Why was it such an unpopular opinion to want a porn game to be easy?


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
I actually tolerated JRPG kind of grind to a degree since i also grew up with that kind of games..

What finally broke my camel's back yesterday was there's this VN game that tells you that to progress to the next phase with a character, you have to accumulate "15 heart points" by saying good morning to her. So how many point do i get each time i said good morning? 1 point!! ...i have to repeat the same text box over & over again for 15 times, and 15 days! which is also missable if i miss the morning to do something else.. so it's 15++ days... If there are gamers who can still tolerate doing a repetitive replica task like that dozen of times i wouldn't deprive this pleasure from them, all i asked is that there should be an 'easy'option for people who just want to say "good morning" once or twice


Jul 26, 2017
It's not unpopular nor is it i popular. It's a neutral opinion, there's people who are for and people who are against.

And while you may ask for it, it's not the developers job to respond. Most porn game projects are utterly masturbatory in nature (Hah!). They're not catering to one customer or two; they are just making the game that they want to and are sharing it with others. If people like it? Fine, awesome. Enjoy yall. If they don't though? Well, they'll still make it the way they want to and if people complain enough then they'll just stop sharing it. And most of these developers don't want people to skip through how they feel their game should be played, hence why no "EZMode button." If you don't like it, that's tough. Just go play another game; but they're going to keep trucking and doing what they want to do. And that is their god given right.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
It's not unpopular nor is it i popular. It's a neutral opinion, there's people who are for and people who are against.

And while you may ask for it, it's not the developers job to respond. Most porn game projects are utterly masturbatory in nature (Hah!). They're not catering to one customer or two; they are just making the game that they want to and are sharing it with others. If people like it? Fine, awesome. Enjoy yall. If they don't though? Well, they'll still make it the way they want to and if people complain enough then they'll just stop sharing it. And most of these developers don't want people to skip through how they feel their game should be played, hence why no "EZMode button." If you don't like it, that's tough. Just go play another game; but they're going to keep trucking and doing what they want to do. And that is their god given right.
I'm actually kind of surprised more devs don't build in some sort of difficulty options. Some people really do get more enjoyment out of just casually cruising through a game and not having to put much effort into it. Other people really do want to feel like they "earned it". Maybe there's even people out there who truely enjoy the "Russian Grind" in some of the games I've seen that take grinding to what I consider ridiculous extremes.

It's really not that hard to give both types of people what they want. You like puzzles and minigames and put a bunch of them in your game? That's fine, some people will probably like them. Others definitely won't. So add a skip option and both types of people are happy. Devs have no obligation to do that but if they want the largest potential audience for their game it makes sense to grab the low hanging fruit and give the fans what they want if it's easy to do.

Same thing goes for games with a scoring system of some sort that requires a perfect, or nearly perfect score to get the scenes you want to see. Some people will happily play the game an endless number of times, taking notes on what the result was for every arbitrary choice they made so they can replay it with the optimal choice and get the good ending. Other people will give up unless there is a more forgiving mode that allows them to just play the game how they want without being guaranteed to get the "bad ending". Others are willing to sit there with a walkthrough open picking whatever the walkthrough says to do so they can see the good scenes. Adding an easy mode that pads your score would be trivial. So would adding a hard mode that requires an even more optimal playthrough.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
I'm actually kind of surprised more devs don't build in some sort of difficulty options. Some people really do get more enjoyment out of just casually cruising through a game and not having to put much effort into it. Other people really do want to feel like they "earned it". Maybe there's even people out there who truely enjoy the "Russian Grind" in some of the games I've seen that take grinding to what I consider ridiculous extremes.

It's really not that hard to give both types of people what they want.
Without going into details why: it actually is. It requires each and every possible variable and state/flag to be available for a double check. With the modern approach of iteration in the development it very quickly either becomes a major headache due to causing all kinds of bugs and/or problems down the development cycle or the game itself becomes so simple by design that there is not even a need for a EZButton to begin with.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Without going into details why: it actually is. It requires each and every possible variable and state/flag to be available for a double check. With the modern approach of iteration in the development it very quickly either becomes a major headache due to causing all kinds of bugs and/or problems down the development cycle or the game itself becomes so simple by design that there is not even a need for a EZButton to begin with.
I agree that it would potentially be a lot harder to bolt on a difficulty system after the fact but as long as you included it in the original design it shouldn't be that hard. For something with minigames, just add an option to skip them. For a score based system just add a bonus based on difficulty when doing some sort of a variable check. For games involving a lot of grinding maybe do something like setting the number of times you have to repeat things equal to the difficulty so easy level = 1 or 2, normal = maybe 5 or something , hard level = 20 or whatever.

