Why is Patreon still more popular than Subscribestar?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
So you say, and then go and say:

Which is basically saying porn is bad for business, because all of this is porn as well. :whistle::coffee:
I'm going to ignore this part as it is clearly a bait / trolling reply....

From the fact that they want to look good to all those banks and payment systems they deal with, prudish banks and payment systems that hate porn that is. Yet, at the same time, they want money porn brings as well.
So they deliberately invent vague rules that allow them to basically do whatever the fuck they want.
This makes both steam and patreon unreliable because you never know when they will simply ban you without any explanation.
I imagine few porn game creators have time for this shit, so i think eventually everyone will move to sub star and similar, porn-focused platforms.
They did not "invent" anything, they simply added to the existing rules. You make it sounds as if changes to TOS and EULA are unheard of? As markets change rules are added or removed to better reflect those markets. Now while you are bashing patreon, you still have not acknowledged the existence of all the non porn creators or how loosing some banking support and other changes will affect them.....

You are also arguing "why patreon sucks" and not sticking to the topic "Why is Patreon still more popular than Subscribestar?"


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
and not sticking to the topic "Why is Patreon still more popular than Subscribestar?"
Oh that one is easy, star simply didn't earn enough trust yet.
Patreon exists longer and therefore accumulated plenty of trust, also offers more payout options.
Since this is getting boring, here is a comprehensive comparison if somebody is interested:
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
I actually find it to be so much better... no need to keep track on many subscriptions and their perks just pay what you need and get the game. Simple as tath.
It is better, but nobody cares about what is better for the consumer, except the consumer.
Most companies only care about one thing - finding the most efficient way to squeeze their consumers completely dry.
And to that end, DLC's and subscribtions work extremely well. :giggle::coffee:

Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Why isnt everyone using crypto is whats baffling to me. Its like it was specifically invented for the purpose of paying for shameful porn games. I understand the network effects though. Patreon has the patrons, so they get the devs. It has the devs so it gets the patrons.
There's a trillion different coins in crypto, it's not as unified as most people think. But if we're talking about the big ones, then I guess people could send tips in Bitcoin or Ethereum (tho the later has gas fees which can sometimes run into the triple digits). Also there's the whole issue with wallets and setting them up, which acts as a barrier of entry for people not familiar with the space (try explaining the difference between BEP-20 and ERC-20 to someone new, or how to wrap/unwrap various coins to chain-hop payments... all you get back are blank stares). Now contrast that to just whipping out your credit card and signing up for Patreon to support your favorite dev - there's a huge difference in accessibility.

Crypto's making progress into everyday life, but it'll probably take a couple more years before mass acceptance.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 8, 2017
Perhaps it would be better if we, instead of adopting this subscription method, just paid full price for a game. Like, one single transaction instead of multiple little ones through a longer period of time. Of course, that would limit those "subscription perks" and similar features, but it would make payment processing much, much easier for both creators and supporters. I think it's a very good idea.
Then people will just pirate the game for the most part. Not all players, of course, but...there is a reason that patron has taken off like it did.

Besides, a lot of games are free...so you pay only if you want to support the dev and have the money.

The only downside is see is that you invest your time in a game that sometimes do not get finished.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Huh? People are already pirating anyway. I'd easily pay if they were sold like that, much like how I pay for regular games. Your point makes no sense.
Not really, it's your points that don't make much sense.

I like being in control of my money (which isn't much), so I insanely prefer single payments. Helping one creator at a time and at once in a more significant way, as I please. Pretty much how you pay for games on steam already... though steam eroges are all disappointing so I don't buy them there anymore. That would give creators more space and time to plan their stuff and organize their finances. It would mitigate those patreon closures effects since the creators wouldn't have to rely on a per-month flux of cash, which makes them way too dependent on the platform.
Point one: "Making one payment", you can do that easily, all you need to do it subscribe and then cancel. The subscription goes through (one payment) and you don't need to track anything. Not only that but unlike "buying" a final product you can choose the amount you want to spend.

Point two: "Pretty much how you pay for games on steam already..." and in a later reply you say... "I'd easily pay if they were sold like that, much like how I pay for regular games" but then you say yourself "though steam eroges are all disappointing so I don't buy them there anymore" So what you are saying is the WHOLE system should change, it should be like steam even though you won't use steam.... makes sense....

