So, good news and bad news.
Good news: It seems that Fanbox is kinda working..? Some are being updated, but others are definitely not.
Bad news: because of the distrust the devs have created with the users of Kemono, alongside the fact that there was a significant amount of downtime, it seems a large majority of users and importers on Fanbox have basically abandoned ship, meaning a lot of content could possibly be left to collect dust.
I can't really say all too much as I am purely going off of observation, but I have been regularly checking Kemono throughout the majority of 2024, and consistently throughout this month - only a good handful of artists have been updated, even popular one's haven't been updated. Simply put, you'll either be better off no longer trying to pirate on Kemono, or you'll simply have to subscribe to the patreon or whatever to see the content