Take a game that tracks relationship for instance. On the easy level maybe MC gets a 20 point bonus to the initial relationship of everyone he meets. No further tweaks needed for the rest of the game. On the normal level maybe he gets a 10 point bonus. On the hard level he gets no bonus. It's just set once whenever he initially meets someone new and the rest of the code for that character is identical at all difficulty levels.

You want a way to make it simple like that. Some sort of bonus based on difficulty setting that can be set up so it's just applied once or maybe it's a multiplier or something. You could come up with a much more convoluted and difficult way of doing it but it doesn't have to be that hard. The dev himself is the one who determines how hard it would be.

Maybe on the normal level MC can pick one action to do in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at night before he goes to bed. On the easy level he gets an extra thing he can do in the evening between the afternoon and night actions. Just 1 simple counter to change and it makes the game easier regardless how complex the rest of the game is. On the normal level that extra action is just automatically skipped. That sort of thing.

Maybe quest rewards = normal reward * (difficulty multiplier) so the multiplier is 1 at normal, maybe 0.8 at hard, maybe 1.2 at easy or something. Maybe you just start with more money or something on the easy level.
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Well-Known Member
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May 3, 2017
I agree that it would potentially be a lot harder to bolt on a difficulty system after the fact but as long as you included it in the original design it shouldn't be that hard.
Already at that point of your text i basically stopped reading first time ;) Almost no game currently is designed the old-fashioned way anymore (and i am old and work the old-fashioned way).

Almost every single game that you touch around here is much more an iteration of a very basic start design that evolves slowly into something more complex with time (insert time to market and all those fancy buzzwords here). Which is the main reason why most of them cant implement any 'easy, normal, hard' mode to begin with.

Worst are novels that finance themselves via Patreon and deliver chapter wise as they tend to either cut out game play features to keep up with the content asked for or simply dont have a need for it to begin with.

But my main argument still stands from before: Most devs have no interest at all to make a complex design even more complex by adding several layers of difficulty. This is very much connected to the fact that the more complex games that use a RPG style mechanic are either given away for free and there is no real win-win for the dev here (more complexity = more code commitment and more possible bugs) or they are already streched thin to begin with and will try to eliminate any non-essentials from their code.
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Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
but i really don't see the reason why some games have to make it sooo grindy.
Grindy doesn't equal to hard or even easy. Grind have always been bad game design.
It's a porn game, i'm not here to "git gud",
And you lost me there. If all you want is to nut, you can cut the middle man, in this case the gameplay, and just watch videos. I'm not saying porn games have to be Dark Souls, but if you really dislike that a game has gameplay, then maybe playing is not for you.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
After reading all the comments here i realized that i may have written a misleading title... What i actually have problem with isn't difficulty but grindiness

Getting told that i got a game over or bad ending is not as infuriating as trying to rationalize to myself why i have to do this one-single-repetitive-task again and again for an x-th time
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Forum Fanatic
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Sep 27, 2018
Why was it such an unpopular opinion to want a porn game to be easy?

I understand the need to have interactive experiences & engagement to connect and give context between each CG / scene unlocks (so they don't ended up becoming just a gallery viewer), but i really don't see the reason why some games have to make it sooo grindy.

It's a porn game, i'm not here to "git gud", i'm here to git nut.

The main reason why games are "grindy" is that people, especially nowdays, tend to use terminology where it does not fit for some reason. Most games considered "grindy" are in fact not grindy.

Now, when a porn game is actually grindy it is usually to increase the playtime's length: Imagine a sex scene lasting 5 minutes or a little more and then 10 minutes of story to get to that point, that would be 15 minutes of gameplay (and much less if the player skips it), and perhaps the developer took way more time to make it.
The grind element allows to make the sex scene feel more of a reward and therefore more enjoyable while having some gameplay elements in the porn.
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ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
Why was it such an unpopular opinion to want a porn game to be easy?

I understand the need to have interactive experiences & engagement to connect and give context between each CG / scene unlocks (so they don't ended up becoming just a gallery viewer), but i really don't see the reason why some games have to make it sooo grindy.

It's a porn game, i'm not here to "git gud", i'm here to git nut.

i think you are confusing "being easy" with "having no gameplay". most people dont want hard porn games, but they also dont want kinetic novels.

they want SOME gameplay, or else it wouldnt be worth it being a game in the first place.

to me, grind in games(porn or not) isnt bad, bad grind is bad. too many games want the player to talk with an npc for 100 times before you can even touch hands... the thing is, they just dont know how to implement rewarding quests.

if you want something that is barelly a game due to how low effort it is to play, its okay, diferent people enjoy diferent things in diferent ways. i just belive a little roadblock does add to the satisfaction of the scene you gate after it... so long i dont have to expend 2 life times to achieve it...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Getting told that i got a game over or bad ending is not as infuriating as trying to rationalize to myself why i have to do this one-single-repetitive-task again and again for an x-th time
This is actually a very valid point and you should address the dev directly with appropriate examples when you come across those.
We Devs are as human as the players and sometimes get carried away with how smart we think our mechanics are. If a mechanic is overused without an appropriate explanation or meaningful gameplay effect its always a wise and helpful thing to send some constructive feedback to the Dev.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
Huh, I have a impression that everytime some dev incorporates some kind of minigame or something which is harder that grind there are many protests in the game thread and backlash usually force them to include skip option. Even if challenges are ridiculously easy.

zombie goast

Jun 13, 2020
There's probably some profound real life lesson to be learned here about the role edging plays in a good orgasm. Something something marshmallows.


