPLOADED IT !
But really i mean this had a effect but the main reason is the Dev @Faerin He cares about his game ! updates the game faster than others gets feedback and thinks about them wisely +awesome gameplay ! these are what you cant find in most of the games !


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
These semantic distinctions have no bearing on the subject. The english language is quite maleable and all those mean the same thing. Why is it popular is a question that asks what reason it has for being so popular. That means it questions whether it is worthy of its popularity. Hype and popularity are interchangeable in this subject.
no not at all, if someone asks "why is soccer so popular?" people don't answer "well the goals could be wider and the ref's could call offside more often." You're also assuming to know what the OP was thinking when he created this post, those of us who don't, take it at face value and try answer the question asked.

What you're missing here is the point of the question. You've said you like the game, but can't point to a reason why. What does this game have that you like. Liking a developer isn't a reason to like a game. I can tell you right now, I like Ptolemy, and I like Intimate relations a hell of a lot more than I like Dreaming of dana. I don't like Dreaming of Dana because it was Ptolemy, though he is why I played it, I am able to remove that like of the developer to address the problems with the game.
Again you assume i like the dev, i don't know the dev so i can't say like or dislike him. I enjoy the game, I enjoy the gameplay, the character models and the story so far.

The fact that the game isn't complete isn't a valid response. We are aware that it is incomplete and can't understand why it gets the attention it does considering the state of the project thus far. I say again This is about the current project, not what could theoretically be done to fix it in the future.
and alot of people have tried to answer that, for some reason you are not happy with those answers and break them apart like you did with my last post and then give reasons why our answers are wrong, the problem with that is they aren't wrong they are our taste, our opinion of the game and what we found enjoyable.
you don't like the story thats ok play something else.
you don't like the grind thats ok play something else.
you don't like the models thats ok play something else.

If you feel so strongly that you can in some way help the game improve go to the official discussion thread and post it there.

Telling people who have nothing to do with the creation of the game, how the game can be improved doesn't help anyone and you clearly aren't open to our opinions so post in the official thread that way you can say you're actually trying to help.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
no not at all, if someone asks "why is soccer so popular?" people don't answer "well the goals could be wider and the ref's could call offside more often." You're also assuming to know what the OP was thinking when he created this post, those of us who don't, take it at face value and try answer the question asked.
When critiquing soccer, if the goals weren't wide enough, then it would be a completely valid point to bring up in a discussion from the side of the question, why is soccer so popular. From the side of the question at hand all critical commentary on MotH is fair game. I'm making no assumptions

I tried it some times ago and there was nothing special , and the game is in very early stage , so i don't understand why there is so much messages about this game in the forum , there is a lot of games that looks a lot more promising.

so why ?
This is exactly the discussion he wanted to have, he's not as verbose as me, but it's clear he too was wondering, based on the fact that the game isn't that great, how come it was so popular.

Again you assume i like the dev, i don't know the dev so i can't say like or dislike him. I enjoy the game, I enjoy the gameplay, the character models and the story so far.
I apologize, I thought you were Tommybuns again. He had made that distinction. You should really add a profile pic.

and alot of people have tried to answer that, for some reason you are not happy with those answers and break them apart like you did with my last post and then give reasons why our answers are wrong, the problem with that is they aren't wrong they are our taste, our opinion of the game and what we found enjoyable.
you don't like the story thats ok play something else.
you don't like the grind thats ok play something else.
you don't like the models thats ok play something else.
I did one better, I'm creating something else. It doesn't make my critiques invalid.

I don't not like the story, I don't see that there was a story beyond "Hi you think your family members are hot, you have a cute little sister who looks up to you, you have an older sister who hates you, and your mom is sweet. K now grind until they let you fuck them.

No one, unless they are a masochist, likes grind, the question of why this game is so popular hinges mostly on this, as some games do get away with a shallow story.

I don't really have a problem with the models. They aren't the highest quality, but I've played games with worse.

Telling people who have nothing to do with the creation of the game, how the game can be improved doesn't help anyone and you clearly aren't open to our opinions so post in the official thread that way you can say you're actually trying to help.
I'm in the developers hub with Faerin, if I ever wanted to talk to him I'd do it there. However because you and other people cried that I wasn't giving my critiques directly to him, I did go back and tag him in my first post that gave suggestions for improving the game. I don't need to join his cheerleading squad in the thread to talk to him.

Also, I have yet to hear an opinion about the content of the game. You make excuses for it, but I haven't heard anyone say "This character is great, I like her for this reason." Or "I really like how the story goes here, and lays out this." etc. Yes I'm just as critical of your excuses as I am of the game, because I've yet to hear one that actually speaks to the game itself. You all talk about the developer being involved and changing things and how he added the cheats to make the grind less bad, etc etc. No one has actually told me why the Little Sister, Big Sister, or Mother are good characters. No one has told me how the interactions with the family are plausible in any way. No one has given any reason why the game is good beyond "I like it and you don't so that's just your opinion man." But you've yet to share your actual thoughts, just "I like it".