Why so many asshole males in these games?


New Member
Jun 7, 2017
That's one way of looking at it, and I don't necessarily disagree.
On the other hand, it is also interesting to put a "normal" person in an abnormal situation.

In general, for instance in games like Fallout, I like to play as "myself", making choices that I could have made IRL as well. In Fallout IV, I found myself quite conflicted as to which faction I should join, because all have good and bad sides. This kind of dillemma really helps with immersion in my opinion.

With the MC in The Humbling Experience for instance, you have some choice which kind of person you want to be or become. Or Good Girl Gone Bad, and there are more examples of games with a female MC who has a more balanced personality.

But male characters, especially MC's, with some balance are hard to find...

Will try Wife Trainer though.
to further more, they are porn games, and just as porn, the main topic is sex, and that is why it use popular topics of porn:
like nymphomania, corruption, submmison ect

they are not meant to be base on human life interaction or normal aspect of a realtionship with a girl.


Thanks to Post-Modernism, Men don't know how to be Men anymore.
That's right. A few weeks ago, I was reading some PhD thesis about culture in the early middle ages, where the author explained the term "honour" in the context of Beowulf. The author noted that "Western culture is one of the very few cultures in world history where people no longer have a sense of honour". I tend to agree, especially in comparison to the late Germanic / early medieval culture that was being discussed.

But regarding what you are saying about Status, I'm not sure.
It seems that:
1) To be "successful", you need a career. For a succesful career, you need to be not a complete pushover, but not a complete rebel / asshole either. In general, a reasonably smart, hard-working person can succeed in life in the sense that he can provide quite well for his family where it matters (house, school, food, car etc.).
2) For some reason though, some women seem to be attracted to "bad boys" who will accomplish nothing in life, except petty crime, drinking and sex with random sluts. The fact that some so-called "bad boy" pop/rap/rock/sport stars do accomplish something is noteworthy but statistically irrelevant as most people who are trying to follow such "stars" are doomed to fail and end up living on welfare...

Back to topic, I'd rather see more males from category 1 in games and less of those from category 2... Although the type of person I described in the OP is not completely category 2 either...


they are porn games, and just as porn, they are not meant to be base on human life interaction or normal aspect of a realtionship with a girl.
Well, if you look at it like that, Fallout is just a shooting game.

But why is it a good game? Not because the shooting is well done (basically it's fantasy) nor because there is simply a lot of blood and violence. In my opinion, it's good because the story has compelling and also offers some choices to the player.

The advantage that I think a porn game has over a porn movie or porn pictures, is that there is a story which you can influence. The better that story, the better the game.


Sep 18, 2017
That's right. A few weeks ago, I was reading some PhD thesis about culture in the early middle ages, where the author explained the term "honour" in the context of Beowulf. The author noted that "Western culture is one of the very few cultures in world history where people no longer have a sense of honour". I tend to agree, especially in comparison to the late Germanic / early medieval culture that was being discussed.

But regarding what you are saying about Status, I'm not sure.
It seems that:
1) To be "successful", you need a career. For a succesful career, you need to be not a complete pushover, but not a complete rebel / asshole either. In general, a reasonably smart, hard-working person can succeed in life in the sense that he can provide quite well for his family where it matters (house, school, food, car etc.).
2) For some reason though, some women seem to be attracted to "bad boys" who will accomplish nothing in life, except petty crime, drinking and sex with random sluts. The fact that some so-called "bad boy" pop/rap/rock/sport stars do accomplish something is noteworthy but statistically irrelevant as most people who are trying to follow such "stars" are doomed to fail and end up living on welfare...

Back to topic, I'd rather see more males from category 1 in games and less of those from category 2... Although the type of person I described in the OP is not completely category 2 either...
"Honor" is very much present in the greco-roman civilisation too. It was a custom to commit suicide to "clean the honor of the family". Many defeated military commanders commited suicide , to "wipe the shame of defeat ". But more importantly, your nº1. "Success " is relative. Take a 19yo girl in inner city Detroit. A guy who works in a Pizza shop is "successful", at least from her chair. But it wouldn't cut it for Ivanka Trump, right ? Women marry equal or above, but very rarely down. "She's above your League". On your point Nº 2, well, people have the right to be stupid as doornobs, but i think it's just immaturity there. When they get a bit older ,and wiser, Women generally go for the "reliable " types. That's why so many Women cumplain " the Good ones are already taken". Smartest girls mature quicker, wise up quicker, and snatch the best catches faster. That leaves a bunch of 30yo Women, very successful, and very alone, living miserable lives. Because by that point, they want children, and the Men opt out, pick younger women, who won't present that issue for years. Feminism is making Women miserable, while Men get to screw pussy like never before, with no strings attached. Men win !