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Jul 15, 2018
Okay, compare...

Collect 10 slime skins to make the lotion that let's you jerk off onto your Mom's back.
Massage your Mom's butt 10 times to convince her to let you jerk off onto your Mom's back.

They are both grinding but there is a difference of kind in that first one, but the second one is pretty monotonous. As much as any person might enjoy massaging their Mom's butt I suspect that doing it 10 times over will utterly exhaust the novelty of such a thing.

What is more you can get a better sword and gear to make harvesting slime skins faster and more efficient. And this in turn has synergy with the quest to gather 10 centaur dicks to get pegged by your little sister in the next chapter.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
Collect 10 slime skins to make the lotion that let's you jerk off onto your Mom's back.
Massage your Mom's butt 10 times to convince her to let you jerk off onto your Mom's back.
Yes! and collecting "10 monster parts" in most games are designed to be achievable in one or two trip outside the town for example (depending on the rarity of the spawn) so depending on how diligent we're at hunting it, we can meet the required quota right away

While repetitive interaction like massaging butts usually got limited to once per day so there's no shortcut for unlocking it before a minimum of 10 in-game days

One of this mechanic is designed to feel rewarding, a well-earned hard work, while the other feels like a dominatrix punishing, edging, and denying player of pleasure until she allowed him to


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
One of this mechanic is designed to feel rewarding, a well-earned hard work, while the other feels like a dominatrix punishing, edging, and denying player of pleasure until she allowed him to
One cannot compare those 2 with each other.

Collecting items is the most simple mechanic where the massage is meant to lower inhibition of the recipient. By definition 'lowering inhibition' becomes tedious as the idea is to confront the recipient with mostly unchanging levels of input of the same type. Typically used in fear confrontation too ;) Or in its most known form done by almost every teenager and young adult by getting access to alcohol, drinking similar amounts until they feel that doesn't do it for them anymore and either use larger amounts or higher percentage booze.

So yes - dev wise making it repetitive is correct and feeling cockblocked an unfortunate side effect.


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
dev wise making it repetitive is correct and feeling cockblocked an unfortunate side effect
I slightly disagree. Repetition can work if you already have other things to do while completing the repeating task or if the task itself is not tedious. The question is, how do you collect these items? Say you have to kill monsters, it is enjoyable? Do they drop the item all the time or only half the time? As for the other example he gave of the massage, I think it isn't as bad if you have other things to do between massaging each day.
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Well-Known Member
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May 3, 2017
I slightly disagree. Repetition can work if you already have other things to do while completing the repeating task or if the task itself is not tedious. The question is, how do you collect these items? Say you have to kill monsters, it is enjoyable? Do they drop the item all the time or only half the time? As for the other example he gave of the massage, I think it isn't as bad if you have other things to do between massaging each day.
I was solely pointing out that both mechanics are so different that they cant be directly compared. Oranges and apples ;)

I do feel his frustration about something repetitive not being fun too. But the wording was 'one was designed to be rewarding...' and that isnt really true. The collection mechanic is so simple that it doesnt require crazy dev skills to make one. Get x amount of z is one of the oldest, easiest and most used mechanics in all kinds of games. And beginning and end are clearly defined.

The massage on the other hand isnt as lowering inhibition is not meant to happen by touching someone twice and be done with it. And making that more creative and interesting requires more skills from a dev. I have seen both sides too: devs making a simplified mechanic around that and immediately getting word raped for not being 'realistic' enough.


[Industry News] Weird behavior (c)
Game Developer
Dec 16, 2019

It's all about the money boys. Grind wall just the way to squeeze money from you for cheat, walkthrough, other crap and also the way camouflage the actual lack of content.

It's so easy to understand. It's just hard to believe people still didn't realizing this.

upd. People who facepalming just make a research how much money making games without grind. Close to the zero...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Most "Adult Games" have the most Boring Settings imaginable with the same Boring Relationship and Sex Scene Progression.
They are not even a "Dating Sim" as that would imply having some actual Romance that could be enjoyed reading.
There can be much more interesting Scenarios and Characters with a variety of Gameplay with actual Mechanics and with lots of fetishes and content right from the start.

For fuck's sake just look at Hentai Manga that can also have Plots and Scenarios and they don't need to suck dick for 20 pages before you are given a fuck.
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