Why so many asshole males in these games?


Mar 10, 2018
I can assure you that , although there are exceptions to every rule, people are still individuals across a spectrum, the bulk falls within the middle . I'm quoting the stats coming from academia sources, not pulling it out from my ass. Lets take Scandinavia, where the effort to remove outside constraints between sexes went further. They find out that when they did that, , job preferences became even more extreme. Women chose Healthcare and Education, Men went Hard Sciences. The only way they found to mitigate that, was by massive propaganda campaigns, ironically reproducing the outside constraints they set out to erradicate in the first place. Now, did every single Woman chose to be a Doctor or a Nurse, or a Teacher ? No. But the bulk of them did. Same thing here. The vast majority of Women chose equal or above Men in the Social-Economic Ladder, but you can't find this info in "Women Studies ", you have to go through peer reviewed stats coming out of Statistics, something post-modernists can't be bothered with, because facts are sexist.
I have a number of questions, the most pressing of which is how any of that is related to the statement "They want a Dangerous man who they can tame"? But I doubt this is the right thread for this discussion, so let's leave it here or continue it in PMs.


Sep 18, 2017
I have a number of question, the most pressing of which is how any of this related to the statement "They want a Dangerous man who they can tame"? But I doubt this is the right thread for this discussion, so let's leave it here or continue it in PMs.
The place is kinda deserted anyway. No problemo. But i thought i expanded enough on that on my comment. Someone who can stand up for himself, not a wimp. I was trying to keep it short, maybe my English isn't good enough, but i thought i made that point clear enough. "NOT A WIMP ".


Mar 10, 2018
The place is kinda deserted anyway. No problemo. But i thought i expanded enough on that on my comment. Someone who can stand up for himself, not a wimp. I was trying to keep it short, maybe my English isn't good enough, but i thought i made that point clear enough. "NOT A WIMP ".
No, see, your first post was talking about "being a man" and evolutionary stuff, not being a wimp, and status. I said that while some women might feel that way, not all do. In your response to that, you talked about women and men choosing different careers? Or something? I'm just not seeing the logical connection from A to B.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I think you can have a male protagonist who is a "flawed nice/kind guy". He genuinely cares about the women in his life and the women he's attracted to, and he generally just tries to win them over through being attentive, generous, supportive, affectionate and loving. However, he is still frequently led astray by his "secondary brain", and engages in acts which tend to fortuitously also lead to the women being led astray by their own "secondary brain"(i.e., induces arousal or lust or decreases inhibition). There may be a magical element or "magical realism" element which explicates some of the irrational, lustful behavior in-game, just enough to make even a "happy harem ending" remotely plausible. The MC isn't constantly peeping, groping, blackmailing, corrupting or mind-controlling the female characters in the game, but occasionally, "shit happens". So, he's Sir Galahad, only with shit on his boots.
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Dr PinkCake

I think it is because it is so much easier to write erotic content for a bad guy than what it is for a nice guy. By being an asshole you get more opportunities for sex in games as they are justified by the character's traits. But if a "nice" MC wants to have sex with all the women there is, there's a fine balance a developer must find when writing dialogue/events to not have the MC cross over to the asshole territory.
Personally I prefer games where the MC and NPCs are likeable. I simply can't immerse myself in a game that forces me to do bad things to women; that doesn't turn me on for one bit. But I understand that it is a fetish for other players and I have nothing against that. Whatever floats your boat.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Well, I am a well-behaved person in real life, so I look to games as a way of doing things I would never be doing in real life. Why is it fun to kill people in GTA or torture a family in The Sims? Because it is something you can't do in real life and it is just entertaining to experience a glimpse of a different reality.

Of course we could easily have games, in which you have to go onto tinder, get rejected 172 times before finding a girl willing to meet you, then get turned down, go back to tinder and try another 102 attempts to find a new girl, who turns out to not be the Arianna Grande twin that her profile picture suggested, but something closer to Hillary Clinton and run away from her as fast as possible, cycle through another 45.7 girls on tinder, until you find another who is interested in you and willing to hook up with you, and you end up marrying her, find out she has been cheating on you with your brother who has a bigger dick than you, and that she was only dating you for your money, lose half your shit in the divorce and then resort to spend the rest of game drinking beer and pitying yourself. (Read this sentence in a single breath, I dare ya!)


You could have a game where you are surrounded by smoking hot girls and you end up fucking all of them into a sweaty pile of flesh, using your dick - which is the size of your average anaconda - because you you dont care about their feelings and blackmailed them with their naked photos or held a gun to their head, or whatever reason.