I meant to write "in MODERN western culture, the concept of honour is absent". I forgot the word modern, which is kinda important for the context.
But yeah, I agree with your post.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
Feminism is making Women miserable, while Men get to screw pussy like never before, with no strings attached. Men win !
It takes a brave man to go near a toxic personality type like a feminist just to get laid or desperate.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
(jumping into this with only the info i read in the OPs post)
As i girl, i love that games have these asshole alpha guys. I usually come to porn games for that forbiden, unusual, probably-not-going-to-happen-in-real-life kick. But i can kind of understand your worry.
One game, that i know that has a sweety type guy in it is GoodGirlGoneBad. His name is Eric and you get with him more if you take the good girl route.
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(jumping into this with only the info i read in the OPs post)
As i girl, i love that games have these asshole alpha guys. I usually come to porn games for that forbiden, unusual, probably-not-going-to-happen-in-real-life kick. But i can kind of understand your worry.
I can understand the fantasy part. But when does it get "too much"?
For instance BB's Max, all he does is blackmail, bribe and somehow "convince" the girls to do stuff with him. I really fail to see the attraction that he could have to women.
In GGGB, I understand the relationship between Jack and Jessica. I could also understand Ash's attraction to Jack, but on the other hand he'd be wrong for her.

One game, that i know that has a sweety type guy in it is GoodGirlGoneBad. His name is Eric and you get with him more if you take the good girl route.
What's your opinion on GGGB's Eric?
Quite a few people seem to think he's too soft / a wimp. I don't necessarily agree with that sentiment, but he's not a tough guy either.
Is such a guy in any way interesting, or not?

I guess the main point I'm trying to make in this thread is that the MC does not need to be a borderline criminal in order to get the girls.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
I can understand the fantasy part. But when does it get "too much"?
For instance BB's Max, all he does is blackmail, bribe and somehow "convince" the girls to do stuff with him. I really fail to see the attraction that he could have to women.
In GGGB, I understand the relationship between Jack and Jessica. I could also understand Ash's attraction to Jack, but on the other hand he'd be wrong for her.
I havent played BB myself (because i heard so many bad opinions on it) so i cant say much about that. But if we take the whole blackmail topic, then (for me atleast), i find the "this is dangerous, and could really hurt me irl, but i get to experience it through this game" aspect to be a really big turn-on. I cant explain why. It might have something to do with the whole sub mentality, not sure.

What's your opinion on GGGB's Eric?
Quite a few people seem to think he's too soft / a wimp. I don't necessarily agree with that sentiment, but he's not a tough guy either.
Is such a guy in any way interesting, or not?
Since, as i said, i dont come to games for realism or realistic situations, then i dont play his storyline much. But if i would have to look at the character as he is in the game right now, then (if id be into the Good Girl storyline) id find him to be a good guy. And i wouldnt call him a wimp either.
Btw, EvaKiss, the creator of GGGB recently redisgned Eric. I guess some people saw him as a wimp purely because of the appearance.
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I havent played BB myself (because i heard so many bad opinions on it) so i cant say much about that. But if we take the whole blackmail topic, then (for me atleast), i find the "this is dangerous, and could really hurt me irl, but i get to experience it through this game" aspect to be a really big turn-on.
Then, what do you think of


May 12, 2017
There is nothing wrong with evil characters. I think the main problem is that main male character have no other goals then to fuck every woman in the game. Also It's pretty simple to just blackmail someone. How about a game where all females are evil and main male character is righteous guy who want to live honest life?


New Member
Oct 18, 2017
Probably because shock/horror elements usually obscure the complete lack of personality of the characters in these games. Everything else is generic and stereotype. Would be interesting to know if there are games with a good story where you actually attach emotionally of a character.


The Dark Side loves Da Booty + Naughty OoOooo
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
in the game I made, I usually just kill off all the assholes :D hahaha
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Sep 29, 2017
There is nothing wrong with evil characters. I think the main problem is that main male character have no other goals then to fuck every woman in the game. Also It's pretty simple to just blackmail someone. How about a game where all females are evil and main male character is righteous guy who want to live honest life?
I know this post is months old, but have you heard of ? All the women in that game are complete doms to the passive MC who just wants to live a simple life.