Point three: "That would give creators more space and time to plan their stuff and organize their finances" Not sure what "space" they need.... and as for "organize their finances" as indie devs starting a first project what finances are you talking about? where do you think they get these finances from? A bank loan for "the corruption game where you drug women for sex"
or maybe money they lent from their family to make "the incest game with the dead abusive father?"

side note: What happens when a first time indie dev DOES release a final product only and they get bad reviews for the "crappy / shitty" renders, the lack of sounds, the "using stock models" etc and people don't bother looking at the dev's future projects because they have a reputation for "a shitty game made by a lazy dev?" Don't subscriptions help dev's improve their hardware during a product's creation and with the feed back from each update allow the dev to put out a much more polished end result?

So to sum up, subscriptions are bad even though they allow dev's to upgrade their hardware, improve the game through feedback, fix bugs as they pop up, give players a better picture of what kind of dev they are (bad dev, milking,small / pointless updates, wallpapers) or (good dev's improving their work, good updates, quick fixes) leading to a more accurate reputation.

BUT.... final product sales are better because....you don't have to subscribe? (you don't have to sub now :rolleyes: 1) you are on a pirate site, 2) as pointed out in another persons reply " a lot of games are free...so you pay only if you want to support the dev and have the money" ) and with final product sale you WILL have to pay....:unsure:
Jan 30, 2021
Not sure if you anyone has said this yet but... When Paypal stops allowing transactions that are "adult" in nature in September 2022, I figure that's the point when everyone who has an "adult-oriented" Patreon will ditch them for Subscribestar.

We already have and SS is actually pretty good. It IS different, but it's agreeable enough and they've had my bank details for a month now & my money's not been cleaned out.
Aside from taking less of a cut that Pats, the SS support team ACTUALLY reaches back when you ask them something.


Jul 12, 2018
When Paypal stops allowing transactions that are "adult" in nature in September 2022, ...
Whatever that is supposed to mean. I, for one, have no clue.

To answer that question: "Why is Patreon still more popular than Subscribestar?"

The big one for me is that SS.adult is only accepting credit card, with P I can use PayPal.
A minor one is that P is more user friendly (SS doesn't even have a "follow" option or it is well hidden).
Jan 30, 2021
Whatever that is supposed to mean. I, for one, have no clue.

To answer that question: "Why is Patreon still more popular than Subscribestar?"

The big one for me is that SS.adult is only accepting credit card, with P I can use PayPal.
A minor one is that P is more user friendly (SS doesn't even have a "follow" option or it is well hidden).
Totally agree. i so wish SS used Paypal. But I think it is actually Paypal that is forcing Patreon to shy away from adult stuff. It's a billion dollar industry yet their family façade is worth more than that. You'd think they'd care more about how much Ebay employs thieving scalpers than some green-grass shit.

It is now November 2022 as of my posting this... HAS Patreon deleted adult accounts yet??
Jan 30, 2021
I don't think Patreon has strict guidelines so much as they just don't want to get into legal trouble.
Isn't that the same reason most adult game devs are anonymous - especially if they make edgy content?

At the end of the day, I've never had a problem with Patreon and it's quite convenient. The only people I've seen develop problems are people doing things that could actively see them in prison or, at the least, in court for serious offenses.

Also, Paypal isn't really pressuring Patreon in any way. Paypal only cares about liability. As long as a third party is willing to assume risk they are happy to take and handle your money. Would you hold a smoking gun knowing someone had been killed with it and the authorities are closing in? Probably not. From that lens. I find it difficult to take anyone seriously when they say Patreon is a terrible place. Of course they have other concerns, adult games make up a very small percentage of their sales. In fact, adult games generate very little when compared to the highest profiting Patron users. Pitifully so, in fact.

There's no logical reason Patreon would put itself at risk over some basement dude's need to see loli's in a game.
Oh yes, certainly they intend to cover their bums legally. But I had heard that starting September 2022, they would no longer back ALL adult Patreon accounts. I am glad to hear only the awful stuff is getting targeted for termination. :cool:


Mar 22, 2020
Sorry for necroposting, but it is my impression that SS doesnt have a ”pay upfront”-functionality unlike patreon? Therefore it seems possible to bypass the paywall by subscribing and then unsubscribing before the first payment is withdrawn?

they try to mitigate this problem with a set ”trust period” where new subs cant access new content, but I feel this punishes new subscribers who just want access right away?


Game Developer
Apr 15, 2023
I'm using patreon right now, I have reached $500/month, so I'll tell you if I get nuked xD
The best for me that I can transfer money on my paypal account. I hope I won't be nuked...