One of these games sounds pretty damn boring. The other sounds like a fun trip away from my usual reality. Guess which one I will pick?

Basically, I almost always look for games, which allows me to be an asshole to women, because it is something i would never do in real life and I find it fun to just use women as slaves and not giving a shit about their precious feelings.

If you still don't understand my point, try the following: Upload a 10 minute video to Youtube of you sitting in your kitchen, eating breakfast, like a normal person. Next upload a video where you walk up to Miley Cyrus or Emma Watson (any celebrity, male or female) and punch them in the face. Now compare which video gets the most views.

People are usually looking for an escape from their daily life in games, and that is a big reason as to why so many of these adult games have assholes in them.
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Sep 18, 2017
No, see, your first post was talking about "being a man" and evolutionary stuff, not being a wimp, and status. I said that while some women might feel that way, not all do. In your response to that, you talked about women and men choosing different careers? Or something? I'm just not seeing the logical connection from A to B.
You're cherrypicking. I said the vast majority, you replied "not all", i hate "not all " conversations, and gave another example of how Statistics actually works. For every rule, there are exceptions, sure, but the rule is still there. If you come across a poll that says "75% disapprove of the Trump Administration", you can't spin it as "some might, not all do. " It's like the stat that says that Women on average are two degrees standard deviation more Neurotic than Men on average. It doesn't say "all Women are Neurotic". It doesn't even even say " All Women are more Neurotic than all the Men ". Now, if we start poking around the "why is that ", then we get into the evolutionary stuff. Men are expendable. Women aren't, so that's why Evolution made Men more prone to take risks, while Women are more risk averse. There's also a standard deviation degree in Orderliness, in favor of Women, perhaps because Women felt the need to keep a clean and safe environment for the Children , who might otherwise get sick and die. Women are also more Agreeable on average than Men ( that's where the Toxic Masculinity bs comes from ) because Women's nervous system had to deal with taking care of small infants. Twenty years of pseudo science by "Gender Studies ", are not enough to erase 600 million years of Evolution.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Hmm. My offhand impression is that the people who enjoy these games come from all ends of the political and ideological spectrum and have diverse tastes and life experiences. I'm certainly open to hearing various sociological "theories" or what have you, but generally I think it's better to focus on what people might be able to find agreement upon. It is true that gender roles have changed substantially over the past century or so. There is lively debate over what the terms "masculine" and "feminine" mean nowadays, in both a positive sense and negative sense. So if an "asshole MC" in a male-protagonist game is an example of "negative masculinity", then it raises the question, how would one portray a "good guy MC" who is an exemplar of "positive masculinity", and create a game that is enjoyable and engaging for most players?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Oh dear! Just about one of the dumbest questions ever asked. Isn't it obvious? We come here and some other sites for adult entertainment and content because most of the Mainstream Gaming Industry cant or wont provide such. I wont waste a single bean for instance on PC games that cant be heavily modded to provide adult content.


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
Hmm. My offhand impression is that the people who enjoy these games come from all ends of the political and ideological spectrum and have diverse tastes and life experiences. I'm certainly open to hearing various sociological "theories" or what have you, but generally I think it's better to focus on what people might be able to find agreement upon. It is true that gender roles have changed substantially over the past century or so. There is lively debate over what the terms "masculine" and "feminine" mean nowadays, in both a positive sense and negative sense. So if an "asshole MC" in a male-protagonist game is an example of "negative masculinity", then it raises the question, how would one portray a "good guy MC" who is an exemplar of "positive masculinity", and create a game that is enjoyable and engaging for most players?
Maybe someone like James Bond who uses charisma and wit intead of rape and blackmail, does more with his life than perv over family members and generally treat women well while he is with them, even though he tends to move on to the next very quickly (but that'd expected in a porn game).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Maybe someone like James Bond who uses charisma and wit intead of rape and blackmail, does more with his life than perv over family members and generally treat women well while he is with them, even though he tends to move on to the next very quickly (but that'd expected in a porn game).
I started writing a trashy detective novel back in the day. The main character was a highly educated and refined kickboxing private eye, whose nickname was "The Wolf". One of the conceits was that he was a notorious womanizer, but distinguishable from a "dog" in that "a wolf is honest about his nature". Women who dated him knew what they were getting into. A thrill ride, even a luxury ride, but "lease only".


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
I don't really see it as different than GTA or Breaking Bad. A fucked up protagonist is more interesting than an unremarkable one. All the nice guy games have identical protagonists. You need SOME edge.

I don't really get the attitude that some content types should not be in games. If George RR Martin can put something in a book, you should be able to have it in a game. Just hit the back button instead of bitching that something exists. As soon as I see the scat tag, that's what I do. If there's something you don't like, do that. Leave the people who enjoy that in peace.