Mar 10, 2018
They want a Dangerous Man who they can tame. That's "Beauty and the Beast".
I can assure you that you don't speak for all women when you say that.

On the topic of the OP, I think it's fairly simple. The reason people use drugs/blackmail/etc. instead of being nicer is the result of a few factors.

- Harems rarely happen, and even more rarely work out. While someone might have multiple sexual partners over the course of their life, they will very infrequently maintain more than one at a time. It's incredibly unlikely that a person could maintain two (let alone, say, five) distinct sexual relationships with other people. Thus, it's much easier to just have a reason that they can't leave the relationship.

- Makes things quicker. Real relationships (unless they're flings) take time to progress to sex, and nobody wants to trudge through a month of dating while they're trying to jack off. They want to get to the sex. All of the things mentioned speed up the process to getting to sex (that's also why they peep and spy all the time; for the audience).

- Incest is not very common.* Despite what the ever-growing number of incest porn games would have you believe, incest is not happening in every other house. Again, unless there's an excuse (like in A New Home), that relationship would probably require some crazy reasoning (like breaking both your arms and being unable to jack off). Or you'd have to live in Alabama.

Yo wait guys. If all of these new porn incest games just had a line "set in Alabama", wouldn't everything instantly make sense?

*As for why incest is so widely spread, that's another story entirely. First of all, it's a fairly common kink, and kinks sell. Also, it provides a very convenient excuse to put girls into the game; instead of coming up with some elaborate backstory, you can just say "is MC's sister".


Sep 18, 2017
I can assure you that you don't speak for all women when you say that.

On the topic of the OP, I think it's fairly simple. The reason people use drugs/blackmail/etc. instead of being nicer is the result of a few factors.

- Harems rarely happen, and even more rarely work out. While someone might have multiple sexual partners over the course of their life, they will very infrequently maintain more than one at a time. It's incredibly unlikely that a person could maintain two (let alone, say, five) distinct sexual relationships with other people. Thus, it's much easier to just have a reason that they can't leave the relationship.

- Makes things quicker. Real relationships (unless they're flings) take time to progress to sex, and nobody wants to trudge through a month of dating while they're trying to jack off. They want to get to the sex. All of the things mentioned speed up the process to getting to sex (that's also why they peep and spy all the time; for the audience).

- Incest is not very common.* Despite what the ever-growing number of incest porn games would have you believe, incest is not happening in every other house. Again, unless there's an excuse (like in A New Home), that relationship would probably require some crazy reasoning (like breaking both your arms and being unable to jack off). Or you'd have to live in Alabama.

Yo wait guys. If all of these new porn incest games just had a line "set in Alabama", wouldn't everything instantly make sense?

*As for why incest is so widely spread, that's another story entirely. First of all, it's a fairly common kink, and kinks sell. Also, it provides a very convenient excuse to put girls into the game; instead of coming up with some elaborate backstory, you can just say "is MC's sister".
I can assure you that , although there are exceptions to every rule, people are still individuals across a spectrum, the bulk falls within the middle . I'm quoting the stats coming from academia sources, not pulling it out from my ass. Lets take Scandinavia, where the effort to remove outside constraints between sexes went further. They find out that when they did that, , job preferences became even more extreme. Women chose Healthcare and Education, Men went Hard Sciences. The only way they found to mitigate that, was by massive propaganda campaigns, ironically reproducing the outside constraints they set out to erradicate in the first place. Now, did every single Woman chose to be a Doctor or a Nurse, or a Teacher ? No. But the bulk of them did. Same thing here. The vast majority of Women chose equal or above Men in the Social-Economic Ladder, but you can't find this info in "Women Studies ", you have to go through peer reviewed stats coming out of Statistics, something post-modernists can't be bothered with, because facts are sexist.

Deleted member 563623

Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
To be perfectly honest, because i think a lot of the males who play and make these games are simply assholes themselves who want to hold power over women. I imagine there is significant overlap between the ugly part of part of the incel crowd, even those who cheer on the likes of Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian, and people who play porn games.

There's a lot of people like that in this. Hopefully it's not most. Hopefully it's a declining number.
I'm quoting the stats coming from academia sources,
i would like to see them, please.