You don't need any art to pull it off, but if you don't have the funds, and you want to make more than a text-game, a specific niche because not all of us appreciate text-only, then you've got to use some sort of medium which comes with a set of flaws.As a consumer I hate Ai art because it's purely a tool for the unskilled and lazy to flood the market with low quality trash.
A good Erotica writer doesn't need Ai art to pull the weight of their writing.
A good Game Dev doesn't need Ai art to make fun gameplay.
If the people pushing for/using Ai art were actually any good at what they did they wouldn't need Ai art to begin with.
It's not about laziness, it's about not being to either draw to the audience's desire, or pay for a worthwhile artist. It's not easy making a game, full stop. Why do you think so many games on f95 have been abandoned?