Mar 10, 2018
Sorry if it seemed like I was cherrypicking, I was honestly confused. As to your point here, I'd like to see any statistics you have other than a gut feeling that make you think the majority of women a certain type of man.

I don't really see it as different than GTA or Breaking Bad. A fucked up protagonist is more interesting than an unremarkable one. All the nice guy games have identical protagonists. You need SOME edge.
Well, to be fair, all the not-nice guy games also have identical protagonists (some dude that will stop at nothing short of murder to fuck his mom, probably). I think it's mostly about expediency and wish fulfilment, both of which require some abnormal means.


Feb 19, 2018
Probably because in real life we can't be assholes all of the time? and just from the story angle assholes are more interesting because I feel they have more layers to their personality while good guys are just one dimensinoal in all games.
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Jun 8, 2017
Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

When you were eight and you had bad traits
You go to school and learn the golden rule
So why are you acting like a bloody fool?
If you get hot, you must get :cool:


Edited, to be ontopic:
I dislike how this world :RarePepe: managed to put everything in just two categories: good or bad, atheist or believer, black or white, this or that etc.
From my point of view there are no such things.
There is just the ignorance and different degrees of it, zillion shades of ignorance.
And yes, I'm a ignorant too :FuckYea: but at least I try everyday to become, less ignorant.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I think, it's because games let people do, what do would never do in real life. They play with the thrill of breaking taboos. Many fetishes work better with a villain protagonist than with a hero or average person. These games play with the darkest fantasies of the players. Especially with porn games I also think that is one thing porn games do better than other genres of porn.

While I think heroic characters could also work in some settings, I think average people would be just boring in porn games. So in other words, being the evil overlord who abductes the princess is fine, as is being the noble knight who saves her. Being the average guy who fucks his wife after coming home from work is boring, though.


Oct 3, 2017
Cause playing a "average joe" is boring and would most likely have you experience far less in the games than you do with what some of you call assholes. There are lesser evils in these games, like Corruption isnt always about being an asshole. In some of the games it's done with a progression where the corruption isnt done through magic or potions or shit and it's more about being that atleast half decent. But the fantasy imo. wouldnt work with a nice guy, cause you wouldnt get there. Aint no nice normal dude gonna try to fuck his mom or sister or daughter. That's just not gonna heppen. Or blackmail anyone for sex. I dont see most of these really taboo fantasies working with a normal nice guy. And i dont think a single person love story romantic shiz would be interesting. Not for me atleast.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
It seems to me that in the vast majority of porn games, male characters, either as PC or as major characters, are absolute assholes.

- Rape
- Abuse
- Blackmail
- Cheat

At best, they are just opportunists (Dreaming of Dana), at worst, they are borderline criminals (Big Brother).

Why are there not more games with nice / normal male characters?

In quite a lot of games, I kinda feel sorry for the girls that the MC is fucking...
I think a lot of people like to explore their "dark side" in games. Doesn't mean they would really do a lot of that stuff IRL even if they had the chance to. The more mainstream stuff they're more likely to already be doing in real life so you don't need a fantasy for that. For instance, I do like incest porn/games but would have no interest in doing that IRL. Same goes for a lot of the corruption/rough stuff. It's fun in a game but that's not me IRL.

My mind comes up with all sorts of stuff it would like to do to people that rub me the wrong way IRL as well that I would never do. But in a game I can do that stuff without any consequences to me or anyone else.


I think a lot of people like to explore their "dark side" in games. Doesn't mean they would really do a lot of that stuff IRL even if they had the chance to. The more mainstream stuff they're more likely to already be doing in real life so you don't need a fantasy for that. For instance, I do like incest porn/games but would have no interest in doing that IRL. Same goes for a lot of the corruption/rough stuff. It's fun in a game but that's not me IRL.

My mind comes up with all sorts of stuff it would like to do to people that rub me the wrong way IRL as well that I would never do. But in a game I can do that stuff without any consequences to me or anyone else.
I get that, really. But you don't have to be a dick when you do these things. Big Brother for example, could work fine with a nicer MC (basically you end up with Man of the House, Milfy City and a number of other games) but the dev made him an asshole for no reason whatsoever.

Other games, such as Lab Rats and The Takeover revolve around questionable or downright immoral science projects. There it makes sense to be an asshole. To be honest, one of the most memorable scenes in all these games is in The Takeover
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That's priceless!

But again, in several games the MC is just being a douchebag for no apparent reason. This I dislike.

@polywog : black seems to be in the majority for most of the screen though